Plan A Starts

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(Y/N)'s POV

"What did you mean by that?! Wake up, damn it!!!" I shook Karma over and over but he was still asleep so I kicked him on the side repeatedly and then pushed him to fall.

"Ngghh... Can't you see I'm sleeping?! What's your problem any--" Karma-kun stopped as he saw my face. I bet he's surprised that it's as red as a tomato now! I feel my face burning from embarrassment! Please rewind time and make me pretend to not hear what he just mumbled...

"You..." I patiently wait for his response. "You took that seriously?"

I comically fell down, now struggling to get back up. "Wasn't I supposed to?!" I protested.

"No... It's just...unexpected for someone like you..." Karma-kun stared at me with empty and hollow eyes.

"I-I-I take things seriously when it's needed to! And the way you just said it was...I don't know. It felt serious." What am I doing, being all open to this tomato right now? Why is he in my house again?

Tomato didn't react as fast as I thought and he then turned his back to me. I thought he was being rude and was about to reprimand him but then I heard his voice. "I guess putting it as a joke isn't going to help me."

"What are you talking about?! If you have something to say, just spit it out right now!!" I've had enough of this game! I wanted to hear his true thoughts, his true feelings! Is that too much to ask for?!

He gulped. It was too silent that I actually heard his gulp. I anxiously waited for his answer, staring at his lips to see if he has anything to say and open up my ears widely to catch up any sounds, no matter how minute they are.


"Ah, (Y/N)~~ I bought you a parfait from the café nearby. Thought you might" Nagisa barged in a very wrong time.

The two of us quickly turned away. Nagisa stands by the doorway, confused and dumbfounded. "(Y-Y/N)... Do you want me to just leave it here or...?"

"Y-Yes! Y-you can leave it..." I immediately perked up, still avoiding any eye contact with either guys.

"Th-then... I shall take my leave. Sorry for disturbing..." He awkwardly bids goodbye as he gently closes the door after him.

As soon as he leaves, the atmosphere seems heavier than before. I don't know what to do to easen it up a little.

I wanted to speak but the silent atmosphere threatens me not to. I then ran towards the parfait and was disappointed to know that it already had melted. The summer is starting and it's becoming hotter by the moment. It somehow reminded me about... That time.... He molested me...

My face began to heat up again. Ahh~ I should avoid heating up my body because it's already too hot for me to handle.

"What flavor?" Karma-kun suddenly sneaked up behind me.

I let out a loud scream and accidentally pointed the spoon at his neck out of self-defense. It was in my instinct, probably because of how I automatically pull up something whenever I feel danger, mostly of Koro-sensei.

"D-don't surprise me. Sheesh." I sighed in relief but my heart still pounds crazily.

"You let out quite an interesting scream there." Karma-kun smirked. That smirk is oh so familiar. It was his signature look. I'm not sure if that is still his signature look though.

"Oh, don't get me started!" I clicked my tongue and started taking a bite of the parfait. I feel Karma-kun's gaze focusing on the parfait as I eat. It was bothering me but then an idea appeared. "Jealous~~?" I started to tease, wiggling my eyebrows in the process.

"Well what if I am?" He turned his eyes at me like a puppy begging for food. Aww those puppy eyes that I can't resist! Damn you, cuteness!!!

"I'm not going to give you some even if you look like a cute puppy right now." I defensively moved my parfait so he wouldn't reach it.

"So I'm cute right now?" Karma-kun pointed at himself. Now I picture him wagging his tail in pure excitement and pride with a hint of teasing in there.

"Don't get full of yourself." I took another scoop. As I was about to take another straight in my mouth, Karma-kun suddenly took me by the hand and fed himself. He used the same spoon as I did! And he's just casually eating it out of without even thinking a second!!

"Oh, strawberry! I love strawberries!" He cutely smiled like he was contented with a spoonful of strawberry parfait. A puppy's done with his begging and now back to being a devil he really is. Sigh. I have no other words to describe him other than being a complete dog!

First, he carelessly enters my house like it was his; secondly, he was about to sleep without even explaining himself; now trying to beg for food by using the puppy eyes trick?! Tsk.

Sometime in the past...

"Act like a dog! Everyone likes dogs! And knowing (Y/N)-chan, she surely likes dogs!!" Kayano sounded drunk but she does seem to tell good advice.

Karma stared at her blankly, his blank expression says a thousand words but only a few words were expressed. Those are "what a stupid idea."

"No, just hear me out for a sec!" Kayano insisted, emptying the iced tea that she ordered and paid for. Karma ain't got the time to treat her anyway. "Maybe just try?"

"I'm not stupid enough to actually follow your advice." Karma still glares at her.

"Nagisa acts like a puppy and you see them all lovey-dovey." Kayano sighed.

Karma turned around, silent and speechless. "It doesn't hurt to try." He murmured under his breath.

"Don't worry. If it fails, I still have a lot to tell. There will be plenty of plans~" Kayano winked, reassuring him.

Karma is uncomfortable but he made the decision to take this girl's advice. He wouldn't take back his words so soon.

And the attempt he just did was Plan A...

I wonder how many plans does it take to let (Y/N) notice Karma before he gives up...

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