Chapter 3 | Beast

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Chapter 3 | Beast

What’s going on?”

I felt chills shoot down my spine at the low voice and I stiffened, feeling my eyes go wide as I stood behind the door, feeling a strong presence outside.

Immediately, Mrs. Potts and Chip scurried away, outside the door and the candle that was lighting up the room suddenly diffused into thin air. Gray smoke coming out of it. The room became a lot more darker and I immediately grabbed the door, feeling my heart race. Footsteps padded across the wooden floor slowly, reaching towards me and the door creaked open wider.

I scurried away from behind the door and looked down to my feet, feeling frightened and my chest heaved up and down. The air was filled with thick silence and I was not liking it.

“Look up, darlin’.”

The low and erotic voice sent involuntary shivers down my spine. I slowly looked up and my eyes fell on the shadow of a man. He was standing in the darkness so I couldn’t see him properly, but his icy blue eyes shone brightly through the dark, riling up my nerves. He looked like a predator, like a b-beast.

He is the beast.

The tale is true.

And now, I’m going to die.

Beauty.” The word rolled out of his tongue effortlessly and I shivered, definitely not due to the cold.

He stalked closer towards me and I immediately looked down to my feet, feeling uncomfortable at the tense situation and hating myself for being so scared.

“Are you the M-master?” I asked, wanting to sound strong, but it came out weak and vulnerable.

“Wouldn’t ya like to know.” He whispered, inching his face closer towards me, and I could see the outline of his face. I felt the heat of his body touch mine and gulped.

“I would like to leave.” I said, sounding a lot more confident than before.

“No one leaves this castle after they enter it.” He said in a erotically low voice that made my heart race. “No one.”

“My family is waiting for me.” I weakly replied, feeling tears brim my eyes and my lips quivered at the thought of never seeing them again.

“Too bad.” A diabolical laugh escaped his mouth and I shivered at the sound of it, flinching a little as I held onto the table behind me for support.

“I need to go.” I said, more confidently this time and his laughter stopped.

“Is this how you thank me?” He asked, his voice sounding angry. “I gave you a place to sleep, kept you warm and this is how you repay me?”

“I—uh.” I felt completely at loss of words and my heart pattered against my chest like a machine gun, I was afraid he could hear it.

“Please just let me go.” I pleaded, controlling my tears and a low lethal guttaral growl escaped out of his mouth  and I gulped.

“I said ‘No.’” He shouted, making me flinch and a tear escaped out of my eye as immense fear and dread filled me. I have to get out of here and I have to stop being so weak.

Come on, you are a rebel Harley. Talk back to him. Say something. Don’t just stand there and be silent.

“What am I going to do here? I would be—”

“You can be my very own servant.”

What?” A new found anger surged through my veins and using that to my advantage, I let mt hands meet his chest and I pushed him away with all my strength. He tumbled back, not expecting the sudden move.

“I’m leaving whether you like it or not!” I shouted, poking my finger into his chest angrily as I moved around him, reaching the door. But, a hand fell on my wrist, pulling me back hard and I squealed as my back hit against the wall.

“Never shout at me again or you will regret the day you were born.” He whispered into my ear, his warm breath erupting goosebumps all over my cold skin. He held my hands above my head, completely dominating me and I felt fear as his muscular body pressed into mine. I could feel chains poking into my waist and I sucked in a sharp breath.

I didn’t know what compelled me to do this. But, it was the only option I had now so with all my strength, I pushed my knee up, hitting it straight at that place where the sun doesn’t shine and he groaned but held onto me tight nonetheless. “Feisty.” He paused, his voice had a teasing tone and I could feel his smirk against my skin.“I love it.”

“What?” I asked, feeling confidence fill my body. “I can’t here you over the sound of your small dick crying due to the pain.”

Another lethal growl left his lips and he banged his fist on the wall behind me, and this time I didn’t flinch. “Believe me.” He paused, his lips gliding over my skin, and for a moment, I felt something cold touch my neck from his mouth and I shivered.“My dick would tear you into half.”

Anger filled me but a red blush fell on my cheeks as he pressed his body further into mine. Sparks of electricity flowed down my body and I hated it. Gritting my teeth, I said, “I wear heels bigger than you dic—”

“Shut up!” He shouted into my face, slamming his fist on the wall behind me and I closed my eyes, squeezing them shut for a moment before I opened them again, a smug smirk on my lips. “What? Can’t face the sad truth?”

“Say another word and I will rip your heart out Harley Belle Quinn.” He said, his voice threatening and low, mocking me and I gasped, realising that he knew my full name. His tone indicated thar he meant what he said and my lips started quivering at the thought of what this man was capable of doing. He pulled away and slammed the door behind him. The sound of the door being locked echoed around the room and I slided down to the floor, as tears flowed down my cheeks.

You messed up bad, Harley.



Hey Mistah J! *nudges Joker with my elbow and he groans moving away from me*

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