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Your eyes glance across the bodies that don't move. Calum Buhari, Valencia Lowe and the Nameless boy stay. You two make eye contact and hold it for a moment, you smile sadly at him, following away with Mika and Seung. All three of you avoided looking back.

"The Military Police is on the left." You broke in, pointing in the direction of where some of the others traveled. Ballard and Winona both slowly made their way in that direction, a few others next to them.

"I know," Seung sighed softly, "I know."

You looked at him, his face rusting from the pain inside him. The wrinkles at the sides of his eyes made him look much older than he was. He gripped Mika's arm that rested on his, patting it softly. He continued with you and Mika to the Garrison area. He never left her side.

Continue (Chapter 74)

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