Chapter 17- Reputation

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                     Grayson's Point of View

My mom was beaming when I came down for breakfast.

"What?" I asked as I made myself a bowl of cereal.

"Did you have a good time with Chloe?" she asked giving me a knowing smile.

"Yes, but that's it, we didn't do anything," I said rolling my eyes.

"You know if I didn't know better, I would say you have a little crush," she said laughing.

"Mom, I do not," I said annoyedly. She refused to believe me thought and I ended up spending the whole trip to school trying to convince her I didn't like Chloe like that.

"I'm just saying Gray, she seems like a really good kid who could use a friend or two," she said.

"Well that's all we are," I said. "Friends."

My mom chucked. "Oh to be young in love again."

Thankfully, we arrived at school and I escaped her pestering. When I got to homeroom, Macy, some of her friends, and some guys on the football team came up to Gavin and I.

"Hey so here's some markers keep them until after school," Macy said handing them to me.

"Why?" I asked looking over at Gavin who looked just as lost as mes

"Because we're going to 'fix' Claire's drawing," she whispered.

"You mean Chloe? Why?" Gavin asked shocked at her behavior.

"Because why should Alison get to be on the walls forever she was nothing but a bitch," Macy said rolling her eyes.

"Like you aren't," Gavin said under his breath which earned him a nasty glare form Macy.

"Whatever," I said dragging Gavin to our seats.

"Dude why would you agree to that? I thought you liked Chloe?" he asked sitting down with Kendall on his right and me on his left.

"I can't look lame in front of them I have a reputation to uphold," I tried explaining.

"That is the worst argument I've ever heard, how do you think Chloe will feel?" Kendall asked joining in on our conversation.

"Well, I don't know, but how will she know I did it?" I pointed out.

"You're really going to lie to her?" she questions, I look at them and sighed.

"Listen man, we've already had this fight so I'm not gonna yell at you about it, but what do you really care about, your popularity or your real friends? Because Chloe won't like you simply because you're popular," Gavin said calmly.

"Guys I know but," I started to say.

"But nothing if you paint over her mural you'll crush her, she just lost her twin sister you really want to make it worse?" Kendall asked frowning.

"Look I'll still be your friends regardless, but I'm not sure what Chloe will think," Gavin said shaking his head.

I sighed. I contemplated the plan all day. I should've just ditched like Chloe. It would have been so much easier. It wasn't fair, Chloe had a reputation just by being the daughter of her parents. I had to do everything for mine, it wasn't fair. All I had was who I was. I wasn't smart like Gavin, I wasn't rich like Chloe, I was a dumb football player who was too insecure to be what I wanted. So all I had to my name was that I was the most popular guy in school. I knew it was stupid, but it was all I had.

So, after school all the popular kids gathered around Chloe's mural. We waited around until the school had cleared and finally we got to work. I stood there at first unsure of what I really wanted to do. Macy, on the other hand, got to work instantly. I watched as they drew over the girl who was clearly Ali and wrote insults all over the mural.

Macy had insisted I get revenge on the girl I gave up my Monday's and Wednesday's for, but in my heart I knew this was wrong and told her I would keep watch instead. So I stood by the exit of the building, one foot inside and one outside. I so desperately wanted to leave, I knew Chloe was going to be upset. I could practically see the tears in her electrifying blue eyes in my mind. My guilt grew.

When they were finished you couldn't even tell what the mural was supposed to represent. They had drawn all over Ali's face but just enough so that it was still recognizable. They wrote bad words all around her and touched it off with a huge paint splatter where Chloe had signed her name.

I was starting to feel really bad about this. When they were finally done, I had Andrew, one of the football players take me home.

When I sat down at the table my mom walked in and took one look at my guilt ridden face and sighed, "Gray what did you do?"

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