Chapter 2 | Tea

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Chapter 2 | Tea

Gold filled my vision and I blinked again rapidly as I tried to come back to reality. The ceilings were a faded, dirty brown and I frowned, feeling strange. I felt the soft silk of the bed behind my head comforting. A migraine was slowly growing heavier in my forehead.

Suddenly a sharp pain shot up my leg, flashes of a stormy night, me running in the rain, seeing a dark and mysterious castle.

My eyes widened as I realised where I was. I sat up straight on the bed, breathing heavily as my heart raced. I can feel a presence in the room and I looked around, feeling my heart pound against my chest.

“She is up! Bring her some tea!”

I heard a soft melodic and kind voice of a female and turned around, but there was no one in my sight. I looked around frantically but there was nothing.

Am I hearing voices?

“Hello ma’am.”

I looked around again, looking closely but there was nothing. The whole room was lit up by a candle and the moon-light peeking from behind the curtains. But, it was not completely dark.

Maybe its a ghost?

“Over here ma’am. Over here!”

I looked down immediately, feeling the voice coming from there and screamed in fright as I looked at a huge pot smiling at me. Its eyes widened at my screaming and I moved away, trying to reach far away from it.

Ma’am. Please do not be frightened. I mean you no ha—”

“Holy Twatwaffle! You can talk!” I shouted a number of profanities and fell down from the bed, backing against the wall.

“Please be quiet ma’am. Master is sleeping. He won’t like it if he is awok—”

“The master is awake mommy!”

My eyes shot straight to the door and I saw a small tea-cup bouncing towards the huge pot, which I assume is the mother of the tea-cup.

Shit, pots can reproduce?

Pots are alive?

What about the time when I was five I smashed a pot against the wall? Did it die? Was it alive? I killed a pot. I committed a crime. Oh my god, I had killed an innocent life. Pots are alive. Pots are alive. Pots are fucking alive. And so are tea-cups! So, when pots reproduce, they give birth to tea-cups! Oh my god this shit is real, or maybe I am just dreaming. This is not a dream. This is a nightmare. Maybe its the ghost of the pot that I had killed when I was young, haunting me now, seeking its revenge.

Shit, I am screwed.

“Hello! Earth to lady!” I heard the voice of a small boy talking, probably a five-year-old and looked at my feet. The tea-cup was smiling at me but the sound of the small boy’s voice kind of comforted me and I tried to calm myself down, pinching myself again and again, to wake up from this dream.

You can talk.” I muttered weakly, backing against the wall, wanting the wall to just swallow me up and spit me back home.

“I am Chip!” The tea-cup cheered, giving me a cute smile and I blinked, looking at it as if it was an alien. I bent down on my knees, taking a closer look at it.

“You can talk.” I breathed out again.

“What’s your name?” The tea-cup, Chip asked me and I smiled immediately, feeling my fear fade away. Chip, the tea-cup kind of reminded me of my cousin, Toby that I adore and it made my heart swell just thinking of that cute little boy. My heart beat slowed down and I looked at the tea-cup before I forced myself to be brave. I reached my hand towards it and Chip immediately bounced onto my hand, smiling widely at me.

“My name is Harley.” I said softly as I looked at the tea-cup with much intrigue and fascination.

Well done Harley, you are now talking to a tea-cup. You have officially gone crazy.

Mommy! Her name is Harley. Do you think the master will like it?” The tea-cup bounced cheerfully in my hands and for a moment, I pictured it as a five-year-old boy, with brown hair, cute dimples and innocent blue eyes.

My eyes glided across the room and fell onto the huge talking pot. “Of course dear. Hello, Harley. I am Mrs. Potts.”

What an ironic name.

Its soft, lady-like comforting and soothing tone made me feel more easy and I smiled at the pot, feeling like as if I was living in a dream.

A cough came out of my mouth and I covered it, putting Chip down on the dirty-red carpet floor.

“Would you like some tea?”

“Yeah, sure.” I replied and the pot filled the tea-cup with warm tea. The tea-cup bounced over to me and I held it to my lips, feeling the warm tea go down my burning throat. Once I had drinked everything, I put Chip down and started walking, feeling the pain in my ankle increase as I took each step, holding onto the wall for support.

“I have to go. Thank you for everything.” I thanked them and tried to reach the door but Chip blocked my path, making me halt in my steps.

“But you can’t leave.” The boy said and I blinked, frowning a little.

“What he meant was,” Mrs. Potts paused. “You have to take rest. Your ankle is broken pretty badly. Maybe you can go tomorrow.”

“No, thank you for your offer but, my sister will be waiting for me. I have to go.” I rushed the sentence out and tried to leave but Mrs. Potts seemed worried and Chip looked unhappy too.

“She can’t leave mommy.” I heard the faint whisper of Chip saying to Mrs. Potts.

“What do you mean I can’t leave?” I asked, astounded and felt my heart throbbing inside my rib-cage.

“Harley dear.” Mrs. Potts said, nervously. “Its just that t-the m-master will no—”

Master? Who is the master? I will talk to him then. I can’t just stay here forever.” I huffed, feeling anger fill me up at the thought of never leaving this strange castle.

“What’s going on?”

I felt chills shoot down my spine at the low voice and I stiffened, feeling my eyes go wide as I stood behind the door, feeling a strong presence outside.



I'm going to spend Valentine's day with my one true love. Food.

Ok, but seriously, being single does not mean that nobody loves you. God is just writing a better love story for you. 💚

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