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"The last petal has fallen." I heard a voice mutter and looked up from Jack's still chest. My eyes landed on Cogsworth whose eyes were widened as he looked at Jack lying still. I cried more at the sight of him and looked at Jack's eyes. They were still open and staring at me. They were ocean blue and my heart sank at the thought of never seeing those eyes again.

The last petal has fallen.

The meaning behind that sentence dawned on me and I gulped down a cry that was trying to escape from my lips.

"Oh shit. Why did I have to die before I could say 'you'. God, life is like a fucking movie."


I immediately looked up and narrowed my eyes at the man I was lying on top on.

He was not Jack.

He was incredibly hot. He had brown hair, sleeked perfectly behind his head and he had tan skin. His chest was bare and there were abs poking out of them. He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. He's slim, muscular, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, it could be illegal.

His face was carefully structured. As if God had molded him just to spoil these eyes. He had a Roman nose and a thin pair of lips that was in a form of a smirk. His tight jaw was an angular shape that was filled with little stubbles. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his tan skin made him look devilishly handsome.

He was a man of any girl's dreams.

A prominent jaw curved gracefully around and the strength of his neck showed the cords of muscle that shaped his entire body; strong arms, bold thighs and calves, a firm chest and abdomen. Muscles rippled across every part of his body. One look and both women and men would swoon at the sight of him no matter their sexual preferences and one word passed from his lips had even the straightest of men flushing shades of red that no one ever knew was naturally possible.

And then his eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water. This close, I could see the flecks of white in his eyes.

They were just like Jack's eyes.

"Jack..." I muttered. His eyes gave away that he was indeed Jack as he immediately pulled me down and crashed his lips on mine feverishly. Our lips molded together, not literally but magically. He was back and I couldn't stop the happiness exploding in my heart like fireworks.

He is back.

"Mommy! Mommy! I have hands!"

Pulling away from Jack, I looked up to see Chip bouncing up and down; not as a teacup but as a boy. A small five-year-old boy who had dimples, black hair, and adorable deep blue eyes. They were absolutely cute on him and I smiled as I saw that everyone had changed to their human forms.

The magic has worked.

Words couldn't describe how happy I was. My heart filled with joy and my nerves were high on alert as tears of joy filled my eyes.

"How dare you do that to me?" I asked, hugging him, and resting my forehead on his. The storm was gone and the sky was clearing out. It was like a freaking fairytale.

"I like scaring people." He said, his low and playful as he winked. His new appearance was still giving me a surprise but I wasn't complaining. I loved him no matter anyway he is.

"I saved your dying ass Mr. Napier." I said and he laughed, holding me tighter.

"Looks like you and I were meant to be after all." He said and and I smiled cheekily.

"I can't believe I am stuck with you for the rest of my life. What did I ever do wrong in my life?" I teased and looked at him. He had a frown on his face and he looked deeply hurt. Concern filled me immediately and I struggled for words.

"I didn't mean it. I was just—"

He laughed and I realised he was playing with me.

This jerk.

"You are such a jerk you know that?" I slapped his shoulder playfully and he laughed even more before kissing my nose.

"I just died. Give me a break." He moved his arms and suddenly his eyes fell on his palm before he frantically looked all over his body.

"I've changed." He said and I smiled, at his silliness before nodding.

"Yes. You have." I said before giving him a kiss on his forehead. "I'm going to miss that green hair though. They made you more sexy."

He growled, pulling me closer. "Do you want me to dye it?"

"Nah." I said. "You still look sexy."

He laughed. "You never fail to amuse me Ms. Quinn."

"I have something to tell you." I said, and he frowned, realising the tone of seriousness in my voice. He raised his eyebrows, gesturing for me to continue.

"The other day... I fainted and I don't really faint that easily. Then, to confirm my doubts, I did a test and it showed the plus sign. I didn't tell anyone in the family. I had to keep it a secret. I didn't want to give them a burden on their shoulders. I had to find you. I had to tell you. And looks like I had found you just in time." I rambled and he furrowed his eyebrows, looking more confused than ever. To ease his confusion, I blurted out, "I'm pregnant."

His expression was of shock at first but then a wide smile took over his lips as he looked at me with wonder, amazement, shock and I pursed my lips, waiting for him to say something.

"I hope they are twins."

I bursted out laughing at his response and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so happy to have you back. I love you." I muttered into his ear before pulling away from him. I stood up and brushed off the dust from my jeans. He stood up and held my hand before facing the others who were talking among themselves outside the garden.

He turned to me, giving me one long kiss on my forehead before silently muttering, "I love you."

And, we walked out of the garden, never seperating from each other as we lived happily ever after.


The end.

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