Chapter 15 | Wardrobe

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Chapter 15 | Wardrobe

“Harley and Jack sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” Chip squealed as he ran around me and I gave him a lop-sided grin, trying to control my blush.

“I want Jarley babies!” Chip squealed all of a sudden and my eyeballs almost popped out of my head at the sudden outburst. I started coughing and Mrs. Potts hurried to fetch me some water. Currenlty, it was evening and Jack had asked me come down for dinner and that’s when the date will begin. My tummy flipped at these feelings and I smiled.

It has been so long since I have had these weird lovey-dovey feelings in my heart and I was so glad to feel this again.

Thank you Jack, for making my stomach erupt with butterflies again.

I opened the wardrobe looking for a gown to wear today but they were quite old and all of them were almost blue and white. I tilted my head, trying to think of what to wear when I felt someone pulling on my skirt. I looked down to see Chip pulling on my skirt with a mischievious grin.

“What is it Chip?” I asked and bent down to him, holding him on my palm.

“The wardrobe is looking at you.” He said and my eyes went wide with shock as I looked at the wardrobe in front of me. Indeed, the wardrobe was looking at me with its eyebrows raised.

All this time, the wardrobe was alive?

What if when I was changing into my dress? Did it see me naked? Oh my god. It saw me naked.

“In need of a dress?” The wardrobe asked and I was surprised when it had a feminine touch in its voice. A female wardrobe.

“Yes.” I meekly replied.

“Chip! Get down. I’m going to dress her up.” The wardrobe said, its voice cheerful now and I looked at it, feeling helpless and baffled. Chip got down and sat on my bed. Suddenly strips of pink clothes flowed around me, coming out of the wardrobe and it circled around me, dressing me up as I laughed, feeling elated from all the magical stuff.

In a few seconds, I was wearing a pink gown, a long pink one with a huge bow in front me. It was beautiful. I twirled around admiring myself and looked at Chip who had a doubtful expression.

“Nah. Jack does’t like pink.” He said and I rolled my eyes.

“Ok! Changing now.” The wardrobe shouted and now, blue strips of clothes were circling around me, with a hearts all over it and I was soon dressed in a blue gown. Twirling around in amazement, I looked at Chip for any suggestions when he shook his head ‘No’ again.

“Again!” I yelled this time, feeling eager.

If I could dress like this everyday, it would be awesome. I don’t even have to move. Man, I need to bring this wardrobe and keep it in my room when I go back.

Going back?

Will I be going back?

I quickly shoved that thought away from my mind when now blue and pink strips of clothes circled around me, forming a long bouncy gown and the dress was beautiful with diamonds covering the front of it and on its edges. It was beautiful and I looked at Chip who looked at me with amazement in his eyes.

“You look so beautiful! Jack will melt into a puddle.” He squealed and I laughed at his boyish-ness.

“Thank you.” I said, curtsying down to which Chip smiled at me.

When I checked the mirror, I realised that my hair was done and I was wearing pricey jewelleries too. All of them were diamonds, and my hair was half letdown and the rest tied up into a neat bun. The dress fitted me perfectly and I felt a blush fill my cheeks at the thought of going on a date with Jack.

Oh my god.

This is happening.

It’s really happening.

I felt Mrs. Potts hop on the dressing table in front of me and I sucked in a huge breath to calm my nerves down.

“You look beautiful.” She said and her eyes flickered towards the clock. “Its time.”

Oh, shit.

Why am I so nervous?

It’s just jack. Your annoying friend whom you have now developed feelings for. It’s ok. It’s still the same Jack.

I think I might as well admit that I have a crush on him now. Yes, I have a crush on Mr. Jack Napier, The Beast.

My grandma is going to kill me.

Pushing that scary thought aside, I glanced myself at the mirror one last time and walked to the door. Opening the door, I felt nervous when I heard music from below and it peaked my interest and my heart rate as I walked down the stairs, careful not to get the dress dirty. In a few short moments, I was reaching the edge of the stairs when he came into sight. He was waiting for me at the end of the staircase, looking dashing in a tux and I smiled at him as I walked down slowly.

I could feel his eyes roaming over my body and I felt self-conscious for a second but when my eyes met his cerulean ones, they went away and I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but him. Slowly, walking down, I reached my hand towards him and he held it, before his lips landed softly on them, brushing it against my skin as if he was teasing me, the whole time never breaking his gaze away from mine.

He pulled away and in a swift move, I squealed as he hugged me towards himself. The close proximity made my heart beat skyrocket and a prominent red blush painted themselves on my cheeks. He grinned before leaning down and kissed my cheek.

“You.” He kissed my right cheek. “Look.” He kissed my left cheek. “Magnificient.” He kissed my nose and I smiled, feeling heat fill all over my body at his touch.

“You look g-great.” I said weakly, and he laughed at my state and I wondered where all my confidence had gone to.

“Dance with me.” He pulled me towards the ballroom floor, without even asking me permission and I raised my eyebrows at him to which he rolled his eyes and continued dragging me away.



Is anyone missing the feels we got in POMJ ball dance Chap? I am. 😭

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