(Chapter 41)Support Me

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Chapter 41

 Chapter 40

Justin’s POV

“I came here to bring you peace “I sang softly as I finished another song, I placed my pencil down and sat back in my chair “finally finished “I said to myself ever since I had moved into the new house the recording studio was like my new room, when I wasn’t spending time with jaia and Jonah I was in here making music or writing music, it was so much easier having the studio at home because I didn’t have to be away from the kids and I didn’t miss anything. The door opened and my mom stood there and jaia and Jonah walked in, I picked up Jonah and sat him on my lap, jaia was messing around with the microphones on the floor “you said I come in peace so I took you home, I gave you food and I gave you clothes, taught you how to move your feet when the rhythm’s on, still you want to leave, because you feel alone” I sung to Jonah he looked up at me

“Feel alone” he sung, my eyes lit up when he did

“We have got out self’s the next Justin bieber “I laughed I kissed his forehead then put him down

“I think we have “my mom smiled, she picked up jaia and held Jonahs hand as we walked out into the living room.

I picked up my phone of the side and looked at my texts, I had one from Miley

-I’m coming over :o- Miley

And then the doorbell went off, I went over to the door and I opened it, Miley ran in and jumped on me

“ Bieber I missed you it’s been months “ she laughed  

“I know, I missed you to “I smiled

“I have something to show you “she said taking a magazine out of her bag, she handed me it “look at the front “she said, I looked at the cover and plastered on the front was Ocean in her underwear and she was with some guy who obviously was a model.” She’s a model now and she’s dating that model in the photo” miley said tilting her head to the side

“I’m glad she moving on” I said handing her the magazine and walking off, she followed me “she’s a good model anyway” I chuckled to myself,

“I know she’s good at putting emotions in her photos, I mean she looks in love with the guy in this photo” she said sitting down on the couch

“Maybe it’s because she is in love with him” I said picking up jaia

“Naa it’s not real I can tell, it looks real but it’s not the way she looked at you” she said

“Well we are both moving on, can we not talk about her “I asked

“yeah sure, but I know you both still love each other, I think you could have made things work “she sighed, I sat there in silence because I didn’t know if I loved her or not, I had buried my feelings for her deep down and I didn’t know if they were still there, I didn’t want to love her, I had arguments with myself at night just trying to figure out what I felt towards her and I didn’t like the fact that everyone else seemed to know what I felt and I didn’t .

“You know I have to argue with myself every night to figure out whether I love her or not “I said putting jaia down and regaining the position I was in

“Maybe you should start dating again” Miley smiles trying to cheer me up

“I don’t know about that and anyway no one wants to date someone with two kids” I rubbing the back of my neck

“Right tonight ask your mom if she can look after the kids until tomorrow because I’m taking you out so you can meet a nice girl” she smiled,

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