Plan A Continues

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*Ring ring ring ring*

You hear your alarm ringing. You were about to snooze it, but then you hit something soft. Your eyes are still closed and not knowing what it is, you started smacking it repeatedly, hoping that it will make you more comfortable.

"Oh for the love of-- It's me, (Y/N)-san!!!"

A tomato started talking. You drowsily opened your eyes and looked at the tomato. You guessed you were just dreaming so you shifted your weight on the other side of the bed.

For some reason, the continuous ringing of your alarm doesn't bother you anymore.

Your phone then rang. You immediately picked it up.

"(Y/N)-chan, have you seen Karma?!" Kayano sounded worried and desperate. Her style of speech bothered you for a second. Since when did she start calling Karma without honorifics? It must've been my imagination, you thought.

"No. Not at all." You replied, still a bit drowsy.

"Oh, Kayano! I'm here!" Since when did the tomato grow limbs? You'll never know... And his voice sounds oddly familiar...

"Karma, why are you with (Y/N)-chan right now?!" Kayano panicked.

"I just thought I'd greet her a good morning."

"Well, it's not really proper to just break into someone's house, let alone a girl's! A girl holds so many secrets that no man should dare know."

"Oh, if you're talking about that, I already saw her secrets."

It was at that moment that a devil's look flashed before your eyes and your memory flashed back. It wasn't a tomato talking, obviously. It was none other than the infamous Karma!!

But why was here again? You asked yourself.

"Anyway, don't know more than those secrets. Why are you even there in the first place?!" Kayano really sounded distressed.

"Well... Actually yesterday, I had too much fun and didn't realize it was already late. So (Y/N)-san was kind enough to let me stay for the night. But sadly, she let me sleep on the couch. As morning comes, I decided to get revenge by going in her room. But she was too sleepy to even notice a thing." Karma puts up a fake pout.

Ah, I remember now. Right, what he just explained wasn't a lie. You finally remembered. You were going to die trying to find out what kind of drugs you were taking because somehow a talking tomato with limbs appeared right before you.

"Ugh, I was worried. You didn't even tell anyone that you're staying with (Y/N)-chan for the night, not even Nagisa!" Kayano groaned and complained. It sounds like she really was worried when Karma didn't tell anyone. You wondered why...

"Sorry, sorry. I guess I just got too excited." Karma snickered.

"Hey... Don't you have somewhere to go to?" You lazily asked as you sat up your bed and rubbed your sleepy eyes.

"If I do, I would have been long gone." Karma looked at you. His golden eyes reflect the sun's shine. It made your heart sink for a moment, but you thought it was just because you just woke up.

"Ne, Kayano-chan, how did you know that Karma-kun was missing? He has been here since yesterday afternoon..." You leaned close to the phone that Karma has been holding.

Karma violently jolted. It surprised you. "Wh-wh-wh--... Don't sneak up on people like that!" Karma shouted.

You heard Kayano giggle from the other line. "It seems like you're finally getting along with someone else but us, (Y/N)-chan." She cutely said. "But please return him, ok? I'll be getting him soon enough." How does she know that I can hear her?

Aaaannnddd she hangs up. Karma returned your phone and silently left. "Now that I know your house, just know that I will be here often." He winked as he departed. Weird. Soooo weird. You thought. You can't help but giggle at his actions.

You went to the bathroom to wash yourself. Afterwards, when you returned to your room, you hear your phone ringing. You immediately picked it up. Before you even say a word, the voice on the other line started, "have you seen Karma-kun?"

Hearing his voice, you jumped excitedly. "Nagisa!" You exclaimed. "Ah, he just left. You remember what happened yesterday, right?" You then had a horrible flashback of Nagisa barging in your house at the wrong time.

"Ah, I prefer not to." He gently stated. "Anyway, I'm glad that he's finally returning." Nagisa sighed. Knowing Karma that much, you guessed it was really hard dealing with him.

"Ah, that's right. I have some couple of things to talk to you about." You brought back the conversation.

"Hm?" Nagisa quickly responded.

"Since when did Kayano-chan stopped using honorifics when talking to Karma-kun?" You can't help but be curious. You don't know why but it's been bothering you.

"Haha." Nagisa unexpectedly giggled. "They have been getting pretty close, aren't they?" He bursted into a short laughter.

"Ahh, is that so? They don't seem they talk about each other much..." You got embarrassed for asking a question like that. Of course, they're getting closer! What am I thinking about?! Your head swirled while thinking about it.

"What's this, (Y/N)? Jealous?" Nagisa teased.

"You sound like Karma-kun right now." You squinted your eyes and narrowed your voice.

Nagisa doesn't say anything else but just snicker around. "I'm just kidding." He paused for a moment to catch his breath. "But you didn't deny it."

"O-of course I wasn't jealous! I was just curious!" You denied, now that that blue-haired shota reminded you to.

"I know, I know. I was just kidding." Nagisa kept on laughing. Why would he even have fun with this? You asked yourself.

"Anyway, are you going to visit my house again?" You excitedly asked, changing the topic. Your brain is too tired to even think about useless things like that.

"Hey, instead of me going to your house, how about we go on a date?" He unexpectedly asked. You blushed at that sudden thought.

"A-as friends, right?" You tried to confirm.

"Of course as friends." Now realizing his words, he blushed. He didn't intend anything to be meant the other way. The poor little baby bun just wants to hang out with you. Just you two, alone together.

"Ok." You brightly smiled. "When? Where?" You excitedly asked the details, jumping up and down your whole room.

"Today? 4 pm. I'll pick you up there." Little Nagisa smiled. Yey, I can spend the whole afternoon with her, at the park, coffee shop, I have so many places I can think of to go with her! Nagisa cheered in his mind. But I guess all we really could talk about is Karma-kun...


Author's Note: Sorry late update. :P

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