Plan B Starts

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You kept running and running until you accidentally bumped into someone. You looked up to see who it is.

It was Okuda!

"Ah, gomen, (Y/N)-san." She meekly apologized, dusting her clothes first then helped you get up.

"Manami-san." You called out.

Okuda flinched at your sudden call and slowly turned her head to look at you. "Y-yes?"

"It's weird to see you here." You brushed your main point of her being suspicious and just went with the small casual talk.

"Y-you too."

"What are you talking about?" You laughed to lighten up the atmosphere around her. You sense her being nervous, you can feel her wavelength. "Knowing that I go out all the time, what is weird about that?"

"I-is that so? I rarely see you outside so..." She turned her head away to avoid eye contact while speaking.

"That's because you don't go outside so often (-_-)." You bluntly explained what was actually the truth.


"Well, I'm going. See you!" You decided to end the small talk here, but then Okuda spoke as if she doesn't want to do the same.

"Umm... I-is Karma-kun doing well?!!" She blurted out in the form of a  shout. You stopped at your tracks and just stared at her. You concluded that if she ever confesses to someone, she will also blurt it out like an angry shout more than a soft and heartwarming one.

You shook that idea off and went back to the main point. "Why do you want to know?" You asked with cold dead eyes.

"I-I'm asking for a friend."

For a friend, huh... You thought. You narrowed your eyes a bit, then finally answered the question. "I don't know, I don't care. Oh, and tell your friend that if she wants to ask someone about something, it's better if she does it instead rather than ordering her friends around." You looked through Okuda's soul, your heartless words are leaking out your mouth. You seem angry about something.

With just that as a parting speech, you walked away from her.


"What's plan B?" Nagisa asked Karma, tilting his head to the side.

"If I can't get her near me, then she can get near me!" Karma boasted, pointing his thumb on his chest while flashing a huge grin.

"How's that going to work?" Nagisa again asked, not understanding what Karma had just explained.

"You're an idiot." He just blankly told him.

"Well, I'm sorry! Can you explain it more thoroughly?!" Nagisa angrily tried to justify himself.


"You don't even know if she's going to be jealous or not!" Nagisa started stating the facts.

"That's why we have Plan C: Being a Hero."

"Your order of doing things is so messed up!"

"Then we go to Plan D: Patience."

From that moment, Nagisa thought his brain is going to explode for how much of an idiot Karma can be.

------Back to the present------

You reached your house and the first thing you did was to call for Kayano. You flopped yourself to your bed and started groaning and moving around in an attempt to make yourself feel better by sorting out your feelings.

"(Y/N)-chan? What happened?" Kayano sounded genuinely worried. As if she felt you through the phone.

"Nagisa confessed to me." You sounded dead and tired. Like a zombie trying to get her windpipe back.

"Do you hate him for it?" Kayano calmly asks.

"No, not really. I just need some time to understand what he was trying to convey." You groaned.

"What if Karma does the same?" She blurted out of the blue.

"What's with girls and Karma-kun lately?!" You complained, punching a nearby pillow. You were frustrated, but you don't know why.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Kayano sounded genuinely surprised.

"I saw Manami-san earlier. She was asking if Karma-kun is doing well, and that, she was asking for a friend. Are you that friend?"

Kayano took a moment to answer hesitantly. "Yeah. I was that friend. I was just too nervous to approach him head-on and ask if he's doing well." You know that she's just acting. She's an actress after all. You're bound to experience things like this.

"No. If you want to ask Karma-kun, you can just do so by calling him. You know his number, you don't call him with honorifics anymore, and you just say what you want to say to him no matter how embarrassing it may seem for other people. That 'friend' of hers may be someone shyer or as shy as Manami-san. Do you know anyone?"

Kayano didn't respond. In those few seconds, you just realized what Okuda meant to say.

"Kayano-chan." You called out. Kayano flinched, but you didn't see it nor feel it. "No one is shyer than Manami-san. And the only person who's as shy as Manami-san is..."

Kayano got it the moment you mentioned "no one is shyer than Manami-san."

So the only person who's as shy as Okuda is...

"That was your plan?! That was a stupid plan!!!" Kayano shouted at her phone.

Karma was ignoring her, moving the phone away from his head because it sounded like he was on speakerphone.

"I know right..." Nagisa commented on the sidelines, watching the two collide.

"And who the hell told you you can use a fellow friend like Okuda-san?!" Kayano went on and on ranting.

"Don't worry, Inui-san will-- wait what? Okuda-san?"

Silence fills the both parties...

Knowing the true meaning behind Okuda's words, you ran around the city to look for her. You can just ask Kayano for her number, but the phone line kept cutting, saying that she's busy. She was not before ,so you guessed that she's calling Okuda.

You ran just for a few seconds yet you panted like you've run for a thousand kilometers. In the café's window, you saw who you're looking for...



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