Chapter 10- Sweet Bliss

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Chloe's Point of View

I was waking to first period when Macy came up to me. I tried to ignore her but it was like trying to ignore a yapping dog. There was no point.

"Drop this off in first period for me okay? I'm waiting for Grayson," she said dumping her bag in my hands.

"Why would I do that?" I snapped.

"Because it is your fault I have to use crutches, so it's the least you can do," she said rolling her eyes.

"Or you could stop revolving your life around a guy," I pointed out.

"Just do it," she said rolling her eyes again.

Anger flowed over me, but for once I remained calm and took the bag. I watched her gobble away with her friends to wait by the stairs. I just took her bag and dumped it in the trash can.

Between classes I saw Macy screech in disgust when she found her bag, I quickly went into my next class and ignored her yelling. At lunch, I went to the art room and sat in the back so I could work on a new piece.

Most my afternoon classes went smoothly. I even took some notes and paid attention. When I got to Chemistry, the teacher assigned partners for the lab. I got stuck with one of Macy's friends.

We got out all the supplies, for the lab we had to filter the water. I tried taking the dirt out with my hands, but my partner wasn't working at all, she claimed her "nails were too precious." I rolled my eyes at that and when all the dirt had been cleared, I move to the back of the room again.

"Good job, Chloe," the teacher said coming over.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

At the end of the day, I went to the hallway to work on my mural. I had already started the easy part like the background but I wanted it to mean something. I sat in front of the wall for a long time trying to think of how to make it memorable.

Eventually I had to leave. I still wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do, but I had an idea. I just couldn't start now because of therapy. On Tuesday we hadn't talked at all she just watched me sketch and then asked for the drawings when I was done.

When I arrived I checked in at front desk where Karen, Grayson's mom was. She smiled and brought me back to Dr. Porter's office.

"Hi Chloe!" Dr. Porter said brightly. I sat down opposite of her on the couch while she sat at her desk.

"Okay today I want to actually talk to you, you know you can't get better unless you open up," she reminded me.

"What if I don't want to?" I questioned back.

"What's stopping you?" she asked.

"Nothing, I guess."

"Then open up," she said.

"No," I said back.

Dr. Porter sighed and pulled out a card. She took a couple notes on her notepad and then handed me the card she pulled out earlier.

"What's this?"

"If you aren't going to work with me, then don't waste my time, my number and email are on there, use it when you want to talk." She said shrugging.

"So I don't have to meet with you?" I say.

"No, but listen Chloe, I know the five stages of grief, you went through denial quite quickly but you are still on the second stage, so call me when you are ready to work."

"You know my therapists have all done the same thing before and I haven't ever come back."

"You will," she said confidently.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Because you are angry and eventually you'll realize you don't want to feel that way anymore," she said shrugging.

I stood there shocked. "Angry? Ali died, I'm allowed to feel something," I argued.

"Yeah sure, but anger is not it," she said calmly. I ignored her and left.

When I arrived home I ran to my room and got under the covered. I was angry, but I had every right to be. What did Dr. Porter know? I lost my twin sister, I was allowed to be angry.

I woke up on Friday morning and decided to ditch. I put on a bikini top and shorts. I grabbed my jacket and got on my bike and went to the beach. I loved this one part where the rocks were big enough to sit on, from there you could see the whole beach.

I climbed up on one of the rocks and stared at the ocean, I loved the ocean, it was so gorgeous. I used to listen to the ocean whenever I couldn't control my anger, it was Ali's idea, she used to take me here whenever she couldn't get through to me.

I stayed there for awhile, not many people came to the beach or this part to be exact. It was secluded and calm just the way I liked it. Around noon thought, I saw a couple guys with their surfboards.

"Hey, do you want to come down and hang with us?" The blonde one said. I rolled my eyes and stayed silent. "Well I'm Connor, you're welcome to join us, we have an extra surfboard if you need one."

I ignored them and got off the rock. I went back on my bike and went to school. I wanted to work on my mural. I had perfected my idea. I was going to draw two girls walking down the beach. I was going to draw minor details into the sand. Things that represented Ali. Her signature black sunglasses, her favorite jewelry, the things that made Ali who she was. The Ali I knew and loved.

I had worked pretty late into the night, when I finished my work, I stepped back proud of how it turned out. I cleaned up and left for my house a few minutes later. I came home with a strong burst of energy. The beach and painting had soothed all of my strong emotions.

I breezed through my homework and still had so much energy. I started blasting Metallica and cleaned up my very messy bedroom. As I was putting stuff away, I found a necklace. I took a deep breathe as my mind went back to the day I last saw this necklace.

"Ali what are you doing?" I said from my seat on the bed.

"Trying on your jewelry, you never wear it, I want to see what it looks like," she said shrugging.

"I's so ugly, why would you wear our birthstone, it is a hideous color," I said shaking my head.

"It's not horrible, it's just different," she said putting the necklace up to the light.

"It is ugly," I stated.

"So? It's our thing we have the same necklace remember?" She said tapping her own that hung around her neck.

"Yeah? Then wear your own." I said smirking. Ali threw the necklace at me. I caught it and continued reading my book. Ali glared while I laughed.

"Wear it okay?" she asked. "For me, okay?"

I had dumped all my stuff in this room when she died, I had forgotten to look through some of the boxes. I stared a the necklace. I never wore it, even though she had asked me to. Then, a few weeks later, she was gone, just like that I had lost the most important person in my life, and in a matter of seconds I had found the jewelry she loved that brought back even more memories.

As a few tears fell down my face, I put the necklace on. For Ali.

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