Chapter 5 | Starving

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Chapter 5 | Starving

I am hungry.

Scratch that, I’m starving and I really need food. Another embarrasing sound erupted from my tummy and I bit my lip, sighing.

It was past twelve and the castle was quiet. Maybe I could go and grab some food without letting anyone know. I’m sure the beast would be asleep by now. Yeah, I’m calling him the beast. It has been more than four hours and he has not barged into my room, demanding my presence so its a good thing. Or maybe he is waiting outside the door.

No, he isn’t Harley and you know that. What happened to you? Where is the rebel? You want something, you always get it! You want food? Go and get it!

I gave myself a little pep-talk and looked around the bedroom. Mrs. Potts and Chip were out of the bedroom an hour ago. So, I was left alone with my thoughts and I couldn’t sleep either. I walked over to the table beside the wardrobe, and grabbed the candle in my hand.

I wonder why this candle can’t talk. I thought everything in this castle is enchanted. Why is Lumière the only candle to be enchanted? Maybe there is something behind this.

Putting aside my thoughts, I walked over to the door, pulling it open softly and looked at either side of the corridor, for anything mysterious. Once I knew I was safe, I stepped out of the threshold and walked along the corridor. I didn’t know where the kitchen was and so I followed my gut.

I took slow and cautious steps and finally reached a staircase which was spiralling downwards. I looked at the end and a magnificient ballroom came into view. It was huge and the floors were marble white with gold flower patterns adorning the center and the edges. The pillars were strong and white, shining in the moonlight. But, what astonished me the most was the million chandeliers hanging above. There were crystal clear and sparkling like diamonds. I was baffled as I climbed down the staircase admiring the view.

I really need to explore this castle.

Just then, my stomach growled, reminding me of my hunger and I groaned, continuing my search for the kitchen. I continued walking, turning corridors, and climbing up stairs to finally reach a corridor with two paths on either side. Along the way, I was met with millions of portraits of people and they seemed really old. But, there was one particular portrait of a handsome man, who had stunning blue eyes. I took a second to see the man clearly and then continued on my journey to the kitchen.

Not knowing which one to go to, I took steps towards the one to my left. There was a huge door, and it looked majestic, like something important was held behind it. It only peaked my curiousity and interest as I looked at the door with admiration.

Harley!” A voice called me and I turned around, my eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights with my heart pattering against my chest. It was Mrs. Potts.

“Do not go there. The west wing is forbidden to enter.” Mrs. Potts said, panicking as she gestured for me to come over. I looked back at the door and felt myself getting trapped, it was if whatever is behind the door was calling me to it. My stomach growled again and it broke my chain of thoughts.

“I’m hungry Mrs. Potts.” I said, turning around to face her and she smiled, still panicking a little. To ease her, I went near her and we were soon walking away from the mysterious west wing of the castle. My thoughts were still on the door and I couldn’t help but ask, as I placed myself on the seat, in the dining table. “What’s in the west wing? Why is it forbidden?”

“Curiousity killed the cat.” Cogsworth said, suddenly entering the conversation, he sounded like a grumpy old man.

“Eat Harley and ask if you need anything.” Mrs. Potts said and I looked at my plate. My stomach growled once again, reminding me and I immediately dived into the food, savouring the taste of the steak. It was wonderful.

“You must be starving.” Lumière commented as I ate the food like a hungry predator.

Yesh.” I said, with my mouth full and held onto the roasted chicken in my hand. Seeing the candle reminded me of why the other candle can’t talk.

“How can you talk? Have you guys always talked since the beginning?” I voiced out my questions and was met with a few seconds of silence.

“Should we tell her?” Lumière asked softly to the head butler whose eyes narrowed at me. The funny thing about Cogsworth is that he had a mustache and it moved along with him whenever he talked.

“Tell me what?” I asked, immediately, stuffing another piece of the salad in my mouth.

“Tell you why we can talk.” Lumière said.

“I won’t tell anyone. I can keep secrets.” I said and Mrs. Potts rolled her eyes and gave me a warm smile. “Oh come on Cogsworth, she is just an innocent little girl. Tell her.”

“Oh well.” Cogsworth said.

And then, he started telling me a story of how there was a beautiful kingdom and a handsome prince who everyone deemed heartless. And, that one day, the prince was too evil that a wicked enchantress cast a curse on the castle. The curse falling not only on the prince but also the servants as well and that’s why the servants were changed into enchanted objects.

“We were all people like you too.” Mrs. Potts ended the amazing story and I finished my dinner. There was heavy silence for a while as I tried to process everything that they had said. A million questions were circling around my mind and I didn’t know what to ask.

What about the prince? What happened to him? When did this happen? Who is the enchantress? Why was the prince evil? But I knew there was one very important question and so I asked that.

“What curse did the enchantress cast?”



Just to remind some of you guys again, this story does not follow the suicide squad version and I think I have mentioned that a lot of times. So, if you want a SS storyline then feel free to check out other books. Thank you.

For those enjoying the story, thank you! 💚

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