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To be honest, I prefer the standard Karma.

His expression always shows sadism, his actions looking down on you, his grades smirking upon the lower ones, his words piercing you like knives...

I like that more than the one who's actually showing me a very soft side of him.

But, if he's being honest, then I don't mind it at all...

I don't mind his actions, appearance, or personality if it's the real him. I just want him to be honest.

Yeah. Of course. The one that I like about him the most... is that he's honest.


Those words echoed in your mind. You looked at Nagisa and smiled widely. He nodded in understanding and beamed a smile at you too.

"Your plan is really useful, no?" He says.

"Your acting does the work too. I knew I could really count on you, Nagisa."

The redhead and the pig-tailed woman are still standing in shock. They are as frozen as a statue.

"Kayano..." You slowly walked towards her. "I gave you a chance. Why did you blow it?" You asked. Without giving her a chance to make an excuse, you slapped her. Hard.

"I asked Nagisa to spy on you. Judging by his reaction, that picture is merely a lie. Tell me Nagisa, what happened?" You faced him, your smile not fading an inch. Since your smile appeared, it never disappeared, even before, during, and after you slapped your "best friend."

"She was stalking him. I heard him utter your name though. He just woke up at that time. She was stealthy enough that Karma-kun didn't notice her, but I was stealthy too because she didn't notice me!" His innocent smile just proved he did not have any ulterior motives other than following your plan. "So don't worry! She just spent her time like usual: trying things and fool you with lies and pictures that she's with Karma."

"It's good that I doubted Kayano more than Karma." You giggled at your own intelligence. "Isn't it obvious that I'd choose you over someone who acted all her life?" You faced Karma and flashed him a warm, weak smile.

Without warning, Karma began to dash to you and give you a warm, passionate kiss that lasted for 4 seconds. Afterwards, he just turned limp and vulnerable, burying his head in your shoulder.

That was your first kiss.

"K-Karma...?" You called. No response.

"I love you." He whispers in a way that you and only you would hear it.

You smiled and kissed his head, whispering too. "I love you too." You whispered in the same way he did.

"I... thought you were my friend..." Kayano stands in shock. A tear fell down her eye. A lone tear.

"And I thought you were mine." You said, not facing her.


"No, Nagisa. I know that it will end like this ever since I told her the truth. I was just acting like her friend anyway. I was the one who forced myself into her life. I need to go."

Kayano ran away, rushing to the door. Nagisa did not waste time following after her.

"You woke up. Guess you were too tired yesterday." You said from the kitchen, preparing snacks. Karma woke up. "As soon as you passed out, Kayano ran away crying so Nagisa chased after her."

"Hey... Was that... your first?" That was his first words as soon as he woke up. He did not ask any information what happened while he was sleeping.

You stopped all your movements. You blushed now that you think about it...

"I-it was."

You heard him sigh in relief. You turned to him.

"Whew. Good, that was my first too."

You blushed even harder. He was relieved that it was in fact, your first.

"If it wasn't?" You asked out of curiosity.

"I would probably beat your first." He casually shrugged.

"What's this, you reverted back to being a sadistic delinquent." You asked, laughing at his change.

"I was always a sadistic delinquent. Just not with you... Because I love you."

You pouted in disappointment. "It's no fun if you're not a tsundere anymore."

"Haha. Did I disappoint you? Good, because that's what I was planning." He grinned like the devil he was.

"I should've chosen Kayano instead, huh."

"N-No! I was just kidding! Kidding, ok? Take a joke!" I am the only person who can make him beg like this. I am the only person who can make him weak and vulnerable. I am proud of this authority: the authority to control him.

"Just kidding." You smirked. You expected him go grit his teeth in anger, but he just lovingly smiled at you. He anticipated this, he expected this and acted according to your unspoken rule. That's a boyfriend for you.



"I'm acting, see? No tears. I thought it will add drama." Kayano said, sticking her tongue out.

"You don't need to go that far! Stop this now. If you just explained, she'll understand! Don't you remember what she said? She will forgive you no matter what because you're her friend." Nagisa desperately tried to understand.

"Then as my friend, you'd know exactly why I'm doing this! I don't want to stay as her friend if it will only bring pain. This is better than still trying to act like my like for Karma is nothing! All I wanted to avoid all this time is her heartbreak. But, I can't avoid the inevitable, right? Even if I know what her decision will be..."

"You merely befriended her because you thought she had something to do with the past with Koro-sensei, right? Now that you know that that is not the case, you decided to drop the act and be ready for a break up, because you don't want her to be fooled any longer... You did the same thing what Karma-kun did. Cut your ties and isolate yourself. Unlike Karma, I know that (Y/N) will go after him. You have no person like that in your life, right? I'll be that person for now until you find the one." Nagisa smiled as he reached out his hand.

Kayano smiled as she took it...

"I think I already did." She whispered to herself. Nagisa was not able to hear it...

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