Jealousy Starts

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"Ok, what did you call me here for?" You ask while sipping on your strawberry milkshake in the café near your house.

Miiko stares at you. She was being cute and girly, unexpected from the person who tricked you once and attempted to trick you again. It reminded you that Miiko really is a girl, even if it doesn't seem like it.

"I heard that you and that devil are going out." Miiko isn't giving you eye contact. She isn't speaking in the usual way she does too. Her voice and tone is softer and less demanding for a response.

"Yeah. So?" But you still retained your style of speech towards her.

"Break up with him?"

As soon as she finished her sentence, your grip on the milkshake glass tightened, smashing it into pieces before you can even finish the last sip. Your hand bleeds. The blood dripping down in the same pace as your heart. You are too shocked to even say or do anything.

The café is in panic, the employees are desperate fixing the mess you made, and Miiko's eyes shrunk in shock, staring at your wounded hand. The hand that just shouts "no touching" so no one tried to treat it no matter how desperate they are.

"Don't tell me it's a joke or else I'll slap your face with my bloody hand! You don't want your face to be ruined by some other person's blood, do you?" You were serious. Miiko saw it through.

She has gone pale, her lips are shivering despite the heat, her eyes still in the same shrunken state.

You traumatized her.

"If you're done talking, I'll be on my way. It's pointless to talk to someone who isn't even responding." You waved your non-wounded hand at her as you exit the café.

When you're sure no one can see you, you dropped down to your knees and panicked over your wounded hand. It was too much for you to handle. You overestimated yourself.

"I'm that stupid to not take caution." You thought to yourself.

The cuts are deep and the bleeding isn't stopping. You need medical attention ASAP.

"(Y/N)!" You heard your name being called out by a familiar soothing voice.

You turned your head and see a little angel running up to you.

You turned your head and see a little angel running up to you

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"Nagisa!" You beamed. You were about to stand up to go run to him, but then your pain got the better of you so you fell down your knees again.

Nagisa noticed this and panicked. "(Y/N), what's wrong?"

You know you couldn't get away from him knowing about your lies, so you took a moment before telling the truth.

"You're hopeless." Nagisa sighed. He may worded it as insensitive, but he sounded so sweetly.

Plus, he's treating your hand with utmost care. It really looked like he's your brother or something. You giggled at that thought.

Instead of questioning it, Nagisa just warmly smiled.

"But she shouldn't joke about that, right? Even if it's a joke, I wouldn't take it lightly." You boldly proclaimed and justified yourself.

"Hai, hai. I understand, I understand." Nagisa nodded while you rant. "(Y/N), you're so protective of Karma-kun."

You blushed at his statement and turned away in utter embarrassment. "Argh geez, it's not that I'm protective of him, I just don't want to be joked around like that." You gave an excuse.

"Yeah, yeah." He just blindly nods along your rantings and excuses.

"Listen to me!" You wailed.

"You know, Karma-kun was worried about you." Nagisa started a whole new topic.

"Huh?! Don't change the subject!"

"No, really. He's worried that you'll get jealous over Okuda-san." You stopped your words and actions. "But seeing you be happy yesterday on your date, he thinks he was just overthinking."


"You're on equal being protective." He shrugged while putting up a smug face. "Because he's also thinking whether or not you still have feelings for Isogai-kun."

"I thought I clearly told him that we're better off as friends." You pouted, thinking that Karma doesn't listen to you.

"Well, yeah, but, if there are lingering feelings, even if it's just little, it will cause trouble for the other party so just be thankful he hadn't done anything." Nagisa explained. His face fell as if he remembered something concerning Karma.

"Nagisa, you guys are best friends, until today, right?" You tilted your head.


"Then, can you tell me what he's like?"

He paused for a moment. Your hand is fully bandaged now. He puts his hands on his lap and stared in your eyes. His eyes are soft and want nothing more than your utter support. You understood his answer from his eyes alone.

"It's better if you ask him about it." Just as you thought. "Pfft." He suddenly burst into laughter, which you can't do anything about, but to stare at it, dumbfounded. "I just remembered Karma-kun asking the same thing to me. You two are similar! But he's more cautious than you are." He said it so plainly while pointing at your hand.

"Oh, shut it, will you?" You scolded.

"Then, I'll go leave now." Nagisa bid you goodbye.

As he exits, you thought of letting Karma know about the situation.

You took out your phone and dialled him. You waited for him to pick up.


"Ah, Karma!" You excitedly blurted out.

"Oh, (Y/N), what's wrong?"

"My hand is what's wrong." You tried to joke.

"What?" Karma didn't get it.

"Uhh... How should I put this?" You nervously uttered. After a moment of waiting, you mustered up the courage to say it. "I got jealous of Miiko. One thing led to another, so now I wounded my hand, but don't worry! Nagisa treated it for me. I just... wanted to let you know. Is that bad?"

No answer.


"I'm coming over whether you like it or not." He said those as a parting speech then you heard him hang up.

*toot toot toot*

You put your phone in your pocket then went to watch TV pretty carefree, waiting for Karma's arrival.

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