Chapter 14- It Can't Get Worse

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Chloe's Point of View
Flashback to earlier this morning

I woke up rather early and called Scott, he answered on the third try. "Chloe it's the middle of the night," he groaned.

"Scott it's only six," I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever it's night for me," he mumbled.

"Guess what?" I said.


"I talked to a couple teachers and they think I could get into an art school," I said happily.

"Really? That's great Chlo!" he said excitedly.

"Yeah I know all I have to do is show them that I can behave and change."

"Yeah and mom and dad's money," he reminded me.

"No way, I'm doing this on my own I don't want any of their influence interfering. I want to do this all on my own," I said seriously.

"Well good for you," he said proudly. "Have mom and dad called recently?"

"Yeah they came home," I mumbled.

"Okay well whatever you do, don't blow up, the last thing we need right now is another fight," he grumbled.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Well you know we had Sarah when we were only eighteen, well mom and dad just don't think we're responsible enough for another kid and they kind of yelled at Emily," he said quietly.

"Those assholes I'm gonna show them whose irresponsible," I said furiously while I paced around my room.

"No Chloe just leave it alone, it's better to just leave it alone," he said tiredly. We hung up later, but I was still fuming, my parents had no right saying that to Scott and Emily they were adults and they could make their own decisions.

I finally decided to get ready and pack my bag and as I was eating breakfast my parents walked in. I sighed and tried to hold my tongue like Scott asked.

"Chloe did you get another piercing?" my mom asked angrily.

I shrugged, I did get a lip ring.

"Chloe answer me," my mom said in a warning tone and looked at my dad as if to say 'your turn.'

My dad sighed and looked at me, "Chloe answer us," he said. I simply stared at them, they both sighed and moved on.

I heard my dad mutter, "It doesn't matter if she answers, we can see them." But, my mom ignored him.

"Have you been seeing your therapist?" she asked, while looking around the kitchen probably for some sign of drugs or alcohol.

"No, she and I agreed that we wouldn't meet until I was ready," I said slightly smugly as I put my dishes away.

"She was supposed to help you so you could move on," my mom said. The second the words are out of her mouth the dish in my hand hit the floor.

"So I can just get over her? Like she didn't exist? Like I don't just lose my twin sister?" I shouted angrily.

"Well you need to learn to cope," My dad said quietly

"She was my freaking sister!" I shouted.

"Well you don't see us crying," my mom said. "Yes it was sad, but life does not stop for sad people."

"That's because you never cared about us, all you did was send us money, tell me mom, do you even know what I want to major in?" I asked.

My mom looks at me for awhile and sighed, "I don't know Chloe what?" She said tiredly.

I shook my head. "Why do I even bother?" I started to leave but my mom stopped me.

"Look we have a favor to ask," my mom asked.

Back to present time

I was walking to the art room during lunch with Kendall when Macy and a group of people suddenly stopped us.

"What do you want?" Kendall said, I admit even though she was kind of annoying she was growing on me as we both hated Macy with a burning passion.

"Well I just wanted to say to Chloe that you can't get the school to pity you by making that mural," Macy said smugly.

"Like I even care," I mumbled, I wasn't in the mood and I hated crowds like the one that was forming. I saw Grayson in the crowd but it was clear he wasn't going to try to help me. I rolled my eyes at him.

Macy stepped closer to me. "I would be real careful if I was you, I could ruin you," she said menacingly.

My apathy seemed to piss her off.

She leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "Grayson is mine, don't think I haven't noticed you two getting close."

I rolled my eyes. "He's all yours I didn't even want him to begin with."

Macy glanced over at Grayson who looked like a deer in the headlights. "Trust me she does," he said finally. I glared at him, why did he do this to me, one second he acted like my friend, the next he was bullying me like Macy.

"Thanks." I said in a monotone voice, I grabbed Kendall and pulled her into the art room.

"How are you so calm?" Kendall asked as we sit down.

"Trust me, I'm fuming on the inside," I said taking off my jacket.

Halfway through lunch, Gavin came in and joined us.

"Hey Kendall," he said beaming at her.

"Hi," she said smiling. Kendall got so excited. She had not shut up about him since that day at Starbucks.

"Look I'm sorry about the way Gray was acting, he only does it for his reputation, he didn't mean to hurt you," Gavin said to me.

"Then why isn't he here telling me this?" I fired back.

"Sorry I guess since we've been friends for so long I just see past his facade, I forget how mean it is." He gave me a defeated look before talking to Kendall.

I sighed I'd be mad if they weren't such a cute couple.

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