Awkwardness Starts

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"I thought it's pretty clear that I gotten over him. We're still close friends, though!" You explained with a wide bright smile.

Nagisa's face changed, from his serious expression to a more bitter one. You can see the difference even if it's so subtle. You are almost the only one who can see the subtle difference in his facial expressions.

"No, it's not that..." He said. He looked left and right to see if anyone is watching, then signaled you to come close. "Do you think someone can replace Isogai-kun in your heart?"

You blushed, quickly jolting back. You were surprised at his sudden statement. "Wh-wh-wh-what do you mean by th-th-that?!" You stuttered and panicked.

"I'm just asking if there can be someone else competing for your heart." Nagisa explained like it was just some child's play. He held both of your hands tight. It might be an attempt to calm you down as you attentively listen to him. "Sure Isogai-kun is the perfect man in your eyes, but can you look at other people the same way? Do you think that that's possible?" He asked a bit louder than before, still holding your hands tightly.

"Hey hey, wait a minute!" You tried to comprehend what he's trying to say. "Just get to the point and say what you want to!"

"I like you, (Y/N)!" Nagisa non-hesitantly blurted out, from a crowded place. You were thankful enough that you are the only one who heard his voice, even if it's a place full of busy eating people.

You sat still, not knowing what to do. Frozen, confused, speechless-- those were the words that perfectly describe you. You can barely breathe from receiving such a powerful impact. All you could do was to stare into Nagisa's blue eyes. You stared too deep into his eyes that you could see your own reflection. And as you thought, your reflection is as still as a statue. With eyes wide open, and mouth slightly ajar. Like words are desperately trying to escape your mouth, but your body just refuses to function.

"I..." You finally utter. Nagisa's expression subtly changed again. He was relieved and comforted to at least hear something after that weird confession. "I... need some ...t-time alone, I guess..." You meekly excused yourself.

Nagisa softened his grip on your hands and hang down his head. You thought he was going to sob, you thought he was going to break down like what you did when you confessed to Isogai before. But, the unexpected happened, he just flashed a bright smile at you instead. You didn't know if it was fake or not, but you can feel his dialogue written in his face. "I understand, (Y/N). You don't need to stress yourself because of this." He chuckled like nothing happened. "Let's go. This date isn't over yet, is it?" He stretched out his hand.

You stared at him for a moment, then at his hands. "Mhm." You nodded as you took it.

Nagisa pulled you away. His hands are squeezing tightly to yours. You still don't know what he was feeling: if he was upset, or sad, or genuinely happy, but it worries you just how much Nagisa is being so touchy-feely with you.

It's not some invading of personal space like what Karma did. It was slow and progressing, like what friends would do.

Of course, you think it's normal if he acts that way, but... there is something in you that doubts his actions.

He is trying to know something from me.

As he's still dragging you away, you abruptly stopped and managed to get away from his tight grip (thanks to the training from Karasuma-sensei).

"Just get to the point and say what you want to." You repeated. Although it wasn't like how it was said the first time you said it. This time, you were being serious and more patient. Your voice sounded mellow but dangerous at the same time.

Nagisa stopped at his tracks to stare at you. The two of you can only see each other as you stand still on the sidewalk, with several busy people passing by. The two of you are so focused that you didn't sense...

"Oya, if it isn't the lovely couple." The two of you were evidently startled upon hearing his voice, making you both jump in embarrassment. "I hope I'm not interrupting something important?" He winked and smirked like he knows everything.

"K-Karma-kun..." Nagisa whined as he could only facepalm himself. "Timing."

"What, not good?" Karma laughed it up. "Hahaha! What are you talking about? My timing was perfect!" He boasted.

You and Nagisa wore the same (-_-;;) face. The two of you know just how much Karma loves teasing people. He really got the "perfect timing", didn't he?

"Say what you want to say, Karma-kun. At least you got to say what's on your mind. I will take my leave. See you." You escaped, walking and acting so cool. They both know that fact.

After you left, Karma turned to "serious mode". "Hey, what's up with you two? Is she implying something? What did you do?"

Nagisa heaved a hopeless, heavy sigh. "I think my plan failed."

"Plan? What plan? You used her?" Karma started impatiently interrogating him.

"My plan was to observe her actions through a confession from someone she knows and is close to." Nagisa paused to heave another sigh. "But I forgot that she bases her reactions through the person himself and not how or where the confession was held."

"Ah, to be honest, I indirectly confessed to her at first." Karma pounded a fist on his palm. "She was flustered, yes, she was also impatient, and I wanted to just get to the point and yell at her about my feelings, but then you came with a very delicious strawberry parfait, ultimately interrupting my attempted confession." Karma warmly smiled.

Nagisa knows it's not good news since his words are more threatening than his facial expression. He knows that Karma being happy and expressive is only an act.

"So, as a revenge, I also interrupted your private time. See how great as a friend I am~~" Karma playfully hummed like this is just a game.

"I don't think she'll be going near us for a while." Nagisa sulked as he stared at the direction you just walked.

"Why am I involved?" Karma pointed at himself with his thumb.

"You interrupted. She doesn't want you, who saw her in such an embarrassing state, to talk about that topic so she wants to avoid you too." Nagisa calmly explains to his friend.

Karma hummed, staring at the sky with his eyes closed. "Hmm~~~ theeenn--" he stopped, opening his eyes so he can look at Nagisa and flash him with a bright optimistic smile. He murmured something only Nagisa can hear despite all the people coming around.

"Plan B?"

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