Chapter 27- Acceptance

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Grayson's Point of View

So much time had passed since Chloe and I had shared our essays to each other. We were on spring break now and things were better than ever. Gavin and Kendall were still together and Chloe and I often double-dated with them. My mom was dating again, my dad and Jane were still together. It seemed like all was well for us. Today, we were going to the beach at Chloe's request.

"Kendall for the last time, get your own sweatshirt," Gavin said obviously somewhat annoyed and somewhat amused by his girlfriend's attempt at pulling off the hoodie he was wearing.

"What's up?" I asked as I met them at Chloe's gate.

Kendall wants me to give her my sweatshirt," Gavin explained.

"Well just for now, I'm in a bikini and I'm cold," Kendall said tugging on his sleeve.

"You have more than half my sweatshirts," Gavin said complaining.

"Ugh fine give me a sec, I'll get the one from my car," Kendall said before running back to her car.

"She had a sweatshirt and she still asked for mine?" Gavin says obviously flabbergasted. I laughed and put the code in for the gate.

When we got to the house, Kendall and Gavin waited on the couch while I went to look for Chloe. I found her in the backyard on the phone.

"Yeah Scott it's fine, I'm just surprised that's all," she said from the patio swing. Chloe noticed my presence and walked towards me. "I just didn't think anyone was going to be there," she said as she came next to me. "Okay, I'll talk to you soon, bye."

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, Scott is coming with his family," she said quietly.

"You don't sound happy about that," I noticed slightly confused.

"No I am, it's just that it occurred to me that my parents aren't coming for graduation."

"Well screw them, it's their fault if they don't want to be there for you."

She quiet for a moment as she looked out to the path where her and Alison's treehouse was. "She won't be there either," she said quietly.

"She'd be happy to see you graduate," I said trying to comfort her.

Chloe nodded. "I know," she whispered. She took a deep breathe. "I don't want to be sad today, come on let's go," she said taking my hand.

"Okay, ready to go?" Gavin asked.

I nodded and we all got in his jeep. I sat next to him while Kendall and Chloe were in the back. I noticed them whispering to each other and was watching trying to figure out what was going on until Kendall noticed me looking.

"You know Gray if you wanted to know what we were talking about you could just ask," she said smirking.

"Well then what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Macy," she said her mood darkening.


"She left a note in Chloe's mailbox saying she was sorry for hurting her and she was sorry about Ali," Kendall said while Chloe looked out the window.


"Bullshit indeed my friend, she only did it so the principal would get off her back about the whole situation," Kendall said.

"Isn't her dad on the administrative board or some shit?" Gavin asked, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah that's why she never gets in trouble, and everyone knows she starts half the shit," Kendall said crossing her arms.

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