Raph opens up

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The guys were in the dojo training. They got in their stances.


They fought each other without hesitation. Sooner or later, Raph knocked his brothers down.

"Well done, Raphael." Splinter said, "You all take a break before patrol."

He walked away and the others stood up.

"Something on your mind, Raph?" Donnie asked, "You're more aggressive than usual."

"No." He replied.

"Come on dude tell us." Mikey said, "You've been acting up lately."

"No I haven't!" Raph yelled back.

"Yes you have!" Leo yelled, "Ever since we found out what happened to (y/n), you haven't spoen to her OR even LOOK at her! And Because of that she thinks you hate her!"

Raph froze, "She thinks I hate her?"

"Yeah dude. This morning you didn't even say hi to her. You just looked at the ground and walked away. Her smile faded because of you." Mikey explained.

"I don't hate her." Raph replied, "I'm just mad at myself for not protecting her."

"Well you need to make that clear to her." Donnie said.

"I will when we go on patrol." Raph said.

"She's not going." Leo replied crossing his arms.

"What? Why?"

"Well while you disappeared into the dark, Sensei said she couldn't fight, train, or go on patrol until she's healed." Donnie explained.

"HEY! Our baby sister was crying in pain! I can't just stand there and watch that! I had to leave or I would've punched Donnie in the face so he'd stop hurting her! What Shredder did to our baby sister is something I'll never forget! Sure (y/n) will heal, but she'll have a scar! That mark will be on her forever! Our baby sister is scarred!"

Leo, Donnie, and Mikey stood there speechless. They never expected to Raph to open up about his thoughts or emotions about anything.

Leo cleared his throat, "Go in (y/n)'s room and tell her that you don't hate her. Or you're not coming with us. Let's go."

His brothers left while Raph walked to your room. He slowly opened the door and walked in. He shut the door and heard you mumbling.

"No! Don't hurt me! Please!" You cried.

Raph ran to you, held your hand, and stroked your cheek.

"It's okay (n/n). I'm here."

You slowly relaxed at the soft sound of your brother's voice.

Raph frowned, "Oh (y/n). What has Shredder done to you? He's scarred your innocent heart. Sis, I don't hate you. I'm just mad at myself because I didn't protect you. As one of your older brothers, it's my job to protect you. But I failed...*tear drops* I'm sorry (n/n) ."

He stood up about to leave until you slightly squeezed his hand.

"...it's not your fault..." you whispered tiredly, "...we didn't know it was going to happen..."

Raph kisses your forehead, "I love you."

You squeezed his hand again, "...stay..."

Raph hadn't spent the whole day with you. He wrapped you in your blanket, sat next to your bed, and held you like a baby.

"Alright I'll stay. Goodnight sis. I love you."

He slowly fell asleep with you cradled in his arms.

(A/n): eh? Cute chapter? I think so. Comment and vote! 💙💜❤️🧡

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