Summer Starts

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The bell rang, telling everyone to go home. You stretched out your arms and yawned. It was surely a long day. Every school day is long.

Noticing this, Kayano walked towards you with her gentle look. She might be planning something, you thought. But still, you decided to play along since you're bored.

"I know you're free so how about tomorrow, let's go somewhere?" Kayano asked. You knew it. She was planning something!

You averted your gaze from her and clicked your tongue. It was true that you're free but you have no intention on doing anything. You were about to reject her offer but seeing her face flash with pure excitement, you didn't say anything than to stutter. "U-uhh..." You were only able to say.

"That's a yes then!" She threw up her hands in utter delight. You were about to explain how that's not it but she rushed to Nagisa. She didn't even tell you any details about it.

"(Y/N)-san, what was that all about?" Karma suddenly peered in, causing you to jolt in surprise.

"Ah Karma-kun, you surprised me!" You held your chest. You can feel your heart beating so fast that you felt like it will blast through your chest. You still don't get used to being surprised. "I don't know what they're planning but if I don't show up, they'll be at fault." You sighed.

Karma hummed then glanced at them. "I wonder if I can join?"

"What?! You're not serious, are you?" The lazy devil wanting to join a hang-out? Now this is one unusual thing to be listed.

"Maybe if I can see that octopus somewhere in our journey, it would be a great opportunity." He snickered then pat you head before heading towards Kayano and the others.

Karma is not your close friend, just a close classmate but not a friend. There will be nothing that can tear that classmate-zone. So why is he being so casual towards you? Maybe he was just too excited for the upcoming summer.

You decided to go in a café to cool down before you actually go home. A café that's near your house. Unexpectedly, you see one of your friends clothed in a staff's uniform. Once you laid your eyes on him, your eyes sparkled and stared at him in awe as you wait for someone to ask what your order is.

"Excuse me Miss, what's your order?" One staff worker asked. It was a female waitress that has glowing blonde hair that reaches her back even when she's wearing a ponytail. "Ah, that uniform... Are you perhaps Isogai-kun's classmate?" She gasped.

"Uhh yes..." You unintentionally spoke up. That young handsome man that has an attractive aura radiating from him is of course the ikemen, Isogai. "I'll just have a cup of coffee please."

"Coming right up." The waitress bowed and happily walked away. Talk about customer service! But instead leaving to the employees only room that you were expecting, she walked towards Isogai and talked with him then finally went inside the door.

Your eyes met with Isogai and you felt it sparkle so you immediately turned away. You can feel your face heat up from that one simple glance of his face and body wearing a uniform. You realized that you have a crush on Isogai for a year now and you felt incomplete when you couldn't see him in the main building anymore.

Your heat kept on pounding thinking about him. Then suddenly, you felt a touch on your shoulder so you immediately jolted and posed in a fighting stance. It was only Isogai wearing a calm and slightly happy expression.

"Ah, Isogai-kun. I'm sorry, I was just a little startled, that's all." You panicked as your face is still burning.

Isogai reached out to your forehead. "You seem to be burning up, (Y/N)-chan."

You felt your face burn even more as you felt his cold hands on your forehead. Your legs gave out and you sat down on your chair, your eyes not moving away from the man in front of you.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan, how about I walk you home today? My shift's about to end anyway." Isogai looked at the wall clock and voluntarily offered with his usual kind and gentle smile.

You slowly nodded, looking at the wall clock. It was already 8 pm. The time moved so fast, or you just walked so slow.

The waitress then handed you the cup of coffee that you ordered. Isogai then left without saying another word. The waitress sat down across you, still smiling. "You might be (Y/N)-san, the one who lives just a few blocks away?" She straightforwardly asked.

You picked up the cup and started sipping as you feel like you're being cornered by her. "Yes. I'm surprised you know me." You replied.

"Oh, Isogai-kun talks about you as he sees you everyday walking by here." She giggled, covering her mouth. "Are you two close?"

"You could say that." You can't help but giggle.

"I see..." The waitress nodded. "I hope you can come by the café everyday. We can talk more about Isogai-kun." She waved goodbye like she predicted that you're going to leave.

"I'll try." With that, you left, unknowingly, Isogai following.

"(Y/N)-chan." He called out. You jolted. "Don't tell me you forgot about me." He giggled.

You didn't want to say that it's true but it made you happy that he still wanted to walk you home so you played along. "I almost forgot." You flashed a teasing smile.

He ignored your statement completely and just proceeded to walk towards your house.

Once both of you reached your destination, Isogai waved goodbye. "You seem to be feeling a little better, (Y/N)-chan. See you!"

As he said that, you can't help but blush all the way.

You dashed to your room and buried yourself in your two huge soft pillows that act as a substitute companion. You can't help but think of Isogai walking in your home while wearing an attractive-looking uniform.

Now that it will be summer tomorrow, you figured that you can see Isogai in his uniform everyday and you can also walk with him everyday! You can talk about the female waitress that you've been befriending as an excuse too.

Summer will be a great time for romance, you thought.

Unbeknownst to you, that kind of romance isn't what you're going to experience...

Summer (Karma Akabane x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now