Another dream

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I woke up from another horrible dream, this time Norman ran in asking if I'm ok, I nodded still shooken up from the dream, Norman sat beside me.

"Hey kiddo, why don't you tell me whats on your mind," he said looking at me. I took a deep breath remembering everything that happened in the dream.

"All thats on my mind is these horrible dreams that i'm having, last night I had one, it was absolutely horrifying, but I don't want to bore you with the details," I told Norman.

"Kiddo it won't bore me if its as scary as you say it is, lay it on me" he said leaning back against the wall, I sighed takig another deep breath.

"Well in his dream I was walking threw this street, I had no idea where I was or why I was there, so I kept walking down the street when I saw you and Chandler up ahead, I yelled to you two and ran towards you two, but when I got close you two had your backs to me, I asked if you two where ok but you didn't answer me so I walked closer and grabbed both of your shoulder's making you guys face me. But when you turned I saw you two had turned, I couldn't believe what was infront of me, I quickly backed up but I tripped over something an fell onto my back, you two slowly walked over to me as I backed up again but crawling, you grabbed my leg and scratched me, I yelped out in pain but kicked you away and kept crawling, as soon as I got far enough away I stood up and being to run but as soon as I got a couple meters away I tripped again and landed on the ground quiet hard. I grabbed my nose in pain, when I took my hand away I saw it was covered in blood, tears poured down my face as the pain started to kick in but I still remembered that you two were after me, I got up again wiping away my tears and decided to walk away but at a quick pace, once I got into a quick pace I made a sharp turn into an alley only to find two more three more walkers but they were Hannah, Kristy, and Andrew. I thought I was a goner when you and Chandler turned the corner trapping me between you two and the rest. Tears ran down my face as you all came closer to me and a slow but quick pace, I took a deep breath in falling to my knee's waiting for you all to get me, and then I woke up," I finished holding back tears that were forming in my eyes. I looked up at Norman seeing that he had tears forming in his eyes two, I was very surprised that Norman was on the verge of tears, he pulled me close hugging me tightly, I took a second think whether I should hug back or not then I decided I should, I hugged him back burying myself deep in his warm embrace. We stayed like that for atleast three minutes before he finally let go of me wiping a few stray tears that left his eyes, he stood up putting out his hand for me to take it to help me stand up, I took his hand as he helped me up.

"Come on kiddo, let's go kill some walkers to get our minds off that dream ok?" Norman suggested, I nodded thinking that would be a great idea, as we left my room and walked up to the room to kill some walkers I thought to myself

'I think Norman is gonna a great friend, that I never want to lose'

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