New Plan Starts

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3rd day of summer...

Kayano has a plan for Karma to get close with (Y/N). You didn't suspect anything, of course.

You left your house and went to the café to meet Miiko. You're not in the mood to see Isogai since it will be awkward. You called for Miiko.

"What's your order, (Y/N)-san?" She asked politely, like she is not acquainted with you in some way.

"I'll order one Miiko Inui, please." You said solemnly.

Miiko immediately dropped the facade and sat down across you. "Ok, what do you want? I'm busy here."

"I got dumped by Isogai-kun." You cut to the chase.

Mikko smirked like she expected that to happen. "Well look at you, confessing so early~ I knew I just had to give you a little push so you could get over the heartbreak easily."

You perked up at her statement. You realized that this was her plan all along. "You..." You were able to utter.

"Lied to you to get you to confess early? Yep! That's the kind of person I am!" Miiko smiled brightly. "So how did it feel like, getting dumped?" She rested her head on her hands as she looks at you with a bright wide smile and sparkles around her.

"It's...not like I was expecting. I didn't get hurt that much..." You lightly averted your gaze from her to hide the fact that it's because Karma tried to console you and that entertained you while actually being "consoling" at the same time.

"I told you you have good friends. I guess it's time to search for another match. Unless... You want to stay as a hopeless person trying to catch Senpai's attention?" She glared. You don't know what her problem is but you seem worried about yourself than about her.

"Not today, Miiko." You groaned and glared back.

"Oh, dropping the honorifics now, are we?" Miiko's smirk doesn't even fade away. "It's not like I mind, (Y/N)."

"I'm leaving." You sighed, standing up.

"Tell me when the next boy will appear. I can help you~~" Miiko returned to her facade and happily waved as she sees you leave.

Instead of playing along with her, you merely glared and continued on without saying another word.

When you pushed the door open, you accidentally hit someone. Your instinct is to see if that someone is okay so you rushed to their aid.

You instantly stopped everything you were doing and just stood there like a statue. That guy you hit was none other than that same annoying guy from yesterday-- the redheaded sadistic devil.

"What were you doing, blocking the doorway like that?" You decided to tease him. Why? Obviously because it's fun, duh!

"I should ask you that. You were wearing such an ugly face as you were blindly pushing everything out of your way!" He groaned as he got himself back on his feet.

"And you care, why??" You eyed your suspicion on him.

"I was just hit by a transparent door just because you're focusing on something else. Something on your mind or what?" Now he sounds a bit annoyed.

"None of your business, ya Devil!" You stuck out your tongue like a child and proceeded to leave.

Like yesterday's routine, Karma again grabbed you by the arm to avoid you getting any further. "Still having problems with the ikemen?" He asked, smirking.

"No. Problem with you." You sassily answered.

His vein twitched in anger. "And what do you mean by that, you sassy missy?"

"You're making such a fuss about this. Let me go!" You struggled to get out of his grip.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." He suddenly tugged you close to him. As you turned around, he was surprised to see you being flustered. Karma wasn't sure if you're blushing or angry.

After a short awkward silence, you proceeded to leave again as his grip loosened so much that it would seem like he isn't touching you anymore.

Karma still stands still on the doorway of the café, staring at your direction.

You don't know why you wanted to run away so badly but you just decided to follow your heart's desire more than anything. Your mind is blank. You don't have any time to be thinking about anything right now.

"Ah, (Y/N)!" You didn't notice Nagisa in front of you.

"Nagisa!" You gasped in surprise.

"Why are you running away? Where are you going?" He grabbed you by the shoulder as he panicked.

"I-I'm fine, Nagisa..." You stuttered to lie. It wasn't convincing.

"No you're not! You're flustered and confused! Did something happen?!" He insisted, slightly shaking you.

"Relax, I'm fine. A bit tired perhaps." You finally kept your cool and reassured him by softly explaining an excuse.

Nagisa heaved a relieved sigh. "I'm glad nothing's wrong but I think you still need some help going home. Should I take you home?" He volunteered.

You looked at him in awe then nodded shortly afterwards. "I guess you're right." You smiled.

"Your house is really nice. It's been so long since I last came here." Nagisa glanced at your house in awe.

You giggled. "I know right." You walked to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea while he patiently sits down on the dining room.

"I've heard from Karma-kun that you two have been closer recently?" Nagisa sparked up a conversation to kill the deafening silence.

"That word doesn't even describe it." You sighed as you pour the hot water in a sky blue teacup.

"What word then?" He asked.

"He annoys me." You bluntly answered as you served him tea.

"I think he means well though." Nagisa pulled off an excuse.

"Why are you even trying to defend him?" You angrily sighed as you sat across him, holding a cup of tea in front of you.

"I'm not. I was just saying my opinion..." He dismissed it and sipped on the cup of tea.

"About us being closer? What do you know?" You raised a brow at him.

"I'm close with him. Plus, he always talks about it." He sighed as reply.

"Why does he always talk about it? It isn't that much of a big deal really." You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Maybe he likes you." Nagisa frankly spurted out his opinion.

The teacup that you were holding is now shattered into pieces. Your grip loosened and your mouth is ajar. Your eyes shrunk to further emphasize your surprised reaction.


Summer (Karma Akabane x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now