A father figure

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Me and Norman were killing walkers to get our minds off the dream but it kept replaying in my head, the images of all the people I knew and loved in this world as walkers kept haunting my thoughts. I had mixed emotions about it, anger, sorrow, and fear, but the anger was not staying with me as I took out my anger out on the walkers. Norman noticed me being more aggressive then normal and out a hand on my shoulder signaling me to stop shooting. I put down my gun looking up and him, for some reason now when I look at him I see a father, maybe this was because of the moment we had in my room, or maybe its because he has helped me so much since this thing has started by being there to listen to my dream and ranting when no one else would. What I could see in his eyes was concern and worry, maybe he did worry about me like a daughter, I pushed the thought away deciding I might wanna ask why he stopped me from shooting some more.

"What is it Norman?" I asked looking him dead in the eyes.

"I'm worried about you Tessa, I see the anger in your eyes and in your  actions, and if you keep up with just shooting with blind with anger you could hurt someone walking close or hurt yourself," he said kneeling down so he was my height, I smiled thinking that someone actually cared about me, I threw myself at him pulling him into a tight hug, he hugged me back pulling me close to him. We stayed in eachother's arms for awhile just enjoying eachother's warm embrace, we only let go when we heard Hannah calling our names telling us it was time to eat we let eachother go smiling but wishing me we could stay hugging for longer, we walked downstairs sitting down with everyone else who was already eating, Hannah gave me and Norman our share of food, but as she walked away she winked at Norman and he smiled. I was confused by this but I shook it off focusing on the food infront of me, as I ate I noticed the room was very quiet, alittle too quiet for my liking, usually our group would be talking but everyone was eating in silence.

"So what are our plans for tomorrow?' I asked breaking the silence, everyone looked at me still being very quiet, Kristy look at Hannah and nodded.

"Well me, Kristy and Norman were gonna go on a supplies run tomorrow, and we  thought you could stay here with Scott" Hannah said look at Norman and Kristy. 'Scott? Scott?' I thought I knew that name from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on it, I looked over at Scott and I knew who he finally was, he was Scott Wilson, the actor who played Hershal. I smiled and aggreed to their idea thinking that I could finnally get time to spend with Scott, he was an amazing actor in my eyes, after we had finished eating Scott and Hannah cleaned up while Kristy and Norman went outside to clear the roads, which left me to wander and do whatever I wanted to, I didnt know what to do so I went to my room grabing my bag, gun and knife and snuck out the back looking for a book store or toy store to get something to entertain me for the while. I walked down the streets looking for a book store or something when I came across a comic store, I smiled to myself walking inside checking out the store to see if there was any walkers  inside, there was no walkers insdie, that was lucky for me. I walked threw the isles looking for a good comic book that I could read and could read over and over if I had too, as I was looking I heard the footsteps behind me, I spun around to see a walker but what I saw was a man before I blacked out. 

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