Chapter 8- Paint the Problems Away

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Chloe's Point of View

I got to school and since today was Wednesday I was reminded I had to work Grayson after school today. Perfect. I head to homeroom and sat down, I put my earbuds in and ignored the teacher and everyone else for that matter. After a couple minutes I saw a guy get shoved out of his chair by Grayson and quickly stand up and come over to me.

"Uh hey I'm Gavin," he said nervously. "Gray wants to know where he should meet with you after football practice," Gavin said shifting from one foot to another.

"Well you can tell him I'll be in the hallway where my mural is and if he is that scared of me that he can't ask me a simple question then he shouldn't have bothered me in the first place," I said dryly.
I put my ear buds back in signaling the conversation was over, and luckily Gavin realized and quickly went back to his seat.

After Spanish, I went to Math and sat down in the back, I pulled out my sketch from the other day that I never got to finish and began to work on it. I went to History and continued to do the same thing. The difference was now I was listening to the classes at least. It was progress. When the bell rang, I went to English, I sat near the middle this time as Grayson went to the back row.

Halfway through class, the teacher called on me. "Chloe, what's your opinion on Juliet defying her parents wishes and seeing Romeo?"

"Go her,"" I muttered. What was it with these teachers and calling on me recently?

"I need more of an explanation than that," Mr. Robin pushed.

"Fine, regardless of whether or not you consider Romeo and Juliet to really be in love, Juliet knew what she wanted and just because her parents didn't want them together, that didn't stop her and she stood for herself, it doesn't matter that she died in the end because she died knowing she stood for what she wanted," I said

"Okay, that is a really unique take on it," he said nodding in approval. He then called on someone else to answer the next question.

When the bell rang, I tried to leave but Mr. Robin called my name.

"Yes?" I say.

"Look Chloe, we know you are still coping with your sisters death," My hands curled into fists when I heard that. "But regardless, something has changed in you, if you applied yourself I believe, contrary to what others might say, that you could actually turn your grades around," Mr. Robin said sincerely. My fists unclenched.

"You really think so?" I asked a bit, surprised.

He smiled warmly. "I really do," he said.

I nodded and walked away, once I left. I went to the art room and saw Mr. Blaise.

"Hey Chloe, how are you?"

"Okay I guess, I'm sorry about yesterday." I say.

"No worries kid, I know Macy was wrong but no one believed me."

"It's okay, daddy dearest paid some donation to make the principal forget," I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey, did you tell Mr. Robin that I had potential or something?" I asked.

He looked up at me from the artwork he was grading. "Mr. Robin asked about you and your interests," he said shrugging.

"What did you tell him?" I asked.

"That it is in your control if you want to work hard and make something of your life or not."

I frowned, he was right, I just didn't like hearing that. I went to the back of the room and pulled out the paints for my mural. Yesterday I took measurements so I could make the whole wall into sections, I could just draw a mini version and enlarge it. By the time I had finished finding all the materials I was going to use, the bell rang and I went to Chemistry.

Once I sat down in the back I realized there was an odd number of people in the room and I would be by myself. I sighed I my teachers were right, I did have what it took to excel. I just needed to try.

"Okay class today we are going to try something new, one half of the room will start the project and the other half will finish it." The teacher said while passing out the instructions.

I started mixing the chemicals like the instructions said, but instead of turning pink like everyone else's, mine had turned a dark black color. I sighed and passed it to the next group, they all gave me a nasty look.

The teacher walked by and noticed the color. "Here give me that," she said. She went and dumped out the liquid and came back to my table.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

She frowned at me. "No need to apologize, would you like me to show you how to do it?"

I nodded and she explained the lab to me. After successfully turning pink, I handed it to the other group who looked grateful.

"Thank you," I said not making eye contact with the teacher.

"That's what I'm here for," she said warmly.

That wasn't so hard, I wondered if I really could bring my grades around. I had a free period next, which I just spend in the art room again working on a sketch for my mural. When the bell rang, I went to the gym for P.E. I quickly changed into shorts and a t-shirt and stood where everyone else was. The football coach also happened to be the P.E. teacher which meant he tended to take P.E. a little too seriously.

"Okay kids, today we are going to play dodgeball girls versus boys," he said throwing the balls at us.

"Sorry coach as you can see I'm injured thanks to a certain someone assulting me," Macy said glaring at me.

"Too bad you have to play anyway," he said.

Macy pouted but joined the girl's side.

"Chloe the boy side is over there," Macy said mockingly.

"Macy if you are stupid enough to think I'm a boy maybe you should get your fake head injury checked too," I said back.

Macy rolled her eyes and walked away. The game started and obviously the guys were winning, the girls on my team were too scared of the balls. I rolled my eyes and threw all the balls myself. It got to the point where it was five girls against ten guys.

We continued playing until it was just Macy and one other girl and I against six boys one of them being Grayson. But let's get one thing straight Macy wasn't still in because she was good, she was in because she would start crying every time someone tried throwing a ball at her.

I threw a ball and it hit one of the guys and the girl on my left threw another and got one more out. Soon we were three on three. The girl on my left got out and then I threw the ball and hit another guy. It was just Grayson, Macy and I on the court now. I threw a ball but he dodged it, he threw one at me but it just barely missed me.

"Could you be, oh I don't know? Better?" Macy yelled at me.

"Oh I'll show you better," I mumbled. I threw the ball with all my strength at Macy, it hit her hard in the back of the head. She crumpled and fell to the ground.

"Illegal throw, off the court Sanders," the coach yelled at me.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I said. I left for the locker room feeling very pleased with myself.

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