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Tessa's POV

I paced around in the waiting room of the hospital, I can't believe this is happening, I should be the who was shot, me not him! I sat next to Hannah who was staying very quiet, I felt bad for her she just watched it happen.

"Tessa and Hannah, you are allowed to go into Chandler room now" the nurse said, we both nodded quickly walking into the room and seeing Chandler hooked up to everything was terrible but thankfully he was awake.

"Chandler you're awake!" I said hugging him, he wince as his eyes widened.

"Baby, get her off me" he said looking over at Hannah, wait he said baby.

"Baby?" Hannah questioned walking over, Chandler nodded holding her hand, I let go as the doctor walked in.

"Ah hello you too, well we have some bad news, when mr. Riggs hit the ground he got a slight concision and has lost his memory, not completely he remembers the show and everything but when remembering people he mixes them up" he informed us, I nodded looking over at Chandler smiling at Hannah, her mouth gaped over looking at me with sorry eyes. I just walked out not believe that Chandler forgot me.

Hannah's POV

I stood beside Chandler, not believing what I just heard, so Chandler believes I am his girlfriend, I smiled because I did really love Chandler. I sat beside him in the chair holding his hand still, he looked over smiling, I leaned into him kissing his lips, the kiss was passionate, loving and caring, but only lasted a few seconds. Gina walked in running over to Chandler holding him, I backed away letting them have their mother son time. I walked out of the room when the nurse came in and started giving him needles and stuff, I heard my stomach growl. I sighed going to the cafeteria, the food at hospitals are gross but hopefully here its not bad, when I walked in I saw different restaurants and food places, I smiled as I saw taco bell, I ran over taking out my wallet.

~skip time~

I had finished eating and was walking back to his room when I saw everyone from the cast, I walked over seeing what they were talking about.

"Hey guys" I said, they all looked back at me.

"Hey Valeria" they used my walking dead name, we all walked into Chandlers room who was playing on my phone, I rolled my eyes sitting beside him.

"Hey, whatcha doing with my phone" I asked, he shrugged smiling looking threw my photos, my camera roll was kinda all him 0-0.

"Love the photos" he said chuckling, I blushed as he kissed my cheek. I had totally forgotten about Tessa when Ashley walked in.

"Hey guys, wheres Tessa" she asked holding her ke$ha bag, I shrugged as I took my phone from Chandler, he pouted like a little kid, it was so cute.

"Gimme gimme" he said putting his hands out trying to snatch it like a baby, I giggled kissing his cheek, he smiled as he put his hands down, I texted Tessa asking where she was and after fifteen minutes of no reply I put it away, it said delivered so I know she got it but who knows.

~a few days later~

Chandler was finally getting out of the hospital today, I was so happy but I still haven't heard from Tessa, she worries me a lot sometimes. Gina was filling out forms to get Chandler release and we sat in the waiting room, I was staring at a wall when I felt him grab my hand, over the past few days we had helped him remember some stuff about us and Tessa but he still thinks I'm still his girlfriend. Hana was waiting for us outside as Gina finished filling out the papers and we walked out of the hospital, she hugged Chandler tightly and he smiled hugging her back with one arm.

"How are you feeling Chan?" she said.

"Better than a few days ago, but I'm feeling better now I can spend more time with my beautiful girlfriend and go back on set" he said kissing my cheek, I smiled blushing a bit. Even though I'm his girlfriend I still get butterflies when he kisses or even touches me.

"Thats good, you guys wanna hang out at my hotel? There is a taco bell" she said smiling, my eyes widened because I knew what hotel she was staying at and there is also starbucks near so I can have taco bell and starbuck!!!

"You. Are. The. Best." I said hugging her, she giggled as we walked to her hotel, when we got there I ran to taco bell grabbing food then grabbing starbucks, Chandler just watched me laughing along with Hana. Once I was done getting food we all went up to Hana's room, I put down my food, going to the bathroom to fix my makeup abit. When I came back I saw Hana sitting on Chandler lap, his eyes widened and her tongue down his throat, I just flipped I stormed over pulling her off him by her hair. (0.0)

"Ow, what the hell!!" She yelled, I hugged Chandler as Hana got back up, she ran at me to get me away from Chandler but he stood up blocking her from me.

"Come on Chan, you know you wanna date me again not her, just look at her she so ugly" she said, well that felt nice to here. (note sarcasm)

"Are you sure your not talking about yourself, don't ever talk about my beautiful girlfriend like that again, we are leaving" he said grabbing my food walking out holding my hand. I looked up at him smiling, he looked down at me and stopped walking, I was about to ask why we stopped when he crashed his lips on mine, we both melted into the kiss as my fingers found their way to his hair lacing themselves into it. He picked me off my feet making me wrap them around his waist, as he pushed me against the wall his phone rang. He sighed in annoyance answer the phone.

"Hello? Who may I be talking to?" he asked, I couldn't make out the persons voice but I could hear them say that they were after me, I gulped looking at him, he hung up putting me down on my feet, I suddenly got a phone call from Tessa, I picked up putting it on speaker.

{H- Hannah, C- Chandler, ?- mystery}

H- Hello? Tessa?

?- Hello Hannah and Chandler

C- Who is this?

?- You don't need to know right now all you nee to know is that you won't see your friend Tessa for a while, Oh and good luck with film tomorrow.

And then they hung up, I looked at Chandler and saw concern in his eyes, as we walked home all I could think about was the phone call.

Who is this person?


A/N: hey guys, sorry for the wait, been doing a lot of stuff lately

What do you think is gonna happen next??


Love you❤️

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