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"Who will you choose, your best friend or your boyfriend?"


You were asked by an unknown number to go to the café you usually go to. It isn't Isogai's number since you already got his number from some time ago.

You interrogated the caller and it seems that she's a girl and someone you can trust. You assured yourself that it's not a stalker. After all, you didn't sense any presence following you recently.

You sat on an empty table. There are a few customers than usual. You looked around and Isogai isn't there. You think that it's only because he is not in his shift.

Then, a person sat across you. You immediately recognized her.

"Why didn't you just tell me your name?" You asked. You knew from the moment you saw her again that she was the caller that told you to go to the café.

"It was cute how you panicked." Miiko grinned from ear to ear as she clasped her hands together. "Now, let's see..." She took out a notebook from her shoulder bag and began flipping through it. "Your records say that you have gone in this café so often. You always just order a strawberry parfait, looking broken and lost. Isogai-kun has been worried for you ever since. Now, he's not doing well because he pushed himself worrying about you. I don't want to work alone. I like Isogai-kun, he's my friend. So, solely for that reason, tell me all about your problems. You're troubling everyone around you." It seemed like it was a long time ago since you heard her be serious.

You took a deep breath before saying everything to her.

"So it's basically like those questions where you have a dilemma. Like, who will you choose: your mom or your boyfriend? Your brother or your sister? Your son or your daughter? For you, it's: your best friend or your boyfriend? Mind you, this best friend of yours threw your feelings in a trash." She summarized.

"But even so, can't I just choose both?!!" You asked out of desperation.

Miiko solemnly shook her head. She stared deep in your worried and anxious eyes. She started moving her lips again.

"Who will you choose, your best friend or your boyfriend?"

She repeated.

Something finally snapped inside you.

You turned into someone not you.

You looked at Miiko, then smirked. "What if I don't make a choice?" You suggested. "What if I leave them be?"

"Then you'd lose both."

You return to your house, confused, broken, lost. You were about to break down, when a little blue-haired cinnamon roll emerged from out of nowhere.

"Nagisa..." You uttered out his name.

"(Y/N)." He called you out. "I think it's best if you just leave Kayano alone." He says as he walks towards you. "I'll handle the rest." You turned your gaze away.

Nagisa stopped in his tracks. He was a few feet away from you. It caught your attention why he stopped, so you turned to look at him out of curiosity.

He was wearing a calm and relaxed smile. It reassured you that you can leave Kayano in his care. He's not like Karma where you don't know what he's thinking about. Nagisa has been by Kayano's side much longer than you have.

You nodded in acceptance. "Then..." You moved your lips. "Please take care." You forced out a relaxed smile like his.

He just stared at you, then suddenly spread out his arms. "I'm here for you." He says in a soft and gentle voice.

With a tear of joy trickle down your cheek, you rushed to Nagisa and hugged him tight. You did not cry, you did not break down, you just hugged him.

"Yo." You heard a voice that ruined the moment. "I can't believe it will only take a hug for you to cheat on me."

"He's my friend." You justified. "Hugging is enough."

"That's not what I meant." He smirked, snatching you away from Nagisa's grasp and hugged you tight. He leaned down your ear and whispered, "that just means that I got jealous, you know..."

You blushed. You can clearly feel the heat of your face. You shook your head to snap out of it, but it won't go away. I really like him. You thought.

"Oh? Are you blushing? You blushed over such cheesy words?" He teased you, ruining the moment for the second time.

A vein popped out your head and you began smacking him in annoyance. Nagisa seems to be having fun watching the two of you play around.

The only thing missing is Kayano.

"Karma~~<3" Oh, there she is. She barged in wearing a sweet and cute smile.

The three of your faces turned from all smiles to pure shock.

"Kaya--" Before you were even able to say her name, the two guys beside you went to their defensive position, with you behind them.

"Oh come on, I won't do anything to her. I just came to give a ticket for the amusement park." She smiled as she handed out the ticket.

"I refuse." Karma was quick to make a decision.

"Don't be such a hard-to-get and just take them." Kayano insisted.

"Well, the thing is: I'm taken. So I don't think you have the right to interfere." Karma smiled. He's hiding his anger in that smile.

"But that wasn't what you said last night." You saw Kayano smirk to herself before putting up that act.

"(Y-Y/N), don't listen to her! We weren't together last night!" Karma tried to explain.

"You were so cute yesterday that I took a pic for remembrance!" Kayano cheered, showing a pic in her cellphone.

"You were so cute yesterday that I took a pic for remembrance!" Kayano cheered, showing a pic in her cellphone

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You were too shocked to say a thing. You felt like you were about to puke from disgust. Your stomach curls up in an undistinguished manner.

"That isn't real! (Y/N), you know better!" Karma tried to snap you out. No matter how much he shakes you, the picture doesn't change into someone else.

You held his hand and warmly smiled at him. You glanced at Nagisa, who is still shocked, but when he saw your smile, he sighed in relief. You turned to Karma again and said,

"I have made my choice."

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