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You awake feeling hungry and tired. Breakfast doesn't sit well inside your stomach and the classes you're forced to take are exhausting. A couple people fell asleep on their first day of classes just from staying up so late. It's slightly refreshing knowing you're not that bad.

Everyone begins maneuver gear training as quickly as possible. Balance is the first step to understanding how they work and only few are able to get the hang of it on their first try; Winona and Ballard are one of the few, obviously.

It's your turn now, and you try it out only to fall forward, almost slamming your head into the ground. An assistant to your right grabs some of the cords just before your nose slams into the dirt.

The captain signals the assistant. "Again."

You try again, almost doing the exact same thing as the first time you tried. Your legs feel numb as they dangle in the air and your torso begins to feel like lead. They move on to others and you make your way to the back of the crowd to avoid further attention.

It was going to be a long week.

~ ~

All of your friends got the hang of it but you couldn't. You couldn't get used to the stupid balance of the thing.

You slammed your cup down. "I need help."

Everyone at the table sighed. Seung munched down on his sandwich."Y/N, we've done everything we could."

Mika and the kid with the buzzcut (you still didn't know his name) avoided eye contact. Even Seung, a damn fourteen year-old, could balance better than you!

"Why not ask Ballard and Winona?"

You picture asking those two muscular gods. That was a big no-no. "I'll look stupid."

"You'll be kicked out if you can't get the hang of it!"

You debated inside your head.

"Okay, fine. How do I get them to help me?"

Seung laughed. "Ask them."

"Right now?"


You did. You were surprised by their answer, you were pretty sure they had no clue who you were. At night, they teach you how to balance. It's much easier than you were making it out to be, you couldn't believe how stupid you felt.

"Thank you."

Ballard took your hand and shook it. He reminded you of an old man trapped inside a teenage body-builder's body. Winona just gave a modest wave as you headed back to bed.

You got this.

Continue (Chapter 33)

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