Half of Summer

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It has been the half of summer. If that half ends, it will be back to school again.

Of course, you are not a bit disappointed if school will come soon or not. Even if you are busy doing school work, you are happy that you will be with your friends.

"I bet you¥2,000 that you and Karma will last for two months maximum." Kayano joked. Even if it was a joke, you felt like breaking the glass you're holding shattering in frustration.

"Enough of the jokes." Karma scowled, hissing at Kayano.

"Why are you even joking about this?" You asked with a brow raised, slightly angry.

"Oh, you know." She brushed it off.

"I don't think that answers anything." You, Nagisa, and Karma simultaneously stated the undeniable fact. Kayano can't get away from this.

"Is anything wrong, Kayano-chan?" You asked, eyeing her with suspicion.

"Nothing's wrong!" She strongly denies. This made you even more suspicious of her. It's hard to tell if she's acting or not. After all, she's a great actress.

"What's the matter, (Y/N)?" Nagisa panicked.

"Kayano-chan's acting strange." You noticed. "She's acting. Stop lying. I can see through you."

In a millisecond, you saw her glance at Karma with a vulnerable expression. At that time, you knew.

Your eyes shrunk in realization. You trembled with nervousness and anxiety. You questioned everything about her role in your life.

"You like him... don't you?" You whispered in a very soft voice. Karma, who's sitting beside you, and Nagisa, who's sitting across you, heard it. You are compacted, seated close to each other. No doubt everyone will hear even a whisper, of course. Despite the standard noises of the café.

Everyone froze at that instance.

Even Kayano, who you thought will deny it, stayed silent as confirmation.

Not buying it, you took the glass of juice that you bought and was drinking. You gripped it tightly, but not enough to shatter it. You are not like the idiot you were before.

With still trembling hands, you slammed your other hand on the table and stood up, at the same instance your other hand splashed Kayano in the face.

"Why did you even become my friend? What are you really planning all along?" The more you think about her, the more you knew that Kayano was playing the three of you like dummies who obediently do what is asked. "It's your chance to be honest. Although, I won't be responsible of what will happen from now on."

"I like Karma."

You felt as if your world has shattered in front of your eyes. Those three words that were forced out of her heart. Those three words that have been buried deep inside her heart without even you noticing it. You clenched your fists.

It's all your fault. Everything is your fault.

Without even explaining it, it felt as if you now know her main objective.

It was only you who wanted to be friends with her, it was only you who treated the other as a friend, it was only you who endured all the things that she has said and done, it was you who's the main character that played the game that she herself has created.

It was you who was the fool.

Tears silently flowed down your eyes. You're still staring at her. Everyone knows what kind of expression you are wearing. That expression that asks "why?"

You loved her, you burdened yourself with her selfish sins. Yet, what has she done for you other than secretly masterminding your actions all along?

Seeing Kayano's face full of pity towards you, even if she is facing the ground, made you run away the café, crying. You can't bear to see her in that "honest state" of hers.

Karma followed after you, as you expected.

"(Y/N)!" He called out, grabbing your arm to stop you from running away.

You turned to see him and immediately hugged him, finding even the slightest comfort. "Karma! Karma!" You keep screaming, hugging him tighter with each scream.

"I wouldn't leave you. I will never!" He reassured you. But that isn't the thing you needed the most right now.

"She likes you! She planned this all along! Her main plan was for me to get rid of my feelings for Isogai-kun so that she can provide you false hope. She didn't want your teamwork to end so early. Now that she knows about our relationship, she was actually planning something. She knew what you were thinking since the beginning! So she accompanied me because she knows you couldn't approach me as long as she and Nagisa are there!" You unfolded her plan. "She was... acting all along... Even when I thought we were... friends..." You whispered, burying your head in his chest.

Karma pats your head affectionately. He knows what's the appropriate time to joke around, at least. He kissed on top of your head and hugged you tight.

"The real question is what you're going to do from now on." He whispered, caressing your head as gently as he can. "Don't worry. I will help you with whatever I can. I will never leave your side."


"I'll give you a deadline: when classes resume. If you still don't have a resolve, I will take care it for you."

You don't know what goes on in Karma's mind. Of course, Kayano has been by your side. Even if it was one-sided friendship, you still care for her enough to be worried about Karma's tortures.

You stayed silent, merely grabbing onto his clothes as tight as you needed for comfort.

You need Karma the most when it comes to consolation. Just by being by his side reassures you that everything will be fine.

Even if your alleged close friend betrayed your trust, and is targeting your boyfriend, being by the redhead's side is enough.

Because of him, you were filled with determination and motivation to try and clear things up with Kayano.

You need to decide before the half of summer ends...

Summer (Karma Akabane x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now