Disaster Starts

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Karma Akabane, for all I know, has never showed any vulnerability.

He was always so cautious, yet he is very talented when it comes to assassinating and academics.

I admire people like him, but I know I can't reach him no matter how hard I try. He is always ahead of me.

I didn't really mind if he's distant or not, I just wanted to observe him closely. That's fine, right? After all, I have liked Isogai even before he was sent to Class 3-E.

He is like a perfect man.

So I guess I confused "like" with "infatuation." I was only infatuated with him. I thought being poor was only an extra of him so I didn't really mind it. I didn't accept him. I deserved to be dumped.

Guess being "just friends" really do suit us more.



Nagisa? He is a cute one. I feel like him being my best friend is possible. I want to talk to him. I don't know what he has that has me drawn to him.

He looks average, a girl that can easily be damaged. A frail, fragile, little girl.

But I can't judge a person by their looks, right? I want to talk to him, I want to know him.

Since then, he has been coming to my house ever so often. But he stopped when we were 2nd years. He came again, but we both felt like it was so long since he came over.

Koro-sensei must've been proud to see that the boy that looks like a girl has the greatest talent for assassinating.



Kayano. I didn't want to befriend her at first because she was always noisy and annoying.

But when she came to me, I felt what I had felt with Nagisa before. Again, I don't know what that feeling is.

It made me curious. Curiosity?

I told Nagisa about it. He just told me to befriend her and get to know her better.

I can't help but think that... she's hiding something...

That was in the past, right? I can't do anything if it's that.

I trust her. She became my friend almost immediately. Now, there was another person inside our circle. It doesn't have to be just the two of us always. It's kind of refreshing to have an enthusiastic, energetic, ball of adorableness who's actually a girl in our circle.

I just sometimes worry that she might do something to me without me noticing...

She wouldn't do that, right?



I told you, I have no problems being with Karma! Being distant or whatnot, I didn't care!

It wasn't fun at all when he barged in my room that time--!


When he saw me with Isogai?

He... really was trying his best to console me, though I don't know his reasons for that. He really was prying himself into my life. He forced his way in.

To be honest, I prefer the standard Karma.

His expression always shows sadism, his actions looking down on you, his grades smirking up on the lower ones, his words piercing you like knives...

I like that more than the one who's actually showing me a very soft side of him.

But, if he's being honest, then I don't mind it at all...

I don't mind his actions, appearance, or personality if it's the real him. I just want him to be honest.

Yeah. Of course. The one that I like about him the most... is that he's honest.


"(Y/N)." Nagisa called you out. He signed you to come close to them. The two of them were wearing grim faces. They were bothered or guilty about something, you're sure of it.

"I'm sorry!" Kayano shouted, clasping your hands together tightly. Her tears flowed away like snow. It's summer, it's hot. You can see the light reflected in her tears... "The truth is: I selfishly used Karma for you to avert your eyes from Isogai-kun!"

You knew. You knew that she was going to do something to you behind your back. "Kayano...-chan.." You stuttered, lips trembling from nervousness.

"I can understand if you're angry at me! Hate me, ok? Don't hate Karma." You don't hate her. Weirdly enough, why don't you hate anyone who has been using you for their own selfish ways one time or another? "Karma is a nice guy to quit early because he had enough making you feel bad! He just wanted you to be happy so he played along. From here on out, all his actions are decided by him. I won't interfere anymore!" Kayano bows to you. Yet you didn't feel a little bit superior, even if she was bowing to you.

You pat her head and lifted up her chin. Instead of bursting the anger you had just earlier, you smiled warmly. "I don't hate you." You reassured her. "I don't hate any of you. I just wanted the truth. Although, half of what your puppets were doing are true, aren't they?"

Nagisa blushed, then looked away. "I-I'm sorry for saying I like you in that way, even if I don't actually mean it that way..." He whispered, obviously guilty. He was ready to get slapped or beaten up by a raging fire but he wasn't ready for...

...a hug.

"Compared to everyone I'm acquainted with, you are the one who didn't do anything as bad as them. No matter what you do, I can't afford to hate you. Besides, I made you my friends. It's part of my responsibility as your friend to not hate you no matter what kinds of things you do to me." You hugged tighter. You felt Nagisa hug you back. It reassured you so you felt comfortable. You buried your head in his shoulder as you whispered, "really... You can be like Bitch-sensei sometimes, no? It hurt me." Nagisa flinched at your words. Kayano wasn't able to hear a thing.

Nagisa's hand slid its way up your head, gently patting you as you comfortably let all your emotions out.

Speaking of which, someone hasn't let out all his emotions yet so he's still isolated in his house, still reflecting his own actions.

Speaking of which, someone hasn't let out all his emotions yet so he's still isolated in his house, still reflecting his own actions

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"What am I going to do now?" He groaned.

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