No Matter What You Are

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"How are you like back then?" You asked Karma, who is sitting beside you, also watching TV.

"Hm?" He jerked his head to turn to you. His eyes are innocent, like they have nothing to hide. "I have always been like this."

"No, you weren't this soft." You told the truth.

"Ah, you're right. I have always been like a devil, but I became softer towards you." He put his arms on the back of his head and leaned, putting his feet on your coffee table. "You know why, right?"

You smirked. Of course you know why. But you wanted to know if it's true, if it's actually the reason.

"Nooooo...???" You hummed playfully. You didn't want to look oblivious nevertheless.

"You're messing with me, aren't you?" Karma grimaced.

"Nooooo...???" You repeated.

"You know the reason so I won't tell you anymore." He turned away.

"What?! Wait- no! I really don't know the reason! Come on, tell me~~~!" You whined and wailed, hoping that he would give in. "Hey, just this once, I haven't actually heard you say it directly to me."

"Well, you haven't either!" He justified himself.

"But I was waiting for you~~~" you pouted and put up puppy eyes. "Besides, isn't it a man's job to confess first?" You barked the second after. The art of deceit.

"Haa?! I thought it was the other way around?" He snarled.

"Are you kidding me?!" You fought back. You got nothing to lose. "Are you a coward for not saying it?!"

"Then you're the same!" He got a point that left you speechless for a moment.

"Ah, whatever." You sighed, finally giving up. "You're saying that that's the reason why you changed your attitude towards me, right?"

"Wow. You actually gave up pretty quick." He was surprised.

"It's pointless anyway." You stated the fact. "State your business. You said you wanted to come over."

"Ah, that's right!" He jolted, taking something from the bag he brought. "I brought a couple of lemons and alcohol to treat your wound." He was back from the devil he was. When he said he became soft towards you, was that a lie?!

"I-I-I need to go somewhere..." you gulped and headed to the door.

"Just kidding." He shines so bright that you thought you were hallucinating when sparkles appeared around him.

You felt all the weight in your chest has been lifted. You sighed, exasperated.

"I wanted to check on you. That's normal, right? A boyfriend checking on his girlfriend?" He winked at you. You were not affected by it at all.

"Yeah. A boyfriend who wouldn't even say 'I like you' directly to his girlfriend." You snickered and put up a smug face. It's revenge time.

"Well his girlfriend doesn't do the same either!" He fought back, though you expected it.

"Oh, is that a challenge? I'll gladly take you on then." You folded your arms and tilted your head. "I like you a lot, Karma."

Karma stopped all his movements, breathing included. He was as still as a frozen statue.

You thought it would only last a few seconds but it took more than just "a few seconds" and yet he hasn't moved an inch yet.

You waved, snapped, and made ugly faces in front of him yet he's still not moving.

Your eyes glinted like you've got a plan to crash his pride. You took out the lemons and alcohol. You then pointed one lemon on his eye and threatened to press it.

That's where he moves, grabbing your arm that's holding the lemon. Still, you don't resist. Moreover, you were happy with his reaction.

"I feel like no matter how Karma is, I will accept him." You suddenly blurted out.

"Heeh~~ even if by any chance, I'm just deceiving you?" He smirked like he's looking down on you, still holding unto your non-wounded hand.

"I love you not because you love me. I love you because you are you. No matter how bad you do things to me, I will still forgive you. It's the same with Kayano-chan and Nagisa. Kayano did something to me, played me around like I'm some kind of pawn, and Nagisa lied to me, yet I still forgave them because they're my friends. That's the same with you, or, more even. Even if you cheat, it will be fine for me because that just means I'm not good enough and I would probably leave you because you're unhappy and--"

"Shut up." He covered your mouth with the hand that has been holding onto your arm. "That's enough." He said, but his eyes are staring at the ground, not wanting to face you.

When you shut yourself up, he hugged you tight, still not wanting you to see his face.

"You... really are a foolish girl, aren't you?" He whispers. Before you could say anything, he started first. "There's no way I would cheat on you."

You hugged him back, feeling the warmth of his body spreading to you. It's a relaxing warmth that you'd want to hold onto forever.

"Why?" You're still going at it, provoking him further.

Karma felt like he was personally attacked because he heard you loud and clear earlier. He wouldn't want to be left behind.

He leaned closer. His breath reaching your ears, which made you shudder.

"Are you an idiot for not knowing?" He started, smirking. But you don't see that. "It's because I love you, (Y/N). Isn't that obvious enough?"

You then bursted laughing, ultimately breaking the hug, which startled Karma.

"What's wrong?!" He panicked.

"Your voice?" You answered, still joking and laughing around.

You then revealed that you were recording him saying "I love you" because it's rare of him to say those kinds of stuff. To you, even!

You repeated the phrase over and over while skipping around so Karma wouldn't be able to snatch it away from you.

"Too bad, huh. Though I'm not really good with confronting danger head-on, I like to dodge them." You boasted, spinning around while Karma tries to take your phone and delete your record of him saying such an embarrassing thing.

But you feel relieved nevertheless because...

You see him genuinely having fun while he's trying to snatch your phone away.

He was smiling freely...

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