Confessing Starts?!

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Karma's POV

"What do you mean you just set that up?" I slammed my hands on the table in anger. "Don't you know how devastated she was when he dumped her?!"

"Woah now, calm down lover boy, I didn't tell him to dump her. I just pushed her to confess early so she wouldn't have to be devastated in later time." Inui-san explained it to me calmly. "It's boys like you that makes me sick. Why are you being so protective of her anyway? Don't tell me you like her."

"I do, actually." I bluntly answered seriously while sipping on a strawberry milkshake that I bought in this café.

Inui-san spat out the orange juice that I bought for her. Good thing it didn't reach me. "What the hell did you see in that woman?!" She shouted in surprise.

"Well unlike you, she doesn't badmouth people behind their backs, she doesn't spit out drinks even when she's so surprised, she doesn't push anyone to confess early even if it would risk her overall emotions, she's actually bearable to look at, and does not cause havoc in any public place." I looked at her straight in the eye as I explain my answer in detail. I hope she will realize that she's not like her, so she's more attractive in comparison.

What a surprise. She did realize that! She hung her head and stayed quiet in her seat. So annoying. "Is that all you want to talk about?" She slowly raised her head while asking me in a low, quiet voice.

She winced when I glared at her. "Anyway, don't cause too much trouble for her, ok?"

"Y-yes..." She hung her head again.

Back to normal POV

Nagisa stared at you, having the same surprised reaction as you had. Panicking, he said, "i-it was a joke!!"

You slowly got back to your senses and tried hard to fake laugh. "Y-you got me, Nagisa... You really got me. Ha....ha..."

"H-here, I'll help you clean the shattered teacup, (Y/N)." The little blue-haired boy immediately got to his knees and started picking up the shards before you even got time to react.

He's as swift as an assassin. He's perfect. You thought as you watched him picking up the shards gently, not to prick his own finger or hand for that matter.

"Nagisa... I'm not sure if anyone else told this to you but you're the one most potent to kill Koro-sensei." You suddenly blurted out.

"Ah, to be honest, a lot do say that." He humbly laughed and dismissed it like it's nothing.

"It's a huge honor to get Koro-sensei killed, you know! Especially if it's by your hands!" You excitedly told him. "I can't even do any damage on him! I'm hopeless!"

"Don't say that, (Y/N). I'm sure you can kill him someday." Nagisa tried to reassure you.

"Right. Those empty words are the only thing I can believe in right now." You sighed. Nagisa wasn't able to respond. Trying to help him, you were going to get the broom but then you accidentally stepped on a shard on the way. "Ow!"

"Are you ok, (Y/N)?!" Nagisa panicked. He immediately ran to your aid and examined your wound. "I'm glad it wasn't that serious." Nagisa sighed in real life. He did all those without letting you even react.

"I was just cut, that's all. It's not that deep." You reassured him. "Of course I'm not that stupid to not take caution." You giggled.

"Well that's great news."

"I'm sorry I had to make you clean up this mess I made myself." You apologized as you're cleaning your wound on your foot.

"I didn't expect to receive that interesting reaction." Nagisa still took the chance to tease you and joke around.

"I didn't expect you to say that." You protested. "Besides, it's obviously a huge joke. Why did you keep a straight face?" You raised an eyebrow and kept pushing him to confess that he's the one at fault.

"I... I'm leaving that one for you to find out~" Nagisa widely smiled at you. You're not sure if he got infected with Karma's teasing personality or he was just really messing around.

You ignored his words and saved that thought for later, when he leaves. It would be awkward and embarrassing if he was still staying while you desperately needed to know if he was lying to you about Karma or not.

Somehow, after Isogai dumped you and Karma finally warming up to you, you seem to move on early from Isogai and move closer to Karma. You don't know if it's a bad idea or not but it was still worth a chance finding out.

Silence fills the room. It wasn't awkward, it was just comforting. Being with someone you're close with in silence isn't awkward, rather it feels relaxing.

After you and Nagisa cleaned up the mess, Nagisa got ready to leave your house.

"Thanks for everything, Nagisa." You waved goodbye as you see him off.

"Do you want to hang out again tomorrow?" Nagisa asked before leaving.

"Depends if you can. I'd be glad though." You smiled.

"Alright. See you, (Y/N)." He waved as he leaves. You keep waving back until the door closed.

As you turned away, you heard a knock. You thought maybe Nagisa forgot something so you opened the door again.

"Nagisa?" You called out as you swung the door open.

"Oh yeah, Nagisa-kun was just here, wasn't he?" It wasn't Nagisa that was standing by the doorway.

"What do you want, Karma-kun?" You sounded annoyed but is willing to listen to his story nevertheless.

"I was tired so I want to go and rest here for a while." He rushed to the couch and lied down like it's his own couch in his own house.

" He rushed to the couch and lied down like it's his own couch in his own house

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"Leave now." You demanded.

"Is this how you treat your guests? I can see Nagisa treated nicely." He removed his shoes and used my couch like his bed.

"You're an uninvited guest. Leave my house or I'll call the cops on you for trespassing!" You threatened him but he seems to not care at all.

"What Nagisa-kun said about me.....was true." He murmured. Then instantly fell asleep.

You were confused at first but then your bran hits you. That means... If that's true..... trying to......confess??

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