Plan Starts

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The plan started the day after. Isogai is waiting for you outside. You quickly got ready then rushed downstairs to where he is.

"I really can't get over the fact that your house is huge, (Y/N)-chan!" Isogai stared in awe at your house.

"Good thing you are able to come." You sighed in relief.

"I have no shift today." He giggled. "So, where do you want to go?"

"Oh!" You perked up in surprise because you almost forgot about the plan. "Let's go to an ice cream shop. It's starting to get hot." You suggested enthusiastically.

"Ok." He immediately answered without so much as hesitation cloud over him.

You are just going to stay with him. You wouldn't let him pay for whatever you're going to do. Just have an ice cream so it would be cheap and don't go anywhere else because he will start feeling useless just because he has no money. That was simply the plan. Spend some simple quality time with Isogai.

Once you two bought vanilla-flavored ice creams, Isogai started talking. "I wonder if there's a way where I can store the ice cream somewhere so it wouldn't melt while I give some to my family..."

You snickered. "Do you want a rich person to get easy money?" You joked.

"No! That would be someone else's money!" Isogai unexpectedly took it seriously.

You stopped laughing and stared dryly at him. "So what exactly do you want in a girl?"

"Probably someone like..."

"Oh, fancy meeting you here, (Y/N)-san!" Megu waved and approached us.

While you thought of how possible that Isogai likes Megu, the two are having a conversation and you were treated like air. They radiate such a romantic aura that you can't help but get a little jealous.

"Anything you want to say, (Y/N)-chan?" He turned to you. Megu already left while you were thinking deeply about it.

"Why her?" You murmured like a murderer. "Tell me, what does she have that I don't?!"

"(Y/N)-chan, I don't think I know what you're talking about." Isogai sweatdropped and scratched the back of his head.

"I love you, Isogai-kun! How dense are you to not notice that?!" You began shouting recklessly. "Do you think I'm beautiful? Do you think I just go to the café just because I want to eat or drink? You didn't notice anything! And now that girl just popped out of nowhere while we're in a date!" It was at this point that you no longer have any idea what's going on. You are just shouting at Isogai, blaming him for what is clearly your fault.

"I... I'm flattered, (Y/N)-chan, I really am. But...I have someone else that I like..." He kindly turned down your offer. "But we can still be friends, you know! Like always!" He tried to cheer you up but you are just too desperate to have him that you stubbornly listened to his rantings.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." He suddenly leaned down and pecked a kiss on your forehead. "I had fun in this date." He smiled as he walked away, leaving you behind with your untouched vanilla ice cream.

You touched your forehead and think about Isogai after what he just did. Out of the blue, you felt a touch on that same hand so you jolted back and glared at the person who did just that.

"Oh, fancy meeting you here, (Y/N)-san!" You remembered Megu saying the same exact sentence. This caused you to be angrier than before.

"What do you want anyway?!" You clicked your tongue and smacked that person's hand away.

"Don't be so cold, (Y/N)-san. I just came to greet you hello. Is that bad?" His lips curl into a smirk mixed with a pout. Don't imagine that.

"I'm not in the mood for hellos!" You then walked away from the annoying person, leaving him behind.

That person followed you behind. It's not surprising since he can catch up to you at any moment and he was really bugging you.

The person grabbed you by the waist and pulled you towards a tree nearby. He's behind you so you couldn't see him but you can feel him, his warm body and touch wrapping you. He whispered to your ear... "Did you get dumped?"

You shivered from head to toe. Without thinking, you shouldered him on his stomach. He doubled over in pain but you didn't use this chance to run away. You turned around to look at him. With your face having the same color as the person's hair, you tried to cover it with your free hand. "What has gotten into you, Karma-kun?!!" You shouted, throwing the untouched ice cream on his head non-hesitantly. What a waste of a good ice cream.

"And here I am, trying to console you or something!" He tried to protest. "But instead, I got shouldered on the stomach and was thrown an ice cream cone over my head!"

"You were the one trying to molest me! It's not consoling anybody!" You fought back.

"Well if you could've at least cooperated properly, you wouldn't get 'molested' as you say it." He stood up and looked down at you...literally.

"Why would you even console me in the first place?!" You know that he wouldn't be able to answer that since he doesn't care about anyone most of the time.

"Argh geez, I'm not blind, (Y/N)-san! I saw you getting dumped by that ikemen just moments ago!"

You paused for a moment then continued the verbal argument. "You were actually planning to molest me right from the start, you stalker!!"

"I'm not a stalker, it was purely just coincidence!"

"Oh is it now~~??" You teased.

He suddenly got silent. You thought you won the verbal fight but instead, he scooped a handful amount of ice cream from his head and threw it at your face. "Cool off, why don't you?"

You let the ice cream drip off you and slide against your clothes. "It's cold!!" You complained. "It's all sticky and cold, sheesh!!"

Karma stared at you blankly. You got embarrassed on how he looks at you so you quickly covered it up even if it's not that much. "Stop staring, you pervert!"

"On second thought, let's go wash up." He then grabbed your hand and ran away.

That guy is so troublesome. Well... The plan failed. Everything else failed... You thought it was the perfect time for romance but it was not... It was just the 2nd day of summer break and you already got dumped. What a waste.

Summer (Karma Akabane x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now