Consoling Starts

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The two of you ran towards your house to clean up then went to the living room to have a talk. You still haven't figured out why the devil is still in your house and trying to console you as best as he can.

"The truth." You demanded.

"That was the truth!" He insisted.

You leaned closer to him. Seeing him unfazed, you sighed then sat down on the couch across Karma. "Well, if you say so. I might as well tell you everything..." You told him everything about the planned date. "In the end, Kayano's dress got ruined because of the ice cream and Nagisa's plan to not get anyone close to us and interfere obviously failed."

"You know, you didn't tell me about the thing that happened to your forehead." He pointed at his forehead with his thumb. "When I saw you, you were touching it. But you don't seem to have a fever."

You felt your blood rush up until it reaches your face. You turned away to avoid seeing Karma's devilish smirk. It was at this moment that you knew you screwed up.

"Th-th-th-that was nothing!!!" You strongly denied.

"Eh, really? Because seeing you, that's actually not convincing, (Y/N)-san~~" he hummed as he flashed a bright smile to mask his other intentions.

"Don't stick your nose to other people's business!!!" You tried to ward him off but he still insists on wanting to know what Isogai did to your forehead.

Like a four-legged animal, he pounced at you for less than a second, pinning you down on the couch you're sitting on. He tightly grabbed your wrists to avoid you squirming around too much and his face leaned on closer and closer. He exhaled onto your ear, making your heart race and body weak.

"Did he do something to your forehead?" He whispered seductively in your ear.

You couldn't help but to hopelessly struggle. You know you're vulnerable in this situation because of what he's doing to you.

"Hey, answer me... Did he kiss you on your forehead?"

You hesitantly nodded, like you are being in his control.

He smirked wider than before. "Then I just have to do better than that, right?"

Hearing those words come out of his mouth, you don't know if he's teasing you or actually serious.

Without suspecting it, he then licked your ear and trailed kisses until he reached your shoulder. When he pecked the last kiss, you tried to push him off with your wrists now free from his grasp.

"St-stop, Karma-kun... Y-you're molesting me..." You begged as your hot breath exited you. You can feel as they exit through your mouth.

"I haven't even started yet." He smirked.

"I-I-I can't take this heat... It's hot outside and... Now it's hot even inside..." You breathed heavily. Huffing and puffing like you're out of breath.

"I can't stop if you're making a face like that. It makes me want to do it more." He bluntly said as he focused on your face.

You put up the scariest glare you could ever do. He was immediately snapped back to reality so he got off of you. "Sorry." He whispered very quietly.

There was an awkward silence afterwards. The silence is deafening to the both of you and the atmosphere seems really heavy. There was no other topic to talk about after that humiliating occurrence.

"I-I should leave now..." Karma broke the silence.

"S-sure..." You jolted to reply.

You heard the door close and it echoed in your whole house. Silence came closing in again then suddenly your phone rings, causing you to jump. You answered it nervously. "H-h-hello?"

"Ah, gomene (Y/N)! The plan failed. I heard about it." Nagisa is on the other line.

"No, it's not your fault. Wait, who have you heard it from?" You raised your brow in confusion. It's impossibly Karma.

"From Isogai-kun himself. He said he felt guilty dumping your feelings like that." You were glad it wasn't Karma. If it's him, he'll add as much words as he likes. Besides, he wasn't there with you anyway.

"He shouldn't be. I was foolish to think that I have a chance." You calmly said as if getting dumped is not a big deal.

"Oh, Karma-ku-- hey, wait!" Nagisa's voice became distant. You concluded that Karma stole his phone.

"Hello, hello~~" speaking of the devil, he hummed to you being so carefree and happy.

"What the hell, Karma-kun?! I was talking to Nagisa!" You scolded him.

"It's not fair that you only talk to Nagisa-kun. How about you talk to me for a change~?" You can just imagine his wide smirk on the other line. It will irritate you even if you don't actually see it.

"I just talked to you earlier! What more do you want from me?!" You continued to reprimand.

"Answer me honestly, (Y/N)-san. Why do you like that ikemen?" He solemnly asked. This isn't a joke anymore.

You hesitated to answer at first but decided to open up to him anyway. Even if it's just a little bit. "Because he's a gentleman, his words and actions can make any girl swoon, he's a nice guy. I can depend on him when I'm in trouble, he's honest, loving and caring... Everything about him!"

Then he suddenly hung up...

Frustrated, you wondered why he did that.

"...Everything about him!" As soon as (Y/N) said that, Karma immediately hangs up.

Nagisa was surprised at this. "Why did you hang up so suddenly?!" He asked in utter shock.

"That was the moment that I knew I can't compete against him." Karma sighed.

"What? With who? You have a rival? Who's that girl? Don't tell me it's (Y/N)!" The small little cinnamon roll panicked over such a trivial thing.

"It must be nice calling each other without honorifics." The devil smirked and snickered while glaring. It looks like he wants to murder Nagisa but is extremely holding back.

"So it is her..." Nagisa sweatdropped upon seeing the atmosphere around Karma. "Can I help you out or something?" Nagisa offered to help albeit a little reluctant.

"Really? That's surprising. You failed (Y/N)-san's plan before so why can I trust you now?" Karma looked down at him just because he failed the plan once. "I'm going to see Kayano-san because that dress was stunning! I wonder if she can tell me what suit I suit in the best!"

"That's probably good. You know, she was the real reason why the plan failed in the first place. I'm sure she will be eager to help you." Nagisa sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"She distracted me while she lets Kataoka-san to pass through."

"I thought Kayano-san's (Y/N)-san's friend." Karma starts to doubt her.

"She wants to avoid (Y/N) to experience heartbreak over and over again. If nothing distracts her gaze away from Isogai-kun, that is. Well she said that you're the perfect pawn." Nagisa explained. "You know how (Y/N) is focused in one thing so until she gets Isogai-kun, which is highly unlikely to happen, she will not stop trying to get him."

"But he dumped her, right? She knows that. She accepted that." Karma tries to defend her.

Nagisa lightly shook his head. "We don't know what's going on in her mind. For now, how about you don't rush? Don't worry, I'll help you in little ways and I will keep this as a secret." He promised.

Karma couldn't do anything but to merely accept and that is what he did. He wants to get closer to you. What would he do? And what would you do?

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