Date Starts

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4 pm.

You got ready for the date with Nagisa today. You picked out your "best" formal clothes, AKA the decent ones. You have always relied on Kayano for the outfits but today is an exception since you're just going with Nagisa, just as a close friend. With how you address each other, it can be assumed as best friends! Well, he does come in your house sometimes before. But now, he didn't have time.

Now that you think about it, Nagisa isn't close with you as he was before. That's why he wanted to go on a date with you, to relive the moments where you're happy together.

As you were thinking this, Nagisa suddenly appeared in front of you.

As you were thinking this, Nagisa suddenly appeared in front of you

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You gasped at seeing him. Wow. You thought. You have no other thoughts but just "wow". He was being cool and cute at the same time. You can't help but just stare.

"You look like a volleyball player." You giggled upon seeing him.

Nagisa giggled. You noticed how a little bit of pink managed to glow on his face but you just assumed it was because of the summer heat.

"So, where are we going first, blue-haired Hinata?" You asked, remembering a certain volleyball player you watched some time ago.

Nagisa looked at you, puzzled and confused on what you just said, but just shook his head like it's not his business. "What do you want for snacks?" He answered your question with a question.

(A/N: what a smaaaarrrttt move, Nagisa  (-_-))

You pondered for a while and then you snapped your fingers. "Sushi." You excitedly said, clasping your hands together.

Nagisa again looked at you with the same confused and puzzled reaction as before. "Thought you would go for something like an ice cream or parfait."

"Meh. I already had those. I want a change of pace. Besides, eating too many sugary foods will make me fat." You whined, poking your stomach.

"Well, it's hot and--" Nagisa kept on trying to persuade you to go eat something cooler to beat the heat.

"Nagisa, you asked me. I answered 'sushi', so respect my decision and just take me to a sushi place or something." You finally complained, tapping your feet in annoyance.

Nagisa stared at you, a bit shocked. You thought you made him feel bad, but instead he flashed a bright smile, scratching the back of his head. "You're right, you're right. Come on." He offered his hand to you.

You looked at him and warmly smiled. Finally, he understood what I was trying to say. You took his hand and the two of you walked together, hand in hand, while going to... somewhere with sushi.

Sushi shop.

The two of you are having fun watching each other fill yourselves up. It was a nice view, considering how the two of you like sushi.

(A/N: I cannot say whether or not your favorite food is also sushi, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume you like it.)

"Why did you pick sushi? I still can't figure it out." Nagisa suddenly blurted out now, when you already had your fill.

Your face that's full of excitement and contentment quickly turned into a blank and stressed look. So he didn't get it after all. You thought, groaning in despair. You expected something you shouldn't have.

"Look," you impatiently started, folding your arms and leaning back on your chair. "A date is supposed to make the both of us happy. If you're paying for it all, at least you pay for what you want rather than what I want. I don't go on dates to go shopping with money that I didn't earn myself, I go on dates to spend time with someone I care about. Remember that the next time you go on a date with someone." You sighed, after giving that speech. It was in your whole heart but it made you emotionally exhausted.

Nagisa paused, staring at your eyes, then warmly smiled. "Thank you, (Y/N)." His facial expression is warm, not just his smile. His eyes are calm and warm as ever, reassuring that you're in safe hands. It made you forget that he's the best assassin you could ever meet.

"Oh yeah, I tasted octopus's tentacles and I couldn't help but choke because I keep remembering Koro-sensei." You thought of a topic to turn the heavy atmosphere into a lighter one instead.

It worked. The two of you laughed at that thought and agreed with each other.

Like a bat's ears, you sensed someone's presence behind you. Nagisa caught that presence too as he sharply turned his attention on your back, focusing on its presence.

"Oh, what a coincidence! I see my two students today~" you heard from behind. You had a thought of who it might be, and judging from Nagisa's facial expression, you thought of the correct answer. "My, what's this? Getting all lovey-dovey like that. Are you two perhaps on a date~~?" He recklessly asked, not like the two of you care anyway.

"So what if we are? Any objections, Sensei?" You turned around to see him.

"Well that was an unexpected fast answer." Koro-sensei replied, not having any more fun teasing you. "Why sushi, of all food? You can go eat ice cream, or parfait at the café Isogai-kun works that's near your house or--"

You tried to assassinate him by stabbing him with the rubber knife you were given but he dodged it quickly, moving from side to side as he continues.

"--or maybe some sweet gelato from Italy. It's very hot right now and you still have time for sushi!" He scolded you like a parent scolding their child just because of a food decision.

"You're annoying as always." You commented. "When will you ever melt?" You tried to stab him, again and again, but he kept on dodging it easily.

"Ufufufufu. I don't melt. You see--"

"Ah, Koro-sensei." Nagisa shyly raised his hand to catch his senpai-- err-- sensei's attention. "If you don't mind, please don't bother us while we're on a date."

Koro-sensei glanced at me then back at Nagisa. "How bold you became, Nagisa-kun. Of course, I just came here to buy some sushi. (Y/N)-chan here seems like she wanted to talk so I did. Well, I'll be on my way now, sayonara~~~" and with that, he just dashed faster than Sonic.

You went back on your seat like nothing happened. Rather, you were refreshed after trying to attack Koro-sensei.

"Phew." You started. "If that yellow octopus didn't come, I wouldn't be this refreshed right now!" You stretched your limbs out.

"Haha, I know what you mean (Y/N)." Nagisa gently giggled, like his usual thing. "If I didn't send him away, I wouldn't be able to control myself and try to assassinate him too."

"Then why didn't you join us?" You widely smiled, your mouth reaching from ear to ear as your eyes sparkled like stars.

"I'm supposed to spend time with you, not him. Let's just go assassinate him some other time. I just... want to talk to you for a moment." He turned serious. That means he wants to talk about a serious topic.

Knowing this, you turned serious too. You opened up your ears and attentively listen to every word he has to say.

"It's about Isogai-kun."

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