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Captain's whistle rings through your ears. The wind whisks past your shoulders, your body falling into the air with the movement of your gear. You pull out both blades, one in each hand. This was the badass part - if you did it right. Up ahead, you could see Winona getting the first slice of bread. The people directly behind her look pissed.

You swing for one of the unoccupied cutouts, someone following your idea behind you. Your eyes make out bright blonde hair, and it takes you an instant to recognize the figure as Valencia. She's much slower than you, and probably not as good at aim as you are, but the newly released information about her using sharp blades wasn't comforting. Especially since she was almost right up your ass.

You have less than a second to think of how you'll position the blade. The bread seems farther than you originally thought when you slide your arm out to its reach, cutting off a thick slice with the edge of the sword. Your heart leaps from your success.

Your eyes scan the area for any other titan cutouts available. You don't see any, so instead, you make your way to a lone tree and sit on one of its branches. You slide your blades back into the gear, thin screeching noises of the knife hitting against the metal. It was a nice sound.

The trees here weren't incredibly tall, but flying around with the gear made it feel like you were miles up in the air. The rest was a familiar feeling you never knew you loved.

"Nice job." Valencia said, perching herself up onto the tree opposite of yours. She smiled, her face filled with softness and self-pity. Her eye circles had gotten darker, her cheeks poofier.

How could she have hurt her brother?

"Valencia, can I ask you something?"

Valencia looked curious, her eyes frantically flicking from yours to the gear at her sides. Her blades had never left her gear.

"Yeah, anything, Y/N."

You open your mouth to speak when you're cut off by the sound of the Captain's whistle. You decided to talk later. Both of you take off for the Captain, a swarm of trainees joining you.


"Who were the trainees?" The Captain asked the crowd.

Everyone was back on the ground in the cold dew of the morning grass. A couple people in the crowd raised their hands, yours included. Your eyes scanned between bodies for faces and names you recognized. Two hands belonged to Winona and Ballard - not a surprise. One was Calum, his dark face covered in sweat and seriousness. The fourth hand belonged to a boy that you did not the name of, another to a girl you did not know either. You were the sixth. Seung, surprisingly, was the seventh. The Nameless boy was lost in the crowd, the eighth person to have gotten a titan cutout. Two more people should have risen their hands - there were ten cutouts in total. Was it possible that someone got more than one? Possibly three? Or did multiple people get multiple cutouts?

"Everyone who raised their hands, come to me. Everyone else is dismissed for lunch."

The crowds parted, people buzzing with conversation and arguments. The eight of you walked forward.

The Captain flipped through his notebook and clicked his pen frantically. "What are your names?"

Ballard was the first to speak. "Ballard Jesperson."

The Captains eyebrows raised as he scribbled down Ballard's name. He was obviously intrigued by Ballard, recognizing his last name as the same of an infamous Military Police retiree.

"Winona Wolfe."

Ballard and Winona left together after giving their names, both of them smiling silently to you as a congratulation. It's your turn to speak.

"Y/N L/N."

Others were left, Seung and Nameless boy stayed and waited their turn. Calum stood there, too, his body tense and confident. You left while listening to the last bit of names, but none were the Nameless boy's. Maybe one day you'd learn it.

Continue (Chapter 66)

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