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You race the others, your hair flying with the gusts of wind. What did Valencia do? What could have been so bad that Calum thought she was "psycho"?

You follow behind the swarm of trainees, all pushing against the current of the breeze to fight for the chance to be ranked highly.

Valencia is up ahead, following behind a boy that you only recognize. You charge for a titan cut-out that's deep within the trees. The branches whip past you, splatters of the late-night rain pouring from the leaves. You're so close, so, so close. You pull the blades out from your gear, balancing them in both of your hands; they're much heavier in the air than on the ground.

The cut-out is so close, the bread sitting and waiting for action.

Something moves in the corner of your eye. Someone is following you. You have less than a second to decide, what do you do?

Aim for the bread (Chapter 59)
Just swing the blade (Chapter 60)

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