"So... A date?"

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"Damn, you're so fast!" You huffed and panted. Karma was able to catch the both of them so easily, even when he gave you a head start. It looked like you were not going to lose either, since you gave it your all. You are already on your knees, trying to catch your breath.

"It's official. You're going out with me." Karma rashly decided with a huge grin on his face. He looks so proud. Although he did challenge you. And you arrogantly accepted the challenge.

"Screw you and your rules!" You shouted, still huffing.

"I'm going to buy you a drink." Nagisa volunteered, slowly fading away from your sight.

Wait a minute-- this place... is really far from your house.

"Where are we?" You squinted.

"That's why you lost. You don't even know this place! You don't know any shortcuts, paths, or landmarks--" Karma teases you. You were not having any of it.

"We've been running for hours! Just how far is this place?!" You complained.

"Hmm... I'd say around 40 kilome--"

"40 kilometers?!" You interrupted the thinking Karma. Which may sound rude if his statement doesn't let out a big surprise.

"Yeah, I know it's also a surprise. You survived after all those running." Karma agreed, but because of a whole different reason. "Well, now that we're here, we'll go on a date right here."

"You decided that just now?! I don't look like I'm on a date!" You kept on complaining, wasting your breath on something so trivial.

"Neither do I so--" Karma grabbed you by the arm, planning to drag you towards a clothes store but Kayano silently and gently tugged your shirt, which made everyone stop.

"Karma..." She murmured. The two of you waited for her continuation. "If you dare buy her unsuitable clothes, I swear to God or so help me, I'll cut each and every piece of fabric you put on your body!!!" She threatened.

"It's ok, it's ok." Karma sticks out his tongue and pulled your arm, his grip became stronger, ultimately taking you away from Kayano.

"Here's your drink." Nagisa showed up and gave you a bottled mineral water. "Good luck on your date." He innocently waved as he waved you goodbye. You did the same.

With a little more walking, you eventually got in a mall. Your eyes immediately wander to a seat while Karma doesn't look like he's even tired!

Karma kept on looking at clothes for you, bouncing from one set to another. You have nothing in your mind, but just rest.

Your legs are trembling, your feet are bruised, you have no energy left, and the only thing that's in your hands is the bottled water that Nagisa bought for you.

Your outside clothes are just plain-- plain T-shirt, jeans, and rubber shoes. It really makes you think about the dress that Kayano lent you when you were on a date with Isogai before.

You hope that Karma chooses a decent formal wear fast but also not since if he did, you'll have to stand and walk again. Your feet can't take it anymore. One more step and you'll have to suffer being limp for the next 24 hours.

The water in the bottle is empty. Karma hasn't returned yet. You wished for him to return quickly.

You took off your shoes and let your feet breathe. As expected, your feet are definitely bruised. This will not be a good date for you and Karma after all.

"(Y/N)?" You heard a voice so you immediately turned to the direction.

"What took you so long?! I was waiting for you!" You screamed and scolded.

"Miss me that much? Oh yeah, I bought a lot of clothes for you." He smiled as he showed you around 20 bags full of clothes, accessories, and shoes. Sometimes you forget he's actually rich. "Are you okay?" He eyed at your feet.

"I-I'm fine." You stuttered, not wanting to trouble Karma anymore.

"Oh? Then, let's walk! I know a good dining place!" He cheered, turning away. He didn't start walking, he just stood there, like he's waiting for you to slip up.

You wore your shoes and took a step. It hurts so bad that you fell without noticing sooner. Luckily, Karma caught you before you hit the ground. The bags are on the floor and you were the only one in his hands right now.

The empty water bottle rolled off the ground. You wanted to get it before you were accused of littering, but Karma gripped onto you tighter, having no plans on letting you go.

He lets you sit on the same chair you were sitting before. He took the water bottle, shoved it in a random bag, collected the bags near your sides, then presented his back to you without saying anything.

You understood even if he doesn't say anything. You gulped before slipping on his back and grabbed the 20 bags, 10 on each side. They were surprisingly light despite having many.

But that doesn't concern you. Your top concern right now is Karma and how he's holding up.


"Shaddup." He was quick to answer, which made you a little mad.

"You don't need to do this, I can walk, you know."

"We're leaving." He ignored you, which made you more mad.

"Don't ignore me!" You pouted, looking at Karma. He looks tired and sweaty. You know you're heavy (no offense) but he's partially carrying the 20 bags of stuffs he just bought for you.

You, without thinking straight, hugged him by the neck, trying not to strangle him. He jolted in surprise but kept it in moderation as to not mess up the balance.

"Hey, are you even thinking? It became heavier--"

"I like you." You whispered in his ear. He was immediately silenced. I successfully tamed the devil. You thought to yourself as you pull away.

"Don't mess with me. I can drop you right here, right now." He tried his best to threaten you.

You just giggled until you reached outside, to where Kayano and Nagisa are waiting. You sighed in relief.

"Oh, Karma-kun, you look like you're going to faint!" Nagisa panicked as he took all of the bags from your hands.

Karma kneeled down, huffing and puffing in exhaustion. You went too far.

"Karma, I don't think you can handle much more." Kayano bluntly put it. She was right though.

"As much as I want to argue, you're right." He gave up. "The date's over. Let's go home."

"Aww. And I thought it would be romantic this time." Kayano pouted while complaining.

"As much as I want to argue, you're right." You sighed and teased Karma, copying his words and tone. He noticed.

"Oh well. My first date was a disaster. We'll take more, of course. Right?" He looked at you and smirked. You swear you felt your chest tighten up and blood rush up to your face.

"Shaddup." You turned away in utter embarrassment.

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