Consoling Another

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Karma's POV


*ding ding ding*





"WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?!" I took my phone and checked what was wrong.

"WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?!" I took my phone and checked what was wrong

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Messages. Full of them.

They saw the opportunity and took it. I can't believe they woke me up just for this.

"Sorry." From Kayano.

"I'm sorry for everything." Still from Kayano.

"I didn't mean it." Oh really?

"You can hate me, just don't hate her." I am already doing that.

"Answer me." The hell?

"WAKE UP!!!" Spam messages.

Almost all of them were from Kayano spamming me. This one message, however, the last one, was from Nagisa.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this. It was all my fault from the start. If I didn't tell you that I would be willing to help, you wouldn't have high hopes. You should explain the situation to (Y/N). I'm sure she will accept you no matter what. Because you're her friend."

I locked my phone and laid myself down the bed again. I know it's not anyone's fault. Surely (Y/N)-san knows it too so she will just forgive anyone and everyone who used her for their own entertainment.

What a simple-minded fool. I don't know anything about that person. I don't know what goes on in her mind.

Surely, she has gotten over Isogai now, right? If she did, then the plan is over, as Kayano said. She said that I'm just her pawn so that she can get her mind off of Isogai. Now that she did, instead of her throwing me away, I voluntarily stepped up and wished to be thrown away.

I thought it would be a win-win since I wanted to know her better, but I guess it was only Kayano's side.


Another one?

"(Y/N)-chan said she'll visit you. I told her your address so don't let her leave so early, 'kay?"

Damn that green-haired pig-tailed flat-chested woman!!!

On cue, I heard a knock on my door. I ignored it. Even if they persuade me to go, I wouldn't be able to. It will be awkward. The one guy who asked himself if he really wanted to know the girl better or using her for his own amusement is now in a confused state whereas there are only two options: isolation or confrontation.

I obviously chose isolation and she obviously chose confrontation.

"Karma-kun! I know you're awake! Kayano-chan told me so!" Damn that green-haired pig-tailed flat-chested woman! "Just let me in, please. Or do you mind just talking through the door?"

She really is persistent, isn't she? Can't help it then.

I walked towards the door and let her in. She was completely surprised but comfortable nevertheless.

We sit in the living room. I waited for her to talk while I was preparing a glass of water.

"I'm glad." She whispered. I was able to hear it since the house is quiet. "This just means that your subconscious wanted to talk, no?"

I gave her a glass of water and sat across her. "If an apology is what you're after, I'm willing to even perform a dogeza." I solemnly and honestly stated, getting ready on my knees.

"N-no! I don't need an apology!" She panicked. I turned my head to her as she speaks. "I just wanted to let you know about something."

Does she know already? Did that green-haired pig-tailed flat-chested woman tell her about it? I just wanted to tell her I'm sorry. I wanted her to know the situation!

"I already know about the situation. I just wanted to ask something from you." She said in a soft and gentle voice. I can hardly believe that she already knows the truth. "Did you do those kinds of stuff because you like me, or were you just used as Kayano's pawn for some sick twisted reason?"

I sighed. "Listen carefully, ok?" She obediently nodded. She looks at me attentively, looking like she will focus on each and every word that comes out my mouth. "I like to know you better. I wanted to talk to you for quite some time. There was something in you that attracted me for some reason and I want to know what that something is! But I can't even get close to you." I paused for a moment. Her stiff and focused face just earlier turned softer. Is she pitying me? Does she even know what I'm talking about? Does she know that I'm not lying about this at all?

"You were always surrounded by other people. Before I even get close to you, Kayano or Nagisa will take you away as swift as a thief. And even if you're not with them, your eyes wander around searching for Isogai-kun! I was like air to you!" Do I look pathetic? Do I even care? I'm worn out.

"Ah... I really like that trait of yours." She whispers, her eyes narrowing in a relaxed manner. "You're so honest." So she does know! "So you did all those stuff because you wanted to know me better, using Kayano's plans as an excuse?" What a way to put it.

I nodded in agreement anyway. "But that molesting part, I wanted to see you fight but you gave in pretty easily. What are you, actually a closet pervert?" I tease so she would forget about it and have some laughs.

"As if! I was broken at that time so I was vulnerable!" That's a valid excuse... "If I'm as healthy as I am now, I would kick the hell out of you!"

My lips curled into my usual smirk, leaning close to her face. "Then, why don't you do it now?" I ask in a seductive way. This will be fun.

She pushed my face away. Did my plan fail? I know it will fail, but I'm not expecting it to be this easy!

"You're the one who's broken now. You're vulnerable. So make sure to feel better first before challenging me to a fight." She says in a reassuring voice.

I knew it. I really...wanted to know her better...

wanted to know her better

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"Heh. Whatever you say."

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