Romance Starts

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You got ready for today since you are going to go to the café Isogai is working at. Of course, half of the reason is because you want to see him again. The other half however, is because of the female waitress that piqued your interest.

However, when you reached the café, you noticed some familiar faces.

"Oh, you came right in time, (Y/N)-chan!" A short green-haired girl waved at you, wearing a yellow dress that matches the summer color. "I was really worried when Karma-kun told me that you aren't going to come!" She then smiled and sighed in relief. You are left speechless because you don't know what to say. You just looked at Karma in a way that looked surprised.

"Well since you're here, let's go inside." Nagisa broke the awkward silence and you all went inside.

You sat beside Kayano and across you is Nagisa. Across Kayano is Karma. You did nothing but to look for Isogai, your head turning to different directions, desperate to see him. You ignored whatever the other three are talking about, keeping your focus on looking for Isogai.

"(Y/N)-san, you don't seem to be in earth right now." Karma tried to snap you back, going as far as to poke you on the side.

You immediately jolted back but was snapped back to reality anyway. "I-I-I was just thinking about something, that's all!" You tried hard to stutter up a lie.

Karma's lips curled into a scary smirk. You know him, everyone knows how he is a devil that just loves to tease people!

"Oh? And I wonder what you're thinking about anyway..." He looked down on you as he would to a small rat. "You're looking for your boyfriend or something?"

You were about to deny it, having enough of his teasing even if it just started, but someone interfered as a regular customer. You thought it was weird to see her acting as a regular customer but you played along anyway.

"Are these your friends, (Y/N)-san?" She calmly asked with her cold voice.

"Yes, they are." You replied, forgetting about the rage that you had just a moment ago.

"Oh, good afternoon. My name is Miiko Inui. Do you mind if I borrow (Y/N)-san for a while?" She pulled your arm, forcing you to leave the group before they even say anything.

"Sure. We don't mind." Nagisa smiled as he lets her take you.

"Arigatou." She bowed then went on the other table. She pushed you to the chair and she sat down across you. "You might be wondering why I forcibly dragged you here just to talk to me." She rested her head on her hands like a suspicious two-faced bad guy.

You looked around but saw nothing as suspicious as her. "Obviously." You bluntly replied.

"Keep this a secret but... I have a crush on Isogai-kun long before you did." She started. Because of her short mention of Isogai's name, you attentively paid attention. "But I'll have to tell you this in advance: he likes someone else."

You just stared at her, unfazed. You then rolled your eyes and sighed. "I know that already." You said very calmly. "But that doesn't mean I will give up. He's still the guy that I want to see everyday, the guy that I blush around to, the guy that I like." You boldly proclaimed.

After a second, you then realized that there are ears attentively listening to what you just said. You are unable to do anything. They are there for a reason and that is, to ruin your life...well, "accidentally".

"Is that true, (Y/N)-chan?!" Kayano gasped. You never to told her, you never told anyone about it. No one knows...but now that three people heard about it, it's too late to take it back.

"It's not that surprising. Isogai-kun is an ikemen. If I were a girl, I would also fall for him." Nagisa hopelessly laughed.

"If you want, you can get rid of it, you know." Karma teased, flashing a wide smile.

"I never said I wanted to be a girl!!" Nagisa shouted.

You giggled at your friends' reactions. They gave out interesting reactions. Karma, however, didn't do anything...even as much as tease you. You were confused about this but didn't show it.

"You have nice friends. I know you can get over the heartbreak immediately. You got to confess now before I do. Don't tell me I didn't warn you." Miiko said as a parting speech before leaving you to ponder about what the hell just happened.

"Ah, so don't tell me... You actually went here to see Isogai-kun?!" Kayano gasped again, just now realizing your true intention.

"Oh come on, that wasn't hard to figure it out by now, Kayano-san!" Karma reprimanded. It was a save. He reprimanded her for you. That's good.

Kayano pouted and ignored Karma's statement. "Well anyway, what are you planning to do now, (Y/N)-chan? Are you going to confess like that girl said?" She asked brimming with excitement.

You rubbed your hands together and smirked really wide. "This is going to be fun." You said. The three people looked at you, puzzled at what they're seeing. "Well since you know about my secret, how about helping me with him?" You winked and smiled. Like nothing is under your sleeves.

"Are you even listening, you nutcrack? He has someone he likes!" Karma protested. If he sees me as a nutcrack, then he's the nut, you thought to yourself as you held back your rage from before.

"So what? I'm not giving up! Just because some gal seduced him doesn't mean I can't appeal to him! We got all summer! That's more than enough!" You swooped Kayano and Nagisa with your speech but Karma ignored you the whole time. It irritates you for some reason.

"I'm in, (Y/N)-chan!" Kayano gripped her fists together.

"So am I, (Y/N)! Just tell us what we're going to do." Nagisa sounded determined.

You three formed a circle, leaving Karma behind. You whispered out the plan and all three of you nodded.

It's time where the romance starts! You said to yourself as you are determined to finally confess to Isogai after having done nothing for the past year. It's your chance to shine and appeal to Isogai at last!

Summer (Karma Akabane x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now