Chapter 23 | Here

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Chapter 23 | Here

I am going to keep this secret. My family didn’t need more problems on thier shoulders. It was mine and I will take care of it.

I had to see him.

It was a windy night and the horse I had come from was below, inside the barn, tied up. I bit my lip, leaving a letter this time and runned down the stairs, make sure to not place my feet on the creaky places. Grabbing my rain coat, I let my feet glide in the boots as I ran outside my house, shutting the door behind me, careful to be not too loud.

I ran across the field towards the barn. Doing the necessary things and after a few seconds, I was on top of the horse, riding across the field and reached in the forest.

Rain started pouring down heavily and I cursed profanities under my breath. Why does it always have to rain whenever I enter into this forest?

I was riding inside it, hoping to find some mystic fog, or praying that something familiar comes into view. I was completely drenched in cold wet rain, but I couldn’t care. I needed him too much. I rided and rided and rided but it was just dark trees and there was no sign of a castle.

My heart sink, feeling dread and I stopped the horse under a large tree as shelter from the rain. The horse shook his head and I patted it, feeling guilty that I was making it ride in the rain. After a few seconds, I pulled out the small mirror and looked at it, hoping to see Jack but it showed nothing and immediately zoomed in on the red rose.

Only one petal left.

My heart broke into two and a stinging pain ran through my heart. I felt like I was being stabbed again and again, right in the middle of my broken heart and I couldn’t breathe. He must not die. He can’t die. He shouldn’t die. I need him. I need him so much. A cry left my lips, but they blended in with the cold rain that was hitting hard on my skin, almost bruising them.

I held the mirror tightly and pushed it into my pocket before riding across the forest again. It had been almost an hour now and I was sure that I was lost.

But, I didn’t give up. I was filled with determination as I rode feverishly, needing him. Tears flowed down continuously as the fear of losing him forever squeezed my heart, my lungs, making it really difficult to breathe. There were too many emotions flowing through me. Even the hot determination and worry I had for him seemed to warm the cold rain.

My sensitive skin was already numb from the feeling and hope filled when out of nowhere, white fog filled my vision. I closed my eyes, praying to God to guide me to the castle. I can’t let him die.

I opened my eyes after a few seconds and I was met with a dark gloomy castle. My heart soared and I jumped off the horse, holding onto the mirror tightly. I looked at it again, as I ran across the muddy castle ground, my eyes were constantly searching for him.

When I heard a loud howl of pain, I froze and turned to my left.

There he was.

Lying on the muddy ground, covered with mud and I felt like my foot were stuck to the ground.

In a freeze-frame, I was standing beside him, crouching down onto the floor as I stood beside him. His eyes widened a fraction on seeing me and I smiled, pulling his head to my lap as I rubbed his head, assuring him that I was here.

He opened his mouth to say something when a cry of pain escaped out of his lips, making my heart sting with intense pain. My lips quivered when his eyes landed on me.

“I’m going to join my family soon.”

“No! Don’t say that!” I shouted, as tears flowed down my eyes. I hugged him tightly. “How can you be so selfish? How can you think of leaving me?”

He smiled, painfully and I cried, as I could see the life in his eyes dying slowly.

“No! Don’t you dare leave me Jack!” I shouted, shaking him wildly as he looked at me. His hands reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before giving me a smile.

“I love…”

His voice died and my eyes widened.

“No. No. No. No! Jack! Jack!” I called out, shaking him but his eyes remained looking at me. They seemed distant. I couldn’t believe the situation I was in. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. My breaths come in gasps and I feel like I am going to black out. My heart sank and there was heavy pain flowing through my body.

“Jack!” I shook him and tears blurred my vision once again.

“Jack…” My voice died in my throat, collapsing right on top of him as the realisation dawned on me.

It’s too late.

He was gone.

It is in the moment that I realised that I no longer know how to feel. I am numb, yet somehow in agony. I long to be in his arms again. I want him back more than anything I have ever wanted. I have never felt so alone, so lost. And this was only the beginning, the beginning of the suffering, the pain, and the endless congo line of emotions that were in store for me.

He had turned every moment I had ever spent with him into painful memories. He turned me into this broken mess, even if I can’t see him ever again. His memories will stay with me for years.

He’s gone. He left. He is not here. I’m alone. He’s gone. He left. Where am I? What’s happening?—I can’t breathe. Where is he? Why? Did he have to go? Pain. Unbearable pain.



💔 asdfghjkl fuck. *cries*

All those silent readers out there, vote on this chap guys! I know I broke your heart but pretty pwease. 💙

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