All's Well

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"And so since then." You paused to sigh because of your miserable life. "He started following me like a cat in need." You pointed at a redhead with your thumb.

Kayano and Nagisa were shocked. It looks like they aren't breathing anymore because they stopped all movements. Their eyes are not widened nor are their jaws wide open, they are just sitting there, staring intently at you without any other movement.

"She was so simple minded!" He decided to tease. You can see his fangs sticking out.

"And you were so emotional." You lashed back, ultimately shutting him up.

The two are still statues, frozen solid. You glanced at Karma while he does the same. You don't know how to unfreeze your friends.

"Ah, (Y/N)-chan! Seems like you're looking alright now." Isogai suddenly appeared at your table.

You nodded happily. "Thanks for everything, Isogai-kun." You beamed.

"Mhm." He nodded, dashing to the next table.

You know he's busy, you know he still has some other things to do. And you appreciated that minute where he stopped by at your table and comment on your emotional health.

"Do you... still like him?" Karma asks, turning away in embarrassment. His words seemed like they were forced, that he choked them out.

"I was being foolish before." You sighed lovingly, staring at Isogai's figure going around the place. "I was fascinated by his perfectness. I thought it was love, but I was just another commoner who likes him because of his perfectness that I sometimes overlook his flaws. I'm fine with just being friends. I know Isogai-kun feels the same. I shouldn't go too far from just being friends. I should be glad that we're still friends." You smiled, though it was forced. You know he notices. You know he knows. Because he's frowning.

He was reaching towards you, probably to try and comfort you once again, but the two statues suddenly started moving!

"(Y/N)-chan!!!" Kayano cried as she pounces on you for a tight hug. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have treated you as a child!" Kayano cried louder. "I know that if you want something, your focus is 100% on them and I don't want you to experience heartbreak so--"

"I get it, I get it! You already explained everything to me." You dryly stated as you pat her back. "But if I told you I like someone else, I wonder if you'll still do these things?"

"Huh...?" She blinked twice, her eyes widened in surprise. "You like someone?"

"Ah, Karma-kun!" Nagisa gasped. We all looked at Karma. "Why... are you... blushing...?" Nagisa meekly asked, a bit afraid of Karma right now...

?" Nagisa meekly asked, a bit afraid of Karma right now

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"Ara." Kayano smirked. "It's a blushing Karma!" Kayano teases. "I think I know why."

You and Nagisa immediately put all your attention to her, attentively listening.

"Because he was about to hug her before I interrupted!"

"Mind your own business, you damn green-haired pig-tailed flat-chested woman!" Karma immediately reacted, smacking her head.

"Ow! You would hit a girl?!"

"Oh? Are you a girl?" Karma solemnly asked.

"Damn you!" Kayano charged at Karma holding a dessert spoon as a weapon.

Karma dodges each and every attack that Kayano makes. What a cool duo.

"Seeing them fight like this reminds me of Koro-sensei." You commented.

"You're right." Nagisa weakly smiled.

"Well, let's go now before this café closes early again." You said as you stand up. Without any other words, Nagisa did the same.

"(Y/N)-chan, where are you going?"

They have noticed already? They became more attentive than before.

"It's too cramped in here. Let's go somewhere more spacious." Nagisa suggested.

Kayano and Karma looked at each other before flashing an understanding smile.

"Who do you like now, (Y/N)-chan?" Kayano puts her arm over your shoulder.

"A... certain... redhead, I suppose?" You shyly answered, your face flushed in deep red as a certain redhead's hair.

Kayano froze in shock again. Only the two of you know. The other two have no idea so luckily, Nagisa was able to snap Kayano out of it.

"Nagisa..." She murmured. "The plans worked!" She cheered, throwing her arms out in the air, her eyes shining so brilliantly.

Nagisa understood, but not Karma.

Karma looked at you, quite puzzled. You smirked and shrugged.

"Should we plan the date again?" Kayano cheered.

"What?! No way!" You were quick to refuse.

"We'll do a better job this time. Besides, I don't think he likes anyone." She pouts.

"I'll do it on my own and let's just see what happens."

Kayano and Nagisa looked at each other in confusion.

"Well, all's well that end's well, right?" Kayano winked at Karma while shrugging.

That was then that Karma understood it.

"Oh, you're blushing again." Nagisa pointed out again.

You felt chills at that moment and glared at Kayano, who was whistling to disguise what she did.

"I didn't say anything." She strongly denied. Of course you know she didn't say anything, she was just putting a lot of hint bombs here and there.

You scoffed at her, surprising her. "Karma." You called out in a loud voice, facing him. "I have a challenge for you!" You pointed your index finger at his face. "If I can make you love me, you'll have to stop calling my name with honorifics!"

Everyone paused at your sudden confession.

All of a sudden, Karma smirked, holding your arm that was pointing at him and leaned close to your face so you would listen carefully.

"I guess I already lost, (Y/N)." He whispered at your ear.

You swear your whole face is a mess right now.

"Baka." You whispered, hiding your face in embarrassment.

"Ara." Kayano commented. "It's a blushing Karma and (Y/N)-chan."

"It's a blushing duo!" Nagisa added.

"Let's take a pic." Kayano pulled her cellphone out, ready to take a picture. "One two--"

"NO!" You and Karma simultaneously shouted as the both of you tried to snatch Kayano's phone away. You both caught it, causing you to blush even more.

"Blushing duo." Nagisa commented.

"Blushing duo." Kayano repeated.

"Would the two of you stop already?!" You scolded the two troublesome children.

"Only if you can catch us~!" Kayano hummed as she ran away as quick as a fox. Nagisa followed right after.

"(Y/N)." You turned to Karma. "Now here's a challenge: if I catch both of them, you'll go out with me."

You smirked at his challenge. "Alright." You accepted as you followed the two troublesome children, not thinking about Karma, who's being left behind.

At last...

Karma felt like he successfully entered your circle of friends.

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