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"Actually, no. I'm pretty excited."

Valencia frowned a little, upset by the fact that no one else was worried like her.

"You'll do great, though. It'll be fun."

Valencia nodded slowly, obviously unconvinced. She struggled to adjust the straps of your gear.

"I'm dividing groups." The Captain rang out before Winona could speak. "The groups will each get a try at landing on that platform."

All of the trainees looked toward a tall building that was only used for storage and practice. Ballard, Winona, Valencia and Calum were all in your group along with a few others. You watched as the first group made attempts to maneuver to the top of the building. A couple made it, others got the gear to work but not to pull up to the top of the building. It was a difficult task for the first try - jumping from a low point to a higher platform without any other buildings around.

Your stomach flipped while watching each person make attempts. You'd be in their shoes in just a minute.

"Next group, go."

You waited for everyone to inch forward before you, afraid of looking awkward. Winona got the guts to go first, running forward. Everyone watched as her gear pulled her up into the air, landing her onto the top of the building a little clumsily. Ballard and Calum took this at a cue to start, so they, too, attempted. You looked over to Valencia before moving for the building. Her eyes were fumbling over the walls of the structure, her fingers running across the gear on her sides. You gave her a little smile before you too took off.

Your maneuver gear picks you off the ground suddenly, pulling you high up into the air. You can see Winona and Ballard on the roof, helping up Calum after a stumble.

You can't help but smile because of the feeling. You were flying. Flying.

You adjust everything as needed, a nice and smooth glide through the air. It was an amazing feeling.

You land on the roof with the others - almost as well as Winona and Ballard. Winona gives you a high-five and Ballard ruffles your hair with his fist. Everything felt great. You watch as the rest of the people in your group make it to the roof.

Continue (Chapter 51)

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