Chapter 18- Popular Jerks

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Chloe's Point of View

When I got to school on Tuesday, I had just parked my bike when suddenly Gavin and Kendall ran to me and started talking.

"Hey did you watch SNL the other night it was so funny," Kendall said looping her arm in my mind.

"Hey how did that modeling thing go?" Gavin asked steering us towards the cafeteria.

"No," I said turning my head to look at Kendall, "and they didn't use me thanks to Grayson drawing on me, so it went great," I said pushing Kendall's arm off me.

"Don't thank him yet," Gavin muttered.

I glanced over at Kendall who was shifting Gavin a warning look. "What is going on?" I asked.

"Come on we can go around through the cafeteria," Kendall said trying to get me through the door.

I moved away from them. "I have to go to my locker," I said giving them a weird look.

"I'll go for you, what do you need?" Gavin volunteered. 

"What's wrong with you guys?" I asked. "I'm going to go to my locker."

"Listen Chloe," Gavin started to say.

"What is it?" I asked exasperatedly.

He looked over at Kendall. They looked at each other as if wondering what to do, finally Kendall gave Gavin a shove and he looked sadly at me.

Finally, he mumbled," your mural."

Without missing a beat, I took off towards the building where my mural was with Gavin and Kendall hot on my trail.

When I walked in I saw a huge crowd around my mural, Gavin gave Kendall a worried look, I ignored them both and push through the crowd to see a bunch of popular kids with Grayson laughing at something. I pushed one of the football players aside who in return called Macy over.

"Oh look, she's trying to get a look at it, let's give her room everyone," Macy said laughing. I saw Grayson laughing with another football player. We made eye contact and his smile immediately dropped. I turned and looked at mural as everyone backed away on Macy's orders.

I got closer to the mural, and finally took a look at it. My heart stopped, they had drawn all over it, changing letters, drawing over designs, and worst of all, they had drawn all over Ali. They had written mean comments and profanities all around her.

I took a step back in shock and continued to stare at it. Among the crowd of kids I saw a lot of sympathetic looks, but then I looked at Macy and her friends, and Grayson, who were all laughing at me. I stared at Grayson. I thought he was better than this. I turned away.

"Awww she's going to cry, someone get a camera," Macy said mockingly.

"I thought you were mean, but this is a whole another level," I said quietly. I would not let them see me cry, they would not get the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Without another word, I turned around and left the building. I saw Kendall and Gavin quickly look at Grayson then they ran after me. By the time they caught up with me, I was already on my bike.

"I'm so sorry," Gavin said staring at the ground. I didn't blame him, it wasn't his fault.

"Yeah me too, we tried to stop Grayson, but he doesn't listen," Kendall said angrily.

"Another thing we have in common," I muttered. I tried not to cry, the last thing I wanted was to cry today. "Seriously guys I don't blame you, but I need to be alone right now."

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