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Hannah's POV

Chandler and I were sitting in his hotel room laying on his bed, I picked up my bag off the ground trying to grab my phone but I felt a large book instead. I slowly pulled it out seeing it was Tessa's dream journal, I flipped threw it finding a note that Chandler had probably written in her dream.

'Dear Tessa, If you find this note you are on the right track of finding me if you are even looking for me, hopefully you are or else I would be writing to no one. Go down this road for about three miles, you'll see a farm house on your right, me, Norman, Andrew, Kristy, and Hannah are here. I hope to see you again. Love Chandler <3'

I smiled that dream Chandler gave Tessa hope of finding everyone, I kept reading through the journal taking in every little detail of her dream, finding out more and more what happened that she didn't tell me when we were in the car.

"Whats that?" I heard chandler say as he sat behind me peering over my shoulder seeing what I was reading.

"It's Tessa's dream journal, when she was in a coma her dream was amazing, she wrote it all down in the book" I said handing him the book, he flipped through the pages finding a page and reading it out loud.

"'You know what, we're done' he started to walk away.

'W-what?' I asked as tears formed in my eyes.

'I said we're done! I'm dumping you! Got it!' He yelled slapping me, this is not the chandler I know and love, he walked away leaving me there as tears ran down my face. I ran into the house without anyone seeing me packing my stuff in my backpack, I wrote a note putting it on my bed with a flower that chandler gave me on our date, I snuck out the back, tears running down my face as I walked away from my family " he read, he looked up at me. I sighed taking the journal putting it back into my bag, I laid on the bed sighing just as Chandler's phone went off. I looked over at the counter where Chandler had left it and he got off the bed walking over picking it up putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" He said setting the phone down.

"Hello Chandler, Hannah how is reading Tessa's journal?" We heard come out of the phone, I gulped and Chandler just grabbing his phone ending the call.

"Let's just go to the set to film" he said grabbing his stuff and mine and walking out holding my hand, I could tell that he has had enough of who ever took away Tessa.

~when they are at set~

Chandler and I walked in through the set door to see Norman talking with some girl about our age, being curious as I am I walked over to see who she was.

"So welcome to the set, filming starts in 2 hours so you have plenty of time to go over your lines" Norman said patting her on her back.

"Hey Dixon, who's this?" I asked, the girl turned around to show my favourite person in the world! Note my sarcasm.

"Oh hey little miss freak show" Sammy said smirking, I growled scowling at her.

"Hello miss fake barbie" I threw back at her as Chandler walked up beside me holding my hand, she looked over at Chandler with something in her eyes. Lust? EW!

"Come on babe, shes not worth it lets just go" Chandler whispered in my ear taking me off to wardrobe, I sighed getting into my costume which was stained with coffee to make it look dirty.

"You look cute all dirty" he said putting his hat on me, I giggled kissing him, God I love him so much. We walked over to makeup to get our selves ready because Chandler and I were filming before everyone else. I sat in one of the seats as our makeup artists walked in, Chandler sat in the seat next to me laughing as I got pale lipstick all over my teeth, I rolled my eyes making a kissing face at him.

"Don't make me come over there and make me get this all over you" I threatened, he chuckled kisses my forehead.

"I love you" he said holding my hand, that feeling of being loved I will never take for granted. EVER.

"I love you too" I said standing up as we walked out of makeup over to the set to see Sammy talking to Andrew smiling.

"Really? That's amazing" I heard Andrew say as Chandler and I walked closer.

"Oh hey guys, I was just talking to Andrew about school" Sammy said smiling at Chandler, can she just stop, like just stop -.-

"Cool, well me and my beautiful girlfriend here have to go film, see your guys later" Chandler said kissing my cheek as we walked away, I held his hand tightly as we walked into the apartment which was our set for today. I sat on the bed getting into position for the scene, and we started.

"We can't keep doing this, we just can't" chandler mumbled as he paced across the wooden floor, I sat up sighing loudly.

"This is all we can do Carl, sit here and wait till they are gone, I don't wanna risk loosing you" I sat as a tear ran down my cheek, he looked over to me walking closer kneeling down.

"I know you don't but what about Daryl, Glenn, and my Dad" he said hugging me, I closed my eyes letting silence take over the room, a few second later I finally said my line.

"They will be ok, your like your father, always caring for others but you need to put yourself first sometimes, your dad would want you to be safe" I said picking up his chin staring into his beautiful blue eyes, I leaned in kissing him lightly as walkers boomed on the door. Chandler and I sat there just enjoying the sweet kiss until the walkers broke the door down, I harshly broke the kiss pulling out my gun trying to kill them but there were to many. Chandler grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the window as we jumped out, we were only on the second floor and there where mats on the ground and thats when we cut. I stood up seeing someone with a black hoodie standing at the door, once they saw that I had seen them they dropped a piece of paper and left, I slowly walked over picking up the piece of paper reading it.

'Hope the episode is a good one, cause it will be the last thing Tessa sees'


A/N: here's an update finally, i'll update very soon again :)

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