All for you

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This is the sequel, hope you enjoy!

'All for you'


Tessa's POV

I saw a bright light, I didn't know where I was, I walked towards the light and I woke up? I looked around to see I was in a hospital, everything was fine?

I tried to get to get up but something was weighing me down, I looked over to my side to see Hannah asleep beside me, I laughed poking her nose, she stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes. She looked at me hugging me tightly, I hugged her back weakly, I'm so hungry right now.

"Your alive! I mean I knew you were alive but your awake!" she said very loudly, I smiled not believing she is alive.

"What happened?" I asked, her face dropped and then I knew something went wrong.

"You got in a car accident, your mom was killed and you went into a coma, you've been in a coma for 6 months" she said looking down, my eyes widened in disbelief.

"6 months!?" I yelled not believing what I just heard, she nodded. I fell back onto the bed as a nurse walks in with food, my stomach growled at the sight, as she put it on my I started to pig out, Hannah laughed watching me. When I was finished the food I tried to stand up but the nurse told me to lay down, I did so and she unhooked me from the machinery. I put on some clothes that Hannah brought for me, it was all walking dead, I smiled but then remembering if I was out for 6 months I must have missed alot!

"How much walking dead did I miss?!" I said panicking.

"Don't worry I recorded it for you" she said smiling, I hugged her tightly as we walked out. I saw Hannah's mom in her car, we sat in the back seat just talking about what I missed and about my dream.

"So I died?" she said pouting fakely, I nodded and kept telling her about it.

"Yah, and then Drake came and he kissed me in front of Chandler and he slapped me because he thought I cheated on him so I left the group, and later Andrew hit me with his car and brought me back to the camp and I forgot everything but they helped me regain it. But weeks later Chandler told me that they wanted to kill me so we left and when we were looking for food a walker bit me and I died and thats how I woke up" I said as we arrived at her house. We got out of the car and ran inside, she has all my stuff in the guest room which I guess is my room now :3 We ran up to my new room to find Ashley on my laptop watching

Ke$ha, I swear that girl is obsessed with her. I walked over shutting the laptop, she turned around to yell at me but her eyes widened, she engulfed me into a huge hug, I hugged her back smiling.

"Yay your alive!" She said jumping up and down.

"Ok who gave you sugar?" I said laughing, she gave me the 'are-you-kidding-me-Tessa' look, I hugged her smiling innocently.

"Senpai don't hate me!" I said dramatically, both Hannah and Ashley laughed. I'm the funny one in the group :P

~Hours later~

We were all laying on my bed, just talking about boys, yet Ashley always got us talking about Ke$ha. I picked up my iPhone checking my Instagram to see I had so many notifications my iPhone would exploded. I went to Instagram to see I still has all my followers and even abit more, most comments were 'please don't be dead' and 'please come back' I saw that I had posts from today, I looked over at Hannah and Ashley raising my eyebrow.

"Ok who posted pictures?" They both put their hands up acting all innocent, I rolled my eyes going to Chandler's profile, I sighed when I was that Chandler had a girlfriend.

"Welp my dream will never come true" I said pouting, Hannah patted my back smiling, Ashley looked at me and did a V snap.

"Girl who needs guys when we can go get ice cream!" she said, I smiled nodding as we ran out of the house, I picked my wallet up off the dressers noticing all my money was will there.

"Huh, I thought you guys would take my money" I said laughing, they punched my shoulder softly laughing along with me. Once we got to the ice cream shop me and Hannah almost screamed because sitting right there was Chandler Riggs!!! Ashley sighed going to the counter. I walked over past Chandler and he looked up at me smiling, I swear I died just then.

"I like your shirt" he said, I looked at my shirt to see it was a Carl shirt.

"T-Thanks" I stuttered, he laughed and grabbed my hand, my whole face went pure red, he pulled out a pen and wrote down a phone number and beside it 'text me'

"Have to go, see ya" he said walking off, as soon as he walked out I ran over to Hannah and we started to jump up and down screaming, Ashley walked over, ice cream in hand laughing. We looked over also laughing, Hannah and I got our ice cream and headed over to the park. We sat on the swings eating our ice cream when I decided to text Chandler, I put in his phone number and put his contact as 'perfection ❤️'


T- Hey Chandler :) Its the girl you gave your phone number to in the ice cream shop

C- Oh hey, I never caught your name in the shop

T- Oh its Tessa

C- Nice name

T- Not as nice as your name

C- lol thanks, hey are you coming to walker stalker this year?

T- probably not, I don't have enough money :(

C- hey I can get you three tcikets if you want

T- really!?! that would be awesome!

C- :) no problem friend, oh by the way, do you have instagram?

T- yah its @punkdevil1316

C- awesome, you'll get a new follower soon :)

T- omg really?! you are just making my day so much right now!

C- no porblem Tessa, have to go, ttyl

T- bye Chandler :)

I finshed my ice cream walking home with Hannah and Ashley, Hannah and I went into the house and Ashley lived right next door so we went to our room, I heard Hannah and Ashley talking as I fell asleep in my bed, I couldn't belive I was in a coma and everything I though was real was a dream.


A/N: hey guys, It was all a dream?! Yah super big plot twist for the new book :)


Love you ❤️

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