Chapter 13- So What

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Grayson's Point Of View

We got in the car and Gavin was buzzing with excitement.

"Dude would you chill it's just Chloe," I pointed out

"Kendall is coming," he said dreamily.

"Who?" I asked. I was shocked, I didn't even know Gavin was into anyone.

"Yeah, she and I were talking at a party once, she's so cool," he said happily

When we got to Starbucks we sat down at a table, Kendall came in and sat down while Chloe nodded at us and went to the barista and ordered.

When she returned we all sat in silence. Finally Kendall broke the silence saying that we should sit separately so Chloe and I could work, or course Gavin jumped at the idea so they went off to a new table.

"So," I said awkwardly.

Chloe suppressed a smile. "I'm not going to bite your head off or anything, she said taking a sip of her coffee. "I'm in a good today."

Well that put me at ease a bit more. "Why are you on a good mood?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I got to work on my mural and I found out some of my teachers think I am actually worth something."

I frowned. I had never really thought a girl like her had low confidence. Everything she wanted was at her fingertips, why she cared what her teachers thought seemed strange to me.

"That's nice," I said finally.

"Are you going to go to college?" she asked.

I bit my lip nervously. I hated that question. I knew everyone would laugh if I told them what I wanted to major in. Besides, the only way I was going to go was if I got a sports scholarship, I hated talking about my family's financial issues.

We just had enough to get by, college was way too expensive for my mom, she and I both knew it. I had offered to get a job and help, but she told me to focus on school and football. It just made my guilt increase when I spent money. In fact, the change from my taxi ride home from the fair was still sitting in my pocket. Chloe probably didn't even realize how I felt about carrying her money with me. It felt like a reminder of the gap between us.

"Maybe," I said finally. "I'm working on it."

"Me too," she said quietly. "Getting the mural and this essay done are steps in the right direction."

"So we can be civil and get this done?" I asked smiling faintly.

She nodded. "I don't mean to be a total bitch, you know? It's just that a lot has happened to me."

I was sympathetic, but at the same time I felt like she still had it better. At least she went home to a big house and loads of money. Still, not wanting to start a fight, I let it go.

"So, do you want to tell me more about yourself? she asked.

"I'm seventeen, I have a little sister, I love football, and uh I don't know," I said shrugging.

"Ah yes, let me write an essay about how you love football, have a sister and are seventeen," she said sarcastically.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Did you talk to your dad after the fair?"

I visibly stiffened and she must have realized she had asked something too person and quickly changed the subject. "Tell me about your sister," she suggested.

"She's five, she loves princesses and we watch Disney movies together on Saturdays," I said smiling a little bit.

"We used to have a dog too, Julia loved him but we gave him to my cousin," I explained. I found myself talking to Chloe about Julia, and my mom with ease. It was so simple to talk to her, she was quiet so she didn't interrupt like Macy, or try to give advice like Gavin. She just let me vent and it was so nice. I was just about to tell her about my dad, when her phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered. I heard a lot of yelling and Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Sorry it was just my parents they just came home from their trip and were mad I wasn't home, I didn't realize it was almost seven," she explained. How had it been that long?

"Where were your parents?" I asked. Even my mom refused to spend a night away from us when I had offered to let her take a break.

Chloe shrugged. "I don't know they rarely come home, I didn't know they were even coming."

"Well it nice actually talking today without fighting," I said smiling slightly.

"Same," she said smiling back.

I got home and did my homework and when I went to sleep that night I thought maybe just maybe working with Chloe wouldn't be so bad. When I woke up that morning, I found Julia sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"Hey Julia what's up?" I asked.

"I really like Dad, but I know you don't and you said it was okay, but I don't think it is."

"Jules, dad and I just don't get along," I explained.

"But Gray, he is so sad you won't get to know him," she said pouting.

"Julia, it's my choice if I want to get to know him or not."

She looked upset but left my room. When I got to the kitchen, I ate a quick breakfast and we went to school. When I got there, everyone was still trying to help Macy who seems to be getting worse even though we all knew she was faking her injury. I rolled my eyes and ignored her again and went straight to homeroom. I hated myself for spending time with her. It was a reputation thing, I knew I had to keep up appearances but I was getting sick of her antics. What purpose did she serve in my life but drama? At least Chloe was nice to talk to. And besides at least Chloe would let me sit through classes without blowing up my phone with texts like Macy did.


Unfortunately, I had to cancel on Chloe for Wednesday because I had to watch Julia. It was now Thursday and I just wanted this week to be over. Andrew was throwing a huge party this weekend and I wanted some fun.

I got to school today and went into the building and saw a crowd around Chloe's mural. I think it was finally unveiled earlier today. They were all staring and whispering at it, I pushed though some people and got a good look at it. It was breathtaking. She had drawn a beautiful beach scene. There were two girls walking on the sand which had little trinkets through out. Necklaces, music albums, sunglasses, even I could tell who the girls were. I thought it was a nice way for Chloe to honor Ali.

"No way she did not do this!" Macy said stomping her foot.

"What?" one of her friends asked.

"That mural is going to be up forever and it's for Ali," no way," she angrily as she stormed over to the principal's office. I ignored her and went to homeroom, I saw Chloe in the back and smiled at her, she nodded and resumed looking out the window. After the teacher took attendance, I went to the back to talk to Chloe.

"I like your mural," I said honestly.

"Thanks," she said quietly. She put her earbuds back in, I figured she didn't want to talk so I went and sat down next to Gavin. He looked between Chloe and I, and then stared at me.

"You didn't hear did you?" he said.

"Hear what?" I asked.

He sighed. He looked something up on his phone and handed it to me. I read over the article and looked at Gavin. It essentially said that Chloe was to replace Alison in the Sander's annual charity event.

"That's such a mean thing to do," I said.

Gavin nodded. "Kendall said that she was pretty upset about it, she's supposed to model this outfit that was made for Alison

I didn't really understand how they could force her, but whatever I didn't understand about this modeling had clearly upset Chloe. How could she be so understanding and helpful as I vented my issues but I couldn't help her?

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