Summer Ends

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Summer finally ended. Although you initially thought that summer was the time you get to romance with Isogai, it was actually with Karma.

"In the end, you were unable to do anything." Karma whispers to your ear as the two of you walk side by side in the hallways.

"I tried everything. You see how my plans always fail. It was not my fault, she was being stubborn." You sighed, reminiscing the times you tried to talk or much less see Kayano. "I don't think I've seen her again after that incident."

"Well, it was weird to begin with." Karma looks up the ceiling.

You stare at him in confusion. "What is?" You ask.

"She suddenly wanted to cut ties with you."

"Maybe her jealousy got the best of her and--"

"No, she's great at hiding. Saying that she let her feelings get the best of her is like insulting her acting skills." He justified. "What if she purposely dropped the act?"

"Then, what was her intention?"

The two of you started to think of a reason, but both gave up because of laziness. "Well, we might as well leave it be. If it's her, of course her plan is going to be perfect." Karma says, entwining his hands on the back of his head.

"Yeah." You agreed, thinking back to her first plan: the date with Isogai. You shrugged it off because it happened in the past anyway.


"Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap." You repeatedly chant to yourself as you ran towards the mountain, where your school is. It was hard enough to run to the mountain, much less, carry your school things, but you run to the mountain while eating a sandwich you made yourself. "I'm late!" You panicked, continuing to dash to the Class 3-E classroom.

You finally reached it, but you weren't able to finish eating the sandwich.

"Oya, you came in time, (Y/N)." Koro-sensei praised you... which is suspicious because you definitely remembered you left your house at 8. You glared at him, seeing through his lie. "You came just in time for break time. You were even able to make a sandwich because you knew you were going to be here by break time. How cute~~ <3."

Everyone laughed along Koro-sensei's joke. You were about to attack him right then and there, but of course, with his speed, you couldn't keep up.

"Frontal attack? I wouldn't mind either way. But if you show up late again, I'll have to discipline you." You shivered at his choice of words. "Well then, I'll be off." He went on his way and flew out the window, like always.

You subconsciously went to Karma and Nagisa's side without saying or doing anything else. Just sit next to them.

"Kayano is here." Karma started a conversation.

"Right." You simply responded, finishing the sandwich that you're eating.

"I saw her a while ago. It was a strange and awkward encounter." He continued.


"She said that she's not going after me anymore, so you can be at ease." You stayed silent. Karma noticed this so he kept on talking if you have no other comments. "She's funny. Especially when she purposely tried to cut ties with you, she still asks how you are. She really cares and is concerned about you, but she's hiding it. What did I tell you? She's great at hiding." Karma smirked.

You stared at him, wide-eyed. You glanced at Nagisa, who has an understanding smile. You gave him a warm smile in return.

"She really is, isn't she?" You chuckled.

You saw someone else's reflection in Nagisa's clear blue eyes when you glanced at him. A green-haired pig-tailed little girl, who was hiding in the doorway. You did not sense her presence at all, so you gave her the praise and acknowledgement, but she should still at least tried to hide her own physical body in any possible places where a person might see, rather than just erasing her presence.

"By the way, why were you late? Did you sleep late last night, reading those stories that make you squeal and stay up until 3 am?" Karma teased, showing off his signature devilish smirk.

"Anything wrong with that? I need a little recharge after that boring orientation." You pouted, turning away from Karma's gaze out of guilt. "Speaking of which, I don't usually see you in the orientation. What made you want to come?"

"You." He was quick to answer, but unfortunately, wrong.

"No, you and Nagisa dragged me there." You corrected. Nagisa and Karma wore blank smiles as if they were guilty about that.

"Well then, that reason is a secret." Karma made up an excuse. You blankly stared at him.

"Nagisa was even saying stuff like 'it's a student's duty.' He said. 'it will be fun.' He said." You rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"Th-that!" He panicked while Karma was holding his stomach from containing too much laughter. "I thought that if I stayed silent, I wouldn't be mentioned!"

"Oh, is that your reason?" You dryly asked him.

"Of course!" He was serious.

"Nagisa, you're too much to handle!" Karma points and laughs at Nagisa, who's being picked on. Poor child.

"Oh, what's this?" A wild Rio appeared.

"Nagisa was saying stuff like a diligent student, but he can't even pass his subjects!" Karma laughed loudly. Now  Rio joined in too.

"You guys--"

"What's wrong, Nagisa? We haven't picked on you for quite some time. We need someone to play with, you know." You smiled, imitating that of a cat's. Like a cat that found its prey.


"Summer passes by like a blink of an eye. But in that blink, there a lot that happened. Who knew that what you expected wasn't like the one you got? It was better..."

A/N: I also have an Asano x OC fanfic. If you like, I'd appreciate if you check it out :)

Thank you for reading my story. 😊😊

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