What happened while I was gone?

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As I sat beside Chandler, Andrew Lincon and Norman Reedus walked into the room, Chandler looked at both of them with a worried look plastered on his face.

"Chandler, who is this? you know girls aren't supposed to be in your room or even in the house," Andrew said, Norman nodded in agreement. I stood up walking over to the door, just before I exited the room I turned back looking at them.

"Well it looks like I'm not wanted, so I'll just be on my way then, oh and Chandler? it was nice to spend time with you," those were my finally words before I left the room and ran out the front door, the rest of the people I saw as I was following Chandler who gave me weird looks were all chasing after me and asking what was wrong, but I was to fast for them. After I lost the group of people who were following me I kept walking, I didn't even notice I had ran into the forest, it soon became dark and I didn't even know where to go, so I climbed up into a tree and just waited until morning to start walking back. When I woke up in the morning its was foggy as hell, I sat up forgetting I was in a tree and fell straight to the ground. I groaned in pain whilst standing up on my feet, as I stood up a horrible pain shot straight threw my back causing me to yelp in pain, I leaned against the tree cursing at myself for even getting myself in this part of the forest. After awhile of me just standing there in pain I started to walk threw the forest again to try and find my way out, after what felt like hours of me walking I found the edge of the forest, I sighed in relief walking towards the town. As I walked threw the town I noticed it was really quiet, I stopped in my tracks looking around for anyone around, I saw no one in sight, I kept walking down the street remembering how to get back to Chandlers house. As I walked up to Chandlers house  I noticed the three cars that were outside were now gone, I shrugged thinking they had to go film or something, I walked up to the door knocking but it creaked open as soon as I touche the door. I tilted my head to the side, confused why the door would be unlocked but i soon shook it off, I slowly walked in calling out into the house to see if anyone was home, the whole house was shrouded in silence, as I walked threw the house looking for any sign of life I heard groans coming from the room infront of me which happened to Chandler's room. I stopped in my tracks looking curiously at the door, I walked to the door slowly grabing the handle, I took a deep breath in and opened the door to see a man standing there hunched over, he had blood on his back and a large gash on his left leg, the strong oder of death and rotten flesh was in the room.

"W-who are you?" I asked slightly scared of the man infront of me, he turned around and what I saw shocked me, his lower jaw was almost completly off, his eyes sunken in, and his nsoe out of place. He started to stumble towards me, I quickly back up but soon hit the wall behind me, as he walked closer towards me i started to panic, I looked around me for some sort off weapon, I saw a lamp near by and leapt for it, as I grabbed the lamp I hit the man over the head until he was passed out, I stood there catching my breath. I dropped the lamp walking back outside sitting on the front step of the house, the only thing I could think right now was...

'What happeed while I was gone?'

A/N: sorry for not updatig so fast, I had writers block and school work, this is a pretty long one I guess, so here you go, enjoy! :)

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