Chapter 9 | Leaving

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Thank you for your support guys! I read each and every comment and I wanted to thank all of you with this update. You guys are the best! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I love you guys. I feel more confident now. Some of you said that I inspired you guys to write books too and that just made my heart swell. I can’t thank all of you enough for your kind words. I see that you guys have started a fandom named #teampieceofcupcake and called yourselves cupcakes. How cute! You guys are literally awesome. I have the best readers ever! 💜 <sends virtual hugs>

Haters can do whatever shit they want because I don’t care anymore and I have my lovely cupcakes who I can always depend on. For all those haters out there, throw yourself off a cliff. Hasta la bye bye. 🐷

By the way, a lot of you guys have been asking me where I make my covers. My friend makes them(she doesn’t have a wattpad acc) and I make some of them. (I made the cover for beauty and the beast, with a little help from my friend but whatever. XD) And, so I have decided to open a cover shop, if you want me to! My friend will be taking care of the shop(if you want us to open one though) and her name is Cia. 😊


Chapter 9 | Leaving

The sun washed the garden with a golden glow. Bobbing robins joined in, lilting in an age old melody. There was a garden pond and I can see the frog spawn glistening like mini moons. At the end of the garden, there was a small grove of trees. Buzzing bees surfed the open spaces from flower to flower, desperately seeking pollen. The pollen looked like floating grains of pixie dust, scattered by the blustery wind.

The garden was an enchanted garden.

It was wide and open, sloping gently down to a cosmic-blue river. Apple trees ran through the centre of the garden, casting a lake of claw shadows onto the grass. The scorching-orange, burning-brown and molten-red leaves drifted to the ground as silently and carelessly as an ash cloud, settling in to their eternal rest. Past the river there was a plush-green meadow. Lipstick-pink peonies adorned the fringes of the garden and honeysuckle festoons the hedges with its ladylike perfume. The aroma of the earth smell percolates through the air.

Butterflies fluttered through the air with their velvet wings. The river had a magical quality to it that I haven’t seen elsewhere. I could hear the lullaby of the breeze swishing through the trees much clearer now and little animals scurry and shuffle in the undergrowth.

I sat on the bench and started river gazing. The water was lens clear and it was easy to spot the speckled trout at the bottom. Every so often, they exploded up through the crystal water and soared into the air. Iridescent kingfishers flashed by in a flurry of blue and gold, using the river as a highway.

“Let’s do some fishing.” Chip shouted excitedly.

“Not today. Maybe some other time Chip.” I said, feeling bad for turning the kid down. He narrowed his eyes at me.

“The master wikes you.” He blurted out all of a sudden.

“W-what?” I stuttered, blushing at the sudden outburst.

“I hope you marry him.” Chip said excitedly.

“What?” I asked, standing up, and looking at Chip with an incredulous expression.

“Chip!” Mrs. Potts shouted at Chip but she seemed like she was trying to control a goofy smile from spreading on her face.

Ma! It’s the truth.” Chip said and Mrs. Potts’s eyes widened.

“I need to go.” I said, hurriedly standing up and rushing towards the castle. I was glad they were not calling me back because I needed some time to process my thoughts.

The Master likes you.

That is an horrendous lie. Of course he hated me. Why the hell would he like me? There is nothing special about me. I’m not beautiful like my sister. She has boys in a queue behind her but I have only one, an annoying one in the name of ‘Gaston.’

My steps were fast and I was looking at my feet, hurriedly walking when I heard yelling somewhere, and I looked around, searching for the voice. The more I walked closer, I could hear Cogsworth, Lumière and him, yelling at each other.

“….petals are falling!” Jack shouted.

“B-but Master… w-we didn’t do anythin—” Cogsworth replied, and I felt stunned because hearing Cogsworth actually scared was new to me. I started walking towards the balcony and I could see them down below, shouting at each other.

“It’s the girl.” Jack said and silence followed.

“Ever since she saw the flower, the petals are beginning to fall.” Lumière said and I stiffened, realising that the topic wad about me.

“M-maybe… s-she is the on—”

No!” Jack shouted. “It can’t be her.”

“Then why would the petals start falling?” Lumière reasoned, he seemed more braver than Cogsworth at a time like this. Once again, silence followed and I remained silent, my mind processing all this new information.

“You have to control your anger.” Lumière said and for a moment, I felt pity for Jack. Something horrible has happened in his past which made him the way he is and I really wanted to help him, like I said, he saved my life.

And my mom always said, ‘Always help someone. You might be the only one that does. A few nice words can help a person lot more than you think.’

So, I am going to practically throw kindness around him like confetti.

My heart is making me stay here and help them, but my mind wants me to ga back home. After a few seconds, I think I have made up my mind, to help him, to unravel the mysteries, to help them as much as I can. Being alone in a huge castle with talking objects can sometimes make you crazy. I know I am making a crazy life-changing decision here.

I know by acting with kindness, I shouldn’t be expecting gratitude.

“Ask her to leave the castle.” Jack said and I should be feeling relief but determination flowed through me.

“I’m not leaving Mr. Napier!” I shouted, looking down at them from the balcony. Their heads turned around to me in surprise and I couldn’t help but give them a cheeky smile. The glare from Jack only making me smile wider.

“Its rude to eavesdrop Ms. Quinn.” Jack said and I rolled my eyes.

“You guys were shouting, I’m sure my grandma back in my house could have heard it.” I said, shooting them a wide smile.

“You little piece of—” Jack stopped himself, gritting his teeth. “You are a royal pain in the ass.”

“I take that as a compliment.” I said, flipping my hair back and what happened next was unexpected. He started walking inside the castle, and I knew he was coming here. My eyes widened at the things he would do to me incase he comes here.

What if he pushes me down the balcony?

I looked down to see Cogsworth and Lumière for help.

“I think you should hide.” Cogsworth said and my eyes widened as I started running away from the balcony.

“Good luck surviving!” Lumière shouted behind me and I started running really fast, trying to find for a good place to hide when I found myself in front of the west wing. Maybe I should hide in there?

Oh my god, I’m going to die.



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