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Everyone in your group steps forward and spreads out. The people are all a mix of emotions.

You look over to Seung and Mika, watching between the crowds of people. You wave to them and their faces light up.

Some trainees begin taking off, shooting into the air. The Nameless boy next to you shoots for the building. You take a small step back before jumping, your 3D maneuver gear lurching you forward into the air. Your stomach does backflips as you soar, a smile cracking your lips. It's an amazing feeling. You've never felt anything like this before.

The hooks at the ends of the wires are attached to the roof and you expect a clean landing - if you get it right.

You land easily. You can't help but burst out in joy.

"Oh my god!" You say to no one in particular. The Nameless boy grins at your exasperated comment, getting a kick out of your attitude.

You watch the rest of the group finish before your high eventually wears off.

Continue (Chapter 49)

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