Plan B Crashes

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You turned your head and saw your group of friends together. You were wondering why that is, considering that only Kayano and Nagisa are always around each other, but Karma is nothing of the ordinary.

They just ran past you and headed to Okuda. It left you baffled with questions.

"Karma-kun." She sounded surprised. She only called out Karma despite him being with Kayano and Nagisa too. You felt anger in your eyes again, but you still can't seem to know why. "Hello." She greeted with a nice warm smile. You're thinking to erase that nice warm smile before it even reaches Karma's field of vision.

Seeing Karma smile back just added fuel to the fire. You can't just sit back and watch as the two are being lovey-dovey despite not being a couple.

You started moving towards them and acted like you don't know anything.

"Oh, what a coincidence. I was looking for you." You stated as you faced Okuda and Okuda alone, ignoring everyone else. "Can I ask you something?"

Okuda slightly and hesitantly nodded. She felt like she's being attacked, slowly being cornered, then, when the timing is right, she will get killed by one swift motion. Just one wrong move from her will be her death.

"That friend of yours is a girl who's asking for Karma-kun, right?" You tilted your head to mask your motives. Of course, judging by the atmosphere, the mask is useless. They all know what you're trying to do. "Is she shyer than you, and that's why you're doing it for her?"

Okuda gulped at the question. She kept repeating to herself, "just one wrong move, just one wrong move, just one, just one." She kept on trembling as she did her best to nod.

Your nerves twitched when she nodded. You felt like you're about to flip the table and hit Okuda. You know she's lying, but you need to play along.

"Is that so?" You asked, the atmosphere calming a bit. "Then, what's her name?" You demanded, the atmosphere suddenly becomes heavy again.

Your three friends couldn't do anything when you're hiding your rampage like that. They know that if by any chance they'd interfere, they will feel the chills of death run up their spine.

Even Karma, the only possible person who's not intimidated by any kind of danger that might hit him, couldn't do anything since he's confused as hell and if he ever thinks he can guess just by the situation alone, he will also meet death, but not just the chills, death that will swallow him whole.

Okuda glanced at Karma, which made your nerves twitch violently.

"K-K-Karma-kun is here... I d-don't think she wants to let K-K-Karma-kun know about her..." she blushed. BLUSHED!

You narrowed your eyes in anger. "Akabane!" You called out. It made Karma flinch in utter shock. "Kill yourself." You glared.

"What?!" He glared back, cracking his knuckles.

"Ooooorrr you can just leave. Right, Karma?" Kayano was quick to hold him down.

"Yeah. That works too. Just get your face out of my sight."

"How about I get rid of your face?!" Karma was about to sock you again but Nagisa then stepped in and knocked him down unconscious by hitting him on the back of his head.

"Sorry, (Y/N). Karma-kun is confused and frustrated because of how you acted. I'm sure he means no harm." Nagisa made up an excuse for him.

"Ok, since he is unconscious, tell me now why you like him!!" You couldn't help it. You shouted at her, causing a huge ruckus in the café.

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